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Корона (The Crown)

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Тут вовсю идёт рекаст для третьего сезона уже. Давно было известно, что Елизаветой станет Оливия Колман, в начале января на Маргарет утвердили Хелену Бонэм-Картер, сегодня появилась информация, что переговоры о роли Филипа ведёт Пол Беттани.

В общем, жирно.

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Из-за чего решили рекастнуть?
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Из-за чего решили рекастнуть?


Возраст персонажей. Нужны более возрастные актёры.

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Из-за чего решили рекастнуть?


Это был изначальный план. Актёров рекастят через каждые два сезона.

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А известно когда выйдет третий сезон??
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Не знаю насколько велика разница в гонорарах, но пусть будет - https://styler.rbc.ua/rus/zvyozdy/izvestnaya-aktrisa-prokommentirovala-skandal-1522079909.html


Известная актриса прокомментировала скандал вокруг гендерной разницы в зарплатах


Английская актриса Клер Фой, известная ролью Елизаветы II в сериале "Корона", призналась, что не собиралась устраивать скандал из-за неравной оплаты труда по сравнению с ее коллегой по проекту Мэттом Смитом. Из-за скандала поклонники шоу призывали Смита пожертвовать часть гонорара в поддержку борьбы с сексуальными домогательствами. Об этом сообщает Variety. "Я не удивлена интересу публики к этой истории, так как это все же был проект, в центре сюжета которого женщина. Меня не удивляет, что зрители, прочитавшие об этом, подумали: "А это и правда странно". Но и я, и Мэтт ощущаем себя не очень комфортно, оказавшись совершенно против нашей воли в эпицентре событий", - сказала актриса. Студия Left Bank Pictures, которая занималась съемками "Короны", обратилась к Фой и Смиту с извинениями. "Мы хотим извиниться перед Клер Фой и Мэттом Смитом, блестящими актерами и нашими друзьями, которые оказались в центре медиа-шторма на этой неделе и вовсе не по своей вине. Клер и Мэтт - невероятно одаренные актеры, которые вместе с другими участниками "Короны" неустанно работали, чтобы вдохнуть жизнь в наших персонажей", - отмечается в официальном заявлении.

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Беттани переговоры вёл, вёл, да не вывел.


Новым Филипом стал Тобиас Мензис.

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В отличие от моих любимых британских сериалов ("Торчвуд", тот же "Шерлок", некоторые сезоны "Доктора Кто") в этом сериале повествование довольно неспешное, но он мне неожиданно понравился.


Читаю новости про третий сезон: он выйдет в 2019 году, многие рассчитывают на ноябрь-декабрь. Третий и четвёртый сезон вроде как снимают вместе. По слухам, Камилла будет ещё с третьего сезона, но Диана появится только в четвёртом.


Интересный кастинг Хелены Бонэм Картер на роль принцессы Маргарет, будет интересно посмотреть на неё в этой роли.

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Третий сезон ещё не вышел (ждём в этом году , но точной даты по-прежнему нет), однако уже начался подбор актёров в четвёртый. И роль Дианы Спенсер, будущей Леди Ди, досталась Эмме Коррин, у которой до сего момента в послужном списке значатся лишь одна короткометражка и один эпизод "Гранчестера".



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Сюда не кидали, еще поэтому вот: Оливия Колман и Эдмур Талли Тобайас Мензис в образах.


Еще утвердили Андерсон на роль Тэтчер. На съемках засветился старина Чарльз Дэнс (играет дядю Филиппа)



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Премьера 3-го сезона 17 ноября

Изменено 13.08.2019 21:47 пользователем Dracula5
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Новости хорошие, а видео не видно.
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Entertainment Weekly




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Оливия Колман все же чудо как хороша.

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Трейлер третьего сезона
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Первостепенная задача создателя "Короны" Питера Моргана - сделать 3-й сезон таким, чтобы он выглядел как одно и то же шоу, но со всеми новыми актерами



“Age is rarely kind to anyone… nothing one can do about it. One just has to get on with it,” says Olivia Colman’s Queen Elizabeth in a new behind-the-scenes video on season three of The Crown.


Colman, Helena Bonham Carter, who plays Princess Margaret, Tobias Menzies, who plays Prince Philip all discuss the new season of Netflix’s royal drama alongside creator Peter Morgan and exec producer Suzanne Mackie.


Morgan added that he had “no doubts” as to whether Oscar winner Colman could replace Claire Foy. “It was just amazing to watch. The new cast didn’t bother me, it was how to make the new cast feel like it was the same show. I just wanted to feel it was seamless and I think it does.”


Colman added, “I was such a fan of season one and two, the writing is beautiful and I was thrilled to see that it had carried on being just as good.”


Mackie highlighted the complicated mother son relationship as an “ extraordinary” part of the new season.


The Left Bank-produced series launches on Netflix on November 17. This comes nearly two years on from the second season of the British drama, which launched on December 8, 2017.


Written by Morgan, Season 3 of The Crown starts in 1964 as a new guard sweeps into Downing Street and the Queen and her family struggle to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing Britain. From Cold War paranoia, through to the jet-set and the space age – the exuberance of the 1960s and the long hangover of the 1970s – Elizabeth and the Royals must adapt to a new, more liberated, but also more turbulent world.


It will cover events such as the rise of the Beatles and England winning the soccer World Cup in 1966. Characters such as Camilla Parker Bowles will also start to emerge in the next season.


Ben Daniels (The Exorcist) plays Antony Armstrong-Jones, Parker Bowles is played by Call the Midwife‘s Emerald Fennell, and Prince Charles by Josh O’Connor. Marion Bailey (Allied) plays the Queen Mother, Erin Doherty is Princess Anne, Jason Watkins is Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Charles Dance is Lord Mountbatten.

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Посмотрел 6 серий, все очень скучно, ноль интриги и драматургия такая себе может чуть большая чем в жизни простого человека, вобщем обычный пересказ фактов, не знаю почему в интернетах хвалили Клер Фой в роли королевы, имхо она никакая, ее можно заменить на любую рандомную женщину и ничего не изменится. Разочарован, наверное все с сериалом.
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Обзор 3-го сезона: жемчужина "Короны" продолжает ослеплять




In an era of prestige television, Netflix’s The Crown towers over the competition. One of the most expensive shows on television, it comes right up to the line of being a parody of prestige TV with its lavish production values and serious drama without ever toppling over. The first two seasons explored the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign as she struggled between her personal desires and the cold, harsh duty of the crown. Season three begins in the mid-1960s with a new cast to play slightly older roles. The older actors add a new dimension as their fixed beliefs become even more of a liability in a rapidly changing world. Although Elizabeth, Phillip, and others still question themselves, the major conflict that continue to permeate the show is between individuality and modernity running up against duty and tradition. With every element of the show remaining as impressive as ever, The Crown continues to shine as a riveting period drama.


Picking up in the mid-1960s and running to the late 1970s, Queen Elizabeth II (Olivia Colman) is now a “settled sovereign” who has finally found her footing with her acerbic and judgmental husband Prince Phillip (Tobias Menzies). However, the old conflicts still remain as Princess Margaret’s (Helena Bonham Carter) marriage to Lord Snowdon (Ben Daniels) inevitably deteriorates and a new conflict begins to arise with the young Prince Charles (Josh O’Connor), who sees his desire for individuality reflected in the abdicated King Edward (Derek Jacobi). These royal conflicts exist along a tumultuous England that’s becoming more modern and its political landscape more fractious. Against this backdrop, Elizabeth resolves that her duty as Queen means the only way forward for the monarchy is to completely ignore personal desire.


The Crown distinguishes itself from other prestige television of the age through its willingness to still be episodic when the narrative calls for it, and in these standalone episodes showrunner Peter Morgan finds some of his strongest material. The third episode of the season, “Aberfan”, is absolutely devastating as it recounts the Aberfan disaster in Wales that left 116 children dead. The show can also surprise as the Phillip-centric episode “Moondust” seems like it will be more of his brooding dissatisfaction and instead becomes an impressive look at how religion and science both provide a role in trying to imbue our lives with meaning and both can come up short in that regard. While some may prefer the relentless serialization of the modern prestige drama, I like that I can just sit with an episode of The Crown and enjoy what each episode has to say. Morgan and his excellent crew of directors feel like they’ve crafted each story to a mirror shine rather than just saying, “It’s one long movie,” as if that’s any indicator of quality.


But for those looking for a little serialization in their stories, they’ll find it with the Prince Charles storyline that promises an intense fourth season (filming is already underway and it’s likely to premiere in about a year’s time). The entire new cast acquits themselves well at their roles, but Josh O’Connor is the standout as the soft-spoken, sensitive young Prince of Wales who only sees the burden of being future king rather than the responsibility. He’s not appreciated for who he is by anyone other than his sister, Anne (Erin Doherty), and sees the monarchy as antithetical to both himself and the future. The tragedy that hangs over him isn’t just his feelings for Camilla Shand (Emerald Fennell), but also our knowledge as viewers of how so much is sacrificed for him to be king even though decades later he still hasn’t achieved that title, and when he does, it will be for a relatively short period.


Morgan’s incisive critique of the monarchy isn’t so much that it shouldn’t exist, but that there exists a central irony at the core of the crown’s behavior. The crown is supposed to act with the long view of history. It outlives everyone, so it must remain steady and firm. But as Season 3 hammers home with both Margaret and Charles, the Crown frequently acts with only a short-term perspective that ends up having long-term negative repercussions. The attempts to maneuver past scandal with Margaret and Peter Townsend and now with Charles and Camilla creates far more wreckage than if the Crown had simply acquiesced to the personal happiness of these figures. The long shadow of the abdication hangs over everything, but it also blinds Elizabeth and her cohorts to the consequences of their actions.


Morgan’s continued emphasis on larger themes makes The Crown a richer experience than a voyeuristic look at the royal family. The show never questions whether or not the monarchy should even exist, but instead takes it as a given and then works from there, which allows Morgan to view these characters as real people rather than tabloid fodder. He is sympathetic, but to a point, and while Season 3 feels more like an ensemble than the Elizabeth-driven first two seasons, the show has lost none of its richness or power. While Netflix encourages its viewers to binge programming, the streaming giant’s best show requires more patience and thoughtfulness. The Crown may put the “prestige” in “prestige television”, but it earns every dazzling moment.


All 10 episodes of Season 3 of The Crown premiere on Netflix on Sunday, November 17th.

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Имелда Стонтон сыграет королеву Елизавету II в 5 и 6 сезонах "Короны".




Netflix has addressed a report in the British Daily Mail that Imelda Staunton will be taking over for Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth II in seasons 5 and 6 of critically praised drama series The Crown.


“We are currently filming season 4 of The Crown but have not commissioned any further seasons as yet, therefore any news on casting remains pure speculation,” a Netflix spokesperson said in a statement.


The Crown was renewed through Season 4, but has not yet gotten an official green light for seasons 5 and 6.


Season 3 of The Crown, which recently launched on Netflix, starts in 1963 and covers events such as the rise of the Beatles and England winning the soccer World Cup in 1966. Characters such as Camilla Parker Bowles also start to emerge in season 3. This is the first season for Colman as the Queen. She took over for Claire Foy, who played the role in the first two seasons.


Staunton is known for her portrayal of Dolores Umbridge in the Harry Potter franchise. She can currently be seen in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and the Downton Abbey film. She recently starred opposite Martin Freeman in ITV drama A Confession.

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Конечно, память об образе Амбридж в сочетании с тем, что история Дианы вроде как раз придется на 5 и 6 сезоны, может сыграть злую шутку с восприятием Королевы.


Но выбор актрисы мне нравится


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3-й сезон вышел очень скучным.

Колман выглядит какой-то растерянной и слишком человечной.. быть может они сознательно лепили такой образ, но это было совершенно зря.

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Хотя тема БКС мне всегда была интересна, "Корону" я как-то обходила стороной и наверное не зря - из первых 4 серий зашла только вторая и то больше из-за эмоциональных событий, которые выжали из меня пару слёз. А в целом - скучновато. неторопливо, для фона - самое то. Черчилль - пока лучший. Мэтт Смит чудовищно напоминает принца Гарри и внешне, и по поведению. Клэр Фой в некоторых мометах сильно напоминает Хелену нашу БК (забавно, что ее взяли в итоге на роль Маргарет). Надеюсь, последняя оживит 3й сезон если я до него доползу. А вот 4-6 я очень даже жду - интересно взглянуть на очередную интерпретацию событий треугольника Диана-Чарльз-Камилла.
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Клэр Фой вернется в 4-м сезоне (в образе королевы Елизаветы II)





Word on the street is Claire Foy will be returning to The Crown in Season 4. Foy portrayed Queen Elizabeth II in the first two seasons of the the Netflix series which charted Elizabeth acceding the throne and her first years as the head of the royal family and figurehead of an empire. The first season also starred Matt Smith (Doctor Who) as her husband, Prince Phillip, Vanessa Kirby (Hobbs & Shaw) as Princess Margaret, and John Lithgow as Winston Churchill.


Long before Season 2 came to an end, it was known that Foy and many of her fellow castmates would have their roles recast to reflect the aging royal family. Additionally, the pattern of a new cast of royals taking over every two seasons for as long as the show runs was also confirmed. Fans have experienced this first changeover with the recent release of Season 3, which sees Oscar winner Olivia Colman take over for Foy, Tobias Menzies (Outlander) take over for Smith, Helena Bonham Carter take over for Kirby, and so on and so forth.


According to The Wrap Foy’s absence from the show didn’t last long because she was reportedly spotted (via photos from The Daily Mail) on the set of Season 4, which is currently filming. Foy was seen wearing a white dress and pearls, an outfit that most closely resembles the outfit the real Elizabeth wore for her 21st birthday speech. Given Foy’s presence on set and the possible recreation of this important moment from Elizabeth’s life, it seems Season 4 will include a flashback scene of this moment. It’s unclear if Foy will appear in any other flashback scenes. It’s additionally just as unclear how this particular flashback will work into the overall arc of Season 4. Netflix has yet to comment on Foy’s return.


But just because we don’t know how Foy’s flashback fits in, it doesn’t mean we’re entirely clueless about what to expect in Season 4. Season 3 ended in 1977 on the occasion of Elizabeth’s Bicentennial Celebration and the Winter of Discontent charting the end of Margaret’s marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon. Season 4 will pick up in the 1980s, which means we’ll see an even more modern monarchy as well as the introduction of Princess Diana and the United Kingdom’s first female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.


The Crown Season 3 is currently available to stream on Netflix along with the previous two seasons. Make sure to check out our glowing review of Season 3 while you binge.

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Хороший третий сезон, пожалуй, лучше второго зашёл, но первый за счёт своей цельности для меня так пока и лучший.

Колман хороша, спору нет, но в её случае не чувствуешь корреляции с Фой, даже если это и задумка показасть разные восприятия Елизаветы в разных возрастах, а вот Мензис, ХБК и Дэниелс как раз таки отлично развивают заложенное Смитом, Кирби и Гудом.

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