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Освобождение (Emancipation)

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...съемки фильма, которые должны были стартовать 21 июня, перенесли в Луизиану

Лишь бы производство не задерживалось. Тот раб как раз из Луизианы и бежал. Всё к лучшему.

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Apple Studios’ runaway-slave thriller Emancipation starring Will Smith is suspending filming following a small number of positive Covid tests among the hundreds of crew working on the movie in Louisiana.


I hear the cast and crew were just notified about the hiatus, which starts tomorrow and is expected to last approximately five days. Done out of abundance of caution, it comes about two weeks into the shoot of the high-profile movie, directed by Antoine Fuqua from a William N. Collage script. This is the latest Hollywood production to pause filming due to positive tests in the past few weeks as the country is grappling with a new Covid wave fueled by the high contagious Delta strain.

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К Смиту присоединились Бен Фостер, Чармэйн Бингва, Гилберт Овуор и Мустафа Жакир



Foster will play Fassel, who doggedly pursues any enslaved person who attempts to flee to freedom, including Peter.


Bingwa was cast as Peter’s beloved wife Dodienne. Owuor will play Gordon, an enslaved man working at the same camp as Peter, with Skakir portraying Cailloux, a free Black man who serves in the Union Army.

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Опять задержки, теперь из-за урагана Ида.

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It has been a long, miserable day by the time Will Smith makes his way through the Louisiana mud past hundreds of extras. A positive (false, as it turned out) COVID test on set this morning meant a new round of nasal swabs for everyone. And a series of thunderstorms has delayed today’s shoot for hours—a 30-minute pause is mandated each and every time that lightning strikes, and there have already been dozens.


Nothing has been easy about the making of Emancipation, an Apple TV+ project that tells the story of “Whipped Peter,” the Black man whose tattered back is depicted in one of the most famous photos of an enslaved American. The movie was originally slated to shoot in Georgia, but filming was relocated in response to the state’s attempt to pass new voting restrictions. The current location, deep in the muck about an hour from New Orleans, requires a near daily battle with the terrain. By the time I showed up in mid-July, production was already behind schedule. “We’re at the mercy of Mother Nature,” director Antoine Fuqua told me. “The heat, rainstorms, lightning, mosquitoes, the swamp with alligators.”


And then, of course, there is the subject matter. As I watch the filming from a few feet away, Smith stands beneath a massive railway bridge the enslaved men are being forced to construct. Smoke from the nearby campfires sticks to the skyline above, and the camera catches Smith’s character conspiring in whispers with his fellow workers about how they might find freedom, just out of earshot of their Confederate captors.


“I’ve always avoided making films about slavery,” Smith had told me about an hour earlier as we sat in a production trailer. “In the early part of my career… I didn’t want to show Black people in that light. I wanted to be a superhero. So I wanted to depict Black excellence alongside my white counterparts. I wanted to play roles that you would give to Tom Cruise. And the first time I considered it was Django. But I didn’t want to make a slavery film about vengeance.”


Emancipation is different. It would be a disservice to think of it as a “slavery movie,” Smith explained to me. It’s going to be a David Lean–style epic, he said, with the flavor of an action flick. More Apocalypto than 12 Years a Slave. The story itself is not (just) about the dehumanizing violence of slavery, it’s also about perseverance. Peter is believed to have escaped the Confederacy in 1863 after a harrowing 10-day journey through the Louisiana bayou, joined Lincoln’s army, and then returned to the South to help free those he’d left behind. It’s a difficult story to tell, an even harder one to tell well, and exactly the type that, at this juncture in his life and career, the 53-year-old Smith is yearning to put out into the world.


“This was one that was about love and the power of Black love,” Smith said. “And that was something that I could rock with. We were going to make a story about how Black love makes us invincible.”

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Уилл Смит пропагандист:

So ‘critical race theory,’ just call it ‘truth theory,’ ” Smith said. "Anybody who tries to debate Black Lives Matter looks ridiculous. So when I talk about the marketing of our ideas, Black Lives Matter was perfection.”

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Премьера вроде бы должна состояться до конца 2022 года.
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Премьера вроде бы должна состояться до конца 2022 года.

Перенесли на следующий год

While Apple has not shared an official date, one source familiar with the situation said “it’s the unspoken truth” that the action-drama will not hit the platform in 2022. However, the same source also revealed there have been ongoing internal discussions between Apple executives and the filmmakers on how a release in the fall could move forward, but it seems highly unlikely.

In the weeks leading up to this year’s Oscars, the buzz was already grumbling in circles regarding “Emancipation.” One filmmaker, who asked to remain anonymous, told Variety before the Academy Awards that they saw early footage from the film: “Will’s going to win back-to-back.” At the time, the quote was referencing his upcoming best actor win for “King Richard.”
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подписал себе Смит приговор
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Перенесли на следующий год

2 новости, плохая и хорошая.

После инцидента перенос был ожидаем, а закулисные комментарии вселяют надежду на качественное кино.

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подписал себе Смит приговор

уже пофиг, Оскар в кармане.

Сабж теперь напрягать ради этого необязательно

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уже пофиг, Оскар в кармане.

Сабж теперь напрягать ради этого необязательно

Просто из-за "отмены" Смита другие пострадать могут. Фукуа наверное тоже давно об Оскаре мечтает, а тут кино как раз подходящее...

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уже пофиг, Оскар в кармане.

Сабж теперь напрягать ради этого необязательно

Оскар лишним не бывает


Просто из-за "отмены" Смита другие пострадать могут. Фукуа наверное тоже давно об Оскаре мечтает, а тут кино как раз подходящее...
вот вот
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Оператор не кто иной как Роберт Ричардсон.
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По словам Фукуа, это «лучший фильм, который он снял»
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По словам Фукуа, это «лучший фильм, который он снял»

Вот здесь в это очень хочется верить. Остальные проекты Фукуа мне как-то не очень, а этот может действительно стать его вершиной. Сама тема располагает.

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По словам Фукуа, это «лучший фильм, который он снял»

Увидеть бы в этом году...

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По словам Фукуа, это «лучший фильм, который он снял»
только прогресса у режа в течение 20 лет нет вообще и Training Day так и остаётся его лучшим фильмом
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только прогресса у режа в течение 20 лет нет вообще и Training Day так и остаётся его лучшим фильмом

Это так. Но как ремесленник он норм.

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Композитор Марсело Зарвос.
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Больше чем Лёне за Скорсезе и Питту за Формулу 1

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Премьера может состояться в этом году

Another epic Apple title, Emancipation, has in numerous reports been scratched from the upcoming awards-season race because of last year’s Best Actor winner Will Smith’s moment of Oscarcast infamy. But the film was never dated by Apple, and we hear Emancipation might very well make its debut on Apple TV+ later this year or early next year after all. The picture is complete, and sources said it has been tested numerous times and gotten very high scores.

While Smith was banned a decade by the Academy, The Dish has heard that Emancipation is the best film director Antoine Fuqua has made since Training Day. The film could factor in awards season in that fashion. Smith turns in a bravura performance, but the question is whether he might take himself out of contention as actor and producer. It has long been expected that Smith would do a high profile mea culpa with Oprah Winfrey or someone else, but nothing has been firmed.
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Премьера в этом году?! Похрен уже всем на эту пощёчину. Подумаешь (чёрные разборки). Покажите на большом экране, как белые рабовладельцы лупят Смита плетью и гонят собаками по лесам и болотам Луизианы, и ему простят всё и вся. До встречи на следующем Оскаре! Изменено 30.07.2022 04:18 пользователем Дормидонт Евлампиевич
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