Basically, what I wanted to say in Terminator 2 was that everything is meant to be a certain way, everything has already been written. You can call it karma or destiny, whatever. So I asked myself a hypothetical question: what if you could you grab a line of history like it's a rope stretched between two points, and just pull it out of the way? If you can pull it just a little bit out of the way then cut it at that moment, maybe you could change it and history could go in a slightly different direction. Like the catastrophe theory. If you could actually do that you would get a future that no longer exists except in the memories of the people who are here now. They have a memory of a future that will never happen, which is curious, because it defies our Newtonian view of the world. But couldn't it be possible? That became my point of departure. It's like the Terminator is an anomaly of our time because he's the only one who has memories of a time that will never exist. His particular future does not exist anymore.
Кэмерон именно здесь не говорит о какой-то четкой теории. "Я задал себе гипотетический вопрос" и постоянно, а что если, тогда то-то. Он понимает, что его теория (возможная) отрицает общепринятую, но вдруг она возможна. То есть слова - "возможно" и "если" основополагающие здесь.
Он действительно использовал это находку для фильма, но это не значит, что мы все должны ее полностью понимать и не относиться, как к фантастике.