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Чудо-женщина: 1984 (Wonder Woman 1984)

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Мне нравится ее костюмчик со шлемом в придачу) Хотя в нем она больше похожа на Орлицу из Лиги.
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Erik Davis

I’m so happy to report that Wonder Woman 1984 is an absolute blast from start to finish. An exceptional compliment to the first film, it’s stuffed w/ heart, hope, love, action, romance & humor. Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot & team delivered one of DC's best sequels. I was in tears when it ended.

Dorian Parks

I had the chance watch Wonder Woman1984 early! I loved the first film and I can confidently say the sequel take everything to another level! Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig absolutely kill it as Maxwell Lord and Cheetah. Let Patty Jenkins take charge of the entire DCEU!

Brandon Davis

I've seen Wonder Woman 1984! Patty Jenkins literally made an 80s movie in every way, making it so unique for today. It feels both bigger than the first WW while simultaneously more contained. Lots of Diana Prince and some epic Wonder Woman moments as Gal Gadot literally soars!


Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig are the highlights of Wonder Woman 1984 for me. Pascal goes ALL IN on a wild portrayal of Max Lord, a conflicted but vile villain. Wiig's Cheetah evolution throughout the movie is heartbreaking yet epic. We need more!

Amy Ratcliffe

I got to watch Wonder Woman 1984 yesterday and... honestly it’s just what I needed. What we all need. It’s uplifting, hopeful, and so utterly Wonder Woman. Just a beautiful film with themes that hit you right in the heart.

Jenna Busch

Watched Wonder Woman 1984 last night at a virtual press event! It was wonderful! Kristen Wiig is phenomenal as Barbara, the opening 10 minutes will bring tears to your eyes ...I absolutely loved it! Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot knock it out of the park!
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опа, так о двух минутах Паскаля врали и его намного больше?)) ох уж эти инсайдеры))
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ничего нового - твиттер как обычно хвалит


Let Patty Jenkins take charge of the entire DCEU!
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Не не, пусть свою Клеопатру снимает. DC Ганну отдавайте. Больше некому пока что
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А в итоге кино на 6 баллов будет в лучшем случае. Сила и независимость они такие, умножают качество любого фильма у особо впечатлительных граждан с американ твиттора.
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Perri Nemiroff

I prefer Wonder Woman to Wonder Woman 1984. But I also much prefer seeing filmmakers take new, big swings with sequels and that’s definitely what Patty Jenkins and co. do here. Not everything adds up, but the value of selflessness, love and compassion do shine through.

Eric Eisenberg

Huge news: Wonder Woman 1984 is fantastic! The story is excellent & has a great, timely message; it packs in a ton of surprises; and amazing work is done with both Cheetah & Max Lord (Wiig & Pascal are both stellar). Get hyped, because it's the real deal.

Eric Goldman

I’ve seen Wonder Woman 1984 and it’s really strong. There are several powerful and, ahem, wonderful moments in it and it ultimately it’s a film that plays so well for the notably turbulent era it’s opening in thanks to its message and inspiring hero. The cast is all terrific and Jenkins continues to be a perfect match as director. I do think one villain gets a much stronger third act than the other and wanted more for the other character in a couple of respects but overall the movie works really well.

Jim Vejvoda

I saw Wonder Woman 1984 yesterday. It was a lot of fun and has a very heartwarming and hopeful message that, frankly, we really need this year.
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Думаю, что это будет ничем не выдающийся, но и правда неплохой "a lot of marvel fun" сиквел.

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Josh Horowitz

The highest compliment I can pay Wonder Woman 1984 is that it at times felt like a lost film from the Richard Donner era of superhero films. Plenty to love in this one. I have some exciting stuff cooking with the cast and Patty Jenkins. Stay tuned!



Had a chance to screen Wonder Woman 1984 last night. It's a nostalgic romp through Diana's lore with deep cuts for hardcore fans but light enough for families to watch with their kids over the holidays.


Nathaniel Brail

Saw Wonder Woman 1984 and got to chat with Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins last night. Loved the movie. So much fun, humor and heart. The action outdoes the first and the message it sends really hits home. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine crush it again.


Mike Rougeau

I HAVE SEEN Wonder Woman 1984 and can now share some thoughts! It's absolutely delightful and a wonderful movie for this moment in time. It made me feel things (a rare feat these days). Chris Pine's return is done well and makes sense. Gal is of course a goddess. I also want to note that Kristen is great but Pedro almost steals the show. Dude goes HARD.


Germain Lussier

Yesterday I saw Wonder Woman 1984 at home & it was everything I needed & more. The movie is hugely ambitious, incredibly exciting, and full of much needed hope. It's also very long, to a fault at times, but mostly it reminded me how wonderful a big blockbuster can make you feel.


Terri Schwartz

I was lucky enough to be among the first to (finally!) get to screen Wonder Woman 1984. I adored it. The first Wonder Woman is my favorite of the modern DC films, and WW84 makes all the smart next steps, telling a very human and very beautiful story for Diana Prince.


I think what surprised me most was that the message WW84 leaves you with feels even more important to hear at the end of this year in a way Patty Jenkins couldn’t have predicted when she made it. Also, it just is so exciting to have big, joyful, blockbuster movies coming out again



Our own JimmyO rode the lightning for a WONDER of a movie! Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot have done it again! Wonder Woman 1984 is a glorious success! From it’s breathtaking opening sequence to the refreshingly original final act, there is much to rejoice in. Gadot perfectly captures the essence of Wonder Woman once again! Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig are brilliantly cast. And yes, Chris Pine‘s unusual and inspired return is a huge bonus, both with humor and heart!


Wonder Woman 1984 is a joyful, thrilling and engaging sequel, one that manages to connect to what worked the first time around, yet it’s still uniquely its own thing. Emotional, hilarious and exciting, perhaps even better than the first.


Hoai-Tran Bui

WONDER WOMAN 1984 is — forgive the term — wonderful. It doubles down on the compassion and cheese that made the first so great, as well as its tenacious belief in the best of humanity. A magical, sorely needed beacon of hope in this year. Pedro Pascal is serving a ham feast, Kristen Wiig is magnetic as hell, and Gal Gadot and Chris Pine give us the kind of windswept classic Hollywood romance that I could watch forever.


It’s definitely on the long side, and sometimes slathers on so much cheese that it might be a health hazard, but it’s the kind of aspirational superhero blockbuster that we need more of


Meagan Damore

Honored to have been among the first press to see Wonder Woman 1984! I enjoyed the first film, but I loved WW84 even more. Although I wish we'd gotten the change to see it earlier, the movie came out at possibly the perfect time for its hope, optimism and message. I'm not a big crier, but I felt myself tearing up at two points in this film -- for very different reasons. Wonder Woman 1984 knows how to land those emotional gut punches in between all the fun and cheer-worthy action.


All of the villains are so wonderfully layered. Kristin Wiig excels in the role of Barbara Minerva/Cheetah. The chemistry between her and Gal Gadot's Diana is unreal. Pedro Pascal adds a lot of fun as Maxwell Lord, but even he is more than he appears.


Wonder Woman 1984 was worth the wait. Between the stunning visuals and resonant emotional beats, it's a piece brimming with charm and confidence. I sincerely hope it's an experience we can all share together in a theater someday.


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На HBO MAX отменят бесплатный пробный период до выхода ЧЖ84.
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Эмбарго на рецензии до 15 декабря
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Первые отзывы всегда можно делить на два.
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Все что нужно знать про подобные отзывы на примере одного журналиста


Бен Меклер. Юморист, который пишет фейковые твиты, где в поток шаблонных хвалебных фраз вставляет какую-нибудь рандомную дичь. Фильмы эти он, конечно, на самом деле не видел. На него постоянно ведутся всякие сайты, которые не глядя выкладывают в виде новости подборки первых реакций всех подряд из твиттера.
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В том то и юмор. Это пародия на все эти первые восторженные твиты "лучшие со времен"

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Cinemark приглашает в кинотеатры
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Wonder Woman 1984 is spectacularly fun. A blockbuster with lots to value. Tonally reminiscent of the SUPERMAN movies in the best spots. Delivers a different kind of empowering kick than the original. Sentiments & themes are thoroughly enriching. Action sequences, sublime.
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Урал дрифтует.
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Не очень нравится
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Возвращение к сериальным истокам:lol:

какой ужас:sad:

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