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Проект Адам (The Adam Project)

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Шон Леви


Авторы сценария

Т.С. НаулинДжонатан Троппер

Дженнифер ФлэкеттМарк Левин



Тобиас Э. Шлисслер



Роб Симонсен



Дон ГрэйнджерРайан Рейнольдс

Дэвид ЭллисонШон ЛевиДэна Голдберг






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Марк РуффалоЗои СалданаКэтрин Кинер


Дженнифер ГарнерАлекс Маллари мл.

Премьера — 11 марта 2022

Чтобы спасти будущее, Адам Рид (Рейнольдс) отправляется в прошлое, где, заручившись поддержкой самого себя в 12 лет (Скобелл), должен найти своего отца (Руффало), блестящего физика, создавшего технологию путешествия во времени, которую похитила злодейка Майя Сориан (Кинер)

Жанр — фантастика, боевик, комедия, приключения

Время — 106 мин

Рейтинг — PG-13

Изменено 01.05.2022 21:00 пользователем DandyAndy
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Права на фильм приобрел Netflix
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Нетфликс продолжает по кусочку отгрызать от Парамаунтов. Прально, прально, они же не удавы чтобы целиком проглатывать. Да и удовольствие растягивать никто не запрещал.:D
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Ryan Reynolds Launches Diversity Program "The Group Effort Initiative"

The Group Effort Initiative is eyeing Reynolds’ untitled time travel adventure feature as its first project. That thriller is being directed by Shawn Levy for Netflix and Skydance and is prepping for a fall shoot in Vancouver, Canada. The project’s production standing, however, is dependent on the state of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Новые подробности от That Hashtag Show

Back in May, That Hashtag Show exclusively reported that Ryan Reynolds and Free Guy director Shawn Levy are teaming up for an untitled Time Travel Project. We now have more casting details from this project.



SYNOPSIS: Adam Reed, age 13, and still grieving the sudden death of his father a year earlier, walks into his garage one night to find a wounded pilot hiding there. This mysterious pilot (RYAN REYNOLDS) turns out to be the older version of HIMSELF from the future, where time travel is in its infancy. He has risked everything to come back in time on a secret mission and together they must embark on an adventure into the past to find their father, set things right, and save the world.

The synopsis is unchanged from the last time we reported on it, which is a good thing; it means the film has some continuity story-wise. As for the idea, it’s a great one that combines the tried and true genre of time-travel with something like an action adventure, coming of age story.


The New Characters From This Ryan Reynolds Project

[CHRISTOS – OPEN GENDER] Male or female, 40s, open ethnicity (BIPOC, Indigenous, East Asian, South Asian, MENA, etc.). Please submit actors 5’11" and above. This role needs to be played by someone highly physical, martial arts or fighting skills a plus (please denote in submission notes). Christos is “the muscle”; Sorian’s loyal right-hand man/woman and TAC pilot. Should have a memorable face that stands out in a crowd. Tough but not in the thick-neck cliche kind of way. SUPPORTING.


[RAY DOLLARHYDE] Male, 14 years old, Caucasian. A kid who’s been shaving since he was 10, thrives in his role as the school bully, and loves chasing after one of his favorite targets… Adam. SUPPORTING.


[DR. RADCLIFFE] Male, 50s, open ethnicity. Adam’s school guidance counselor. He’s had a soft spot for Adam since his dad passed. They’ve developed a rapport, considering Adam has been in his office multiple times for fighting. He tries to connect with Adam to no avail…15 lines, 2 scenes.

So far from the looks of it we have some of the help that Reynolds’ character Adam is going to get throughout the film. It looks to be a diverse cast of characters that help out the two Adams in their quest.


More Characters That Add To The Story Of The Untitled Ryan Reynolds Project

[DEREK] Male, 40s, open ethnicity. Ellie’s colleague and date. He comes back to Ellie’s house for a drink but is scared off by her rude son, Adam…2 lines, 1 scene.


[PAUL – OPEN GENDER] Male or female, 30s to 40s, open ethnicity. Bartender at The Taphouse. He/She has a friendly rapport with Ellie, as she’s become somewhat a familiar face after her husband’s death…6 lines, 1 scene.


[TEACHER] Male or female, 50s to 60s, open ethnicity. Adam’s science teacher, who talks to him about his latest invention that’s gone wrong…4 lines, 1 scene.


[LISA] Female, 14 years old, open ethnicity. Sweet, pretty, and totally out of Adam’s league but is impressed and interested by his invention…2 lines, 1 scene.


[LAB TECH] Male or female, 20s to 30s, open ethnicity. A lab tech working at Sorian’s mission control. He/She tells Sorian that someone has taken the entire system offline…3 lines, 1 scene.

These characters might all be ancillary characters that only have a couple lines or scenes. The descriptions give us a more accurate picture of the character of Adam though. The kid is obviously smart and makes inventions. They also mention a character of Sorian who might be the antagonist from the looks of it. We’ll have to see when the film comes out. It’s due to start filming to shoot in November to Mid-March of 2021 in Vancouver, BC.


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Интересный кастинг-лист.


На все роли готовы взять человека любой расы.

И только школьный задира обязан быть белым :rolleyes:

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Судя по информации на сайте Creative BC, съемки в Канаде стартуют в понедельник и продлятся до 8 марта


Local Production Company: Toonie Productions, ULC

Executive Producer: George Dewey, Mary McLaglen, Josh McLaglen

Producer: Don Granger, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Shawn Levy

Director: Shawn Levy

Production Manager: Adrienne Sol

Unit Manager: Bruce Brownstein

Production Coordinator: Byron Fudge

Location Manager: Ann Goobie

Assistant Location Manager: Cole Boughton, Paul Giordano, Vincent Viezzer

Schedule: 11/16/2020 - 3/8/2021

Production Address: 100 Renfrew Street North, Vancouver, Canada, V5K 3N6

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К Рейнольдсу присоединились Дженнифер Гарнер и Зои Салдана
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Присоединились Марк Руффало и Кэтрин Кинер



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Первый кадр и фото со съемок




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рейнольдс так не верит в дисней, что намертво присосался к кекфликсу
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Боюсь за Кекфликсом будущее теперь, так что умный ход.
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Райан понимает, что боссы Disney не настолько тупые и просто так выкидывать в его карман 10-20 миллионов не будут.
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Это да. Диверсификация внутри Голливуда.)

Не будет же он ждать Пула 3 неизвестно сколько лет.

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Райан понимает, что боссы Disney не настолько тупые и просто так выкидывать в его карман 10-20 миллионов не будут.


но ведь двайне с галькой доят и ворнер и фликс.


выходит что ворнеры тупее крысы.


хотя это и так понятно, только дебилы позовут зача. дважды.

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выходит что ворнеры тупее крысы.


хотя это и так понятно



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Рейнольдс, Руффало и Уокер Скобелл (14 января)




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18 января




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Ясно. Похоже на нетфликс хрень, судя по костюмам.
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I have a friend from work too. But no matter how angry I make him, he stays the same size.
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Reconnecting with an old pal


Anyone know where we can get Razzles in Canada?



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Сценарист Джонатан Троппер о фильме

"To me, the time was just a device. The movie is not a hardcore sci-fi time travel movie. It’s a movie about people," and went on to explain that "for me, it was more about the characters and the story of this boy who’s lost his father and is trying to come to terms with what that means, through a really interesting adventure. I’m never gonna write a Christopher Nolan-type movie about time travel. That wouldn’t interest me. For me, it’s more about finding that story that appeals to the little kid in all of us."
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Gamora, Elektra, The Hulk, Deadpool and the kid who’ll eventually play Deadpool when I crawl into a box and turn into a skeleton. If The Adam Project is as beautiful, funny and wild as it was to shoot, then I guess we pulled off something pretty great.
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