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Флэш (The Flash)

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Big Screen Leaks

I’m hearing that internally, THE FLASH is currently undated.

WBD is trying to figure out how to best go forward amid all the controversy.

I’m also hearing that shelving this one isn’t an option due to the high budget and importance to the DCEU moving forward.


It’s testing quite well too. I heard from a few people the scores are in the 70s, which is pretty solid.



Heard this as well about THE FLASH.

For reference, test screening audiences grade a movie as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, or Poor.

The score is the percentage of attendees who rate the movie either Excellent or Very Good.

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Zaslav is promising a "10 Year Plan" for DC based on what Iger & Horn did with Feige over at Marvel


focused on quality


says The Flash is still coming out!


And they will take as long as possible to make these films the best before releasing them.

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«Мы уже видели „Флэша“, „Чёрного Адама“ и сиквел „Шазама“. Мы в восторге от них. Мы думаем, что они получились великолепными, и думаем, что можем сделать их ещё лучше», — отметил Дэвид Заслав в отчёте перед инвесторами.

Да здравствуют пересьемки!

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Они, скорее всего, изменят концовку, чтоб был полный ребут вообще всего. Может даже сходу влепят рекаст Флэша, лол.
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Они, скорее всего, изменят концовку, чтоб был полный ребут вообще всего. Может даже сходу влепят рекаст Флэша, лол.

Дай бог, но тут такой шлейф говна от этой вселенной ДС, что даже ребуты уже наверно не помогут(

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Work has kept up on The Flash, which has been testing well. Miller participated in regularly scheduled additional photography over the summer, apparently without incident, before being charged with burglary — their third arrest this year — on Aug. 7 in Vermont. Still, neither DC nor Zaslav has indicated the film will move from its June 2023 release date, though insiders say the studio is evaluating all options
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По информации источников THR, студия готовится к трем возможным сценариям

First, Warners has received indications that the 29-year-old Miller, whose mother has accompanied the actor in recent days, will seek professional help after returning home to their farm in Vermont after being away. If that help happens, Miller, who goes by they/them pronouns, could give an interview at some point explaining their erratic behavior over the past few years. The actor could then do limited press for The Flash, and the movie would open in cinemas as planned.


The second scenario: Even if Miller doesn’t reach out for help, Warners could still release the film. But don’t expect Miller to play a prominent role in terms of marketing and publicity. Nor would Miller be The Flash going forward, as the role would be recast in future projects.


The third case: Things go from bad to worse, with the situation with Miller deteriorating. This would see Warners killing the movie outright, as it could not be reshot with a different actor. Miller plays multiple characters and is in almost every scene. Scrapping a $200 million film would be an unprecedented move.

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Сначало догоните его, потом уже стройте планы))
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3-ий вариант - ну это надо им там быть феерическими идиотами. Чтобы даже не выплюнуть на стриминг, тем самым хайпануть и обеспечить десятки миллионов просмотров.
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3-ий вариант - ну это надо им там быть феерическими идиотами.


а они разве не идиоты там?

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Снимут фильм про Эзру и отобьют бабло.
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Undercover Audience

Apparently Zaslav got outvoted on Tuesday with regards to the Ezra situation.

Majority of the WB Discovery board wanted to indefinitely shelve The Flash, but Zaslav was against it.

So he called in another meeting today, and sounds like there's a shouting match happening rn at WB


I’m not sure how true this is re specific drama details


But I AM hearing that indeed,

this is IT man,

the moment of truth for The Flash


Developing story, hopefully we get an answer re its fate soon!!

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Снимут фильм про Эзру и отобьют бабло.

Точно. "Похождения Настоящего Человека-Молнии".

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Так что там, новые досъемки с Аффлеком? Это новая инфа?
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Zaslav doesn't have confidence and is worried about #Aquaman2.

He fears #Aquaman might turn out to be a major dud/might be delayed. So he doesn't want to get rid of another major property off the DC slate. So he called in another meeting today, but things quickly went tits up!



а они разве не идиоты там?

Идиотов поувольняли же. Заслав не хочет списывать сабж, а Бэтгерл просто финансово оказалось выгоднее списать чем выпустить из-за налоговых махинаций.

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Эзра Миллер заявил, что обратился за помощью в связи с «серьёзными проблемами с психическим здоровьем»

Исполнитель роли Флэша в киновселенной DC также впервые извинился за своё поведение.


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Выбрали первый вариант :plus:
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Жаль! Я токо попкорн расчехлил. А тут так скучно съедут.
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Ну у него ещё есть год сорваться и устроить экшен, что называется, на все деньги (на все 200 лямов).
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К нему давно пора приставить надзирателя в виде двухметрового черного парня. Или чтоб из рехаба до премьеры не выходил
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Прямо удивительно. Эзра на денёк пришёл в себя. Скууучно.)


Но вообще это радует. Надеюсь это у него затянеться. Научится бы ему жить без бухла и наркоты...

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Ezra Miller Meets With Warners Leadership in a ‘The Flash’ Course Correct

This was one of the most consequential weeks in DC’s history. Warner Bros. Discovery seems to have found the executive to lead that division’s film and TV efforts. There were funeral screenings for canceled movie Batgirl. And the shifting of major tentpoles Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom and Shazam! Fury of the Gods highlighted the studio’s money woes.


Amid all the chaos this week on the Burbank lot, one could have easily missed a pair of figures walking around the offices and heading to a meeting of the highest order. But that’s what Ezra Miller, the star of Warners’ high-profile movie, The Flash, and their agent, Scott Metzger, did Wednesday — the same day a Batgirl screening took place.


Miller, who uses they/them pronouns, and their agent met with new Warner Bros. film chairs Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy to discuss not only how to stay on course for The Flash’s June 23, 2023 release date but to reaffirm their commitment to the movie as well as apologize for bringing negative attention to the production and the company.


Over the past two years, Miller has been at the center of arrests and controversy, culminating with the actor announcing a mea culpa Aug. 15 and saying they were seeking help for mental health issues. Said the actor in a statement at the time, “I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior.”


According to sources, Miller vowed to seek help after learning that De Luca and Abdy were considering all options for Flash, including scrapping the $250 million movie if things devolved further with Miller. While the actor is said to not have minded the stream of bad headlines, they were spooked by the notion of the film getting canceled and jolted to take action. Says one source: “They care about The Flash. It’s one of their favorite characters to play.”


Details of the meeting were not revealed but it was the first time that Miller spoke with De Luca and Abdy, who took over running the film division at the beginning of July and inherited a DC slate of movies in various stages of post-production. The actor was apologetic and affirmed their commitment to both getting care and to the production.


Warners had no comment and Miller’s representatives could not be reached for comment.


The move comes as work on The Flash, directed by Andy Muschietti, moves full steam ahead, with Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav not wavering on its release date, even as Warners this week pushed Shazam! Fury of the Gods out of 2022 and Aquaman 2 back from March 2023 to Christmas of that year.


Next week, composer Benjamin Wallfisch will lead a scoring session at Abbey Road Studios in London, sources say. Visual effects work continues and could be done by the end of the year.


After months of upsetting headlines about Miller, the mood regarding Flash is more hopeful on the lot than it’s been in some time, even if the movie still has a ways to go before its ultimate release date. Still, the movie was receiving some of the highest scores at test screenings since Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies and execs and creatives believe they have the goods to have a critical and box office hit that lives up to those scores.


Изменено 26.08.2022 20:55 пользователем DandyAndy
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Кусочек скора Бенджамина Уоллфиша

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Ezra Miller Shoots a Day of Pickups on ‘The Flash’

Ezra Miller has shot a day of pickups last week on the Warner Bros. lot for the standalone “The Flash” movie, TheWrap has exclusively learned.


“The Flash” is expected to reset Warner Bros.’ DC movie timeline and set a new stage for DC films going forward. According to an insider with knowledge of the project, the film has been testing positively.

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