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Отряд самоубийц: Миссия навылет (The Suicide Squad)

Оцените «Убийственную Братву» от Невыносимо Прекрасного Гения Джеймса Ганна  

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  1. 1. Оцените «Убийственную Братву» от Невыносимо Прекрасного Гения Джеймса Ганна

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тут уже химичат Маргоша и Киннаман...быстро променяла Смита и Джарека))
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Джеймс Ганн

Out of all the films you've worked on which would you say has been the most fun to do? And are there any you wish you could go back and change?


The Suicide Squad was the most fun. This was the result of


1) Making creativity my ultimate priority. In the past I’d let my perfectionism or my people pleasing or my fear of not making a hit too much a part of my inner conversation. I let creativity fully take the reigns.


2) Being in the best place I’d ever been mentally & emotionally. Related to number 1 of course. I’d been through some hardships which taught me how much love I have in my life & reinvigorated the joy of creative expression I had as a young person.


3) The people around me: a stupendous cast & crew & incredibly supportive studio. Exceptionally talented & wise & kind people all around. Plus I had chosen the best of the best of crew members I had worked with in the past.


4) Good sleep habits. The anxiety (& excitement) of filmmaking in the past had led to many sleepless nights, often getting only 10 hours of sleep over a workweek. I was always miserable. Due to a better emotional center I usually got the 5 or 6 a night I needed, often more.


5) Feeling in tune with my craft & at the height of my abilities. Directing is a complex craft & after 25 years of professional filmmaking I felt the confidence that comes with mastering some aspects of it.


I just realized I never answered the 2nd part of this question. I want to go back & change elements of all the movies I’ve directed but I’m also happy with how they’ve all generally turned out.

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Официальный синопсис

"Welcome to hell — a.k.a. Belle Reve, the prison with the highest mortality rate in the US of A. Where the worst Super-Villains are kept and where they will do anything to get out—even join the super-secret, super-shady Task Force X. Today’s do-or-die assignment? Assemble a collection of cons, including Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Captain Boomerang, Ratcatcher 2, Savant, King Shark, Blackguard, Javelin and everyone’s favorite psycho, Harley Quinn. Then arm them heavily and drop them (literally) on the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.


Trekking through a jungle teeming with militant adversaries and guerrilla forces at every turn, the Squad is on a search-and- destroy mission with only Colonel Rick Flag on the ground to make them behave...and Amanda Waller’s government techies in their ears, tracking their every movement. And as always, one wrong move and they’re dead (whether at the hands of their opponents, a teammate, or Waller herself). If anyone’s laying down bets, the smart money is against them—all of them."

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Вот бы Хамада сбросил тизерок сразу после выхода трейлера к снидрокату...
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Учитывая, что релиз хорошо если в августе, то (с учётом нынешних схем и времён) до мая я бы не рассчитывал на полноценный ролик.

А мелочёвку уже подкидывали.

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Вопрос Ганну

Will you let us know when The Suicide Squad is completely, 100% done? Or is it done?


I’m recording one more score cue with the great John Murphy (his score slays) & waiting on 2 visual effects shots & also finishing the DI (digital coloring) this weekend (which is already 99% of the way there) & then we will be done.

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Ганн ответил на несколько вопросов

Some of these characters are real deep cuts into DC lore. Did you have complete freedom with developing the story and which characters you wanted? Did you discover new characters during your development?


Yes and yes (although, as a comic book fanatic from the age of four, I'm pretty well-versed on both the DC and Marvel stable of characters)


Without any spoilers, which character would you say you’re most excited for us to see.


It's hard to choose only one, but I can't wait for people to see where Margot has gone with Harley. And Weasel is really something to behold.


James, would you say that the Ostrander run is the biggest influence in your version? Any cameos that you can’t tell us about?


Without a doubt, John Ostrander's Suicide Squad is the biggest influence on the film (along with Aldrich's The Dirty Dozen). John's a good actor too, playing Dr. Fitzgibbon in the movie. We had a huge poster of this in our production office while shooting.


What makes this project different from any other project you've done before???


100% more shark (and no holds barred in any way)


What does "no hold bars" really mean to a creative? And were u actively working with the knowledge that it could be just as much a bad thing as a good thing, or was that thought not even in ur head? I love ur hair and current look btw, handsome!


Thx. No holds barred means I wasn't constrained by the formulas of most tentpole films OR budget OR rating. YES sometimes those constraints can be a help, so I was committed to first & foremost telling a tight story about unlovable characters we could love


Will certain characters have more focus and development than the other members?


Yes. I hope all characters are fully developed - and this group of actors was just up & down amazing no matter how much screen time they had - but we definitely spend much more time with some characters than others.


Is it rated R?



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Is it rated R?



Вот и хорошо.

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Зашел в твиттер Ганна и увидел его свежие фотки.


Боже, он стал похож на Мразиша! Вот что делает с людьми увлечение толерастией.

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Вот что делает с людьми увлечение тролльством.


Так правильней.

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Джеймсу Ганну не удалось отстоять прокатную схему "Отряда самоубийц 2"


Режиссер экранизации комиксов DC "Отряд самоубийц 2: Миссия Навылет" Джеймс Ганн являлся категорическим противником новой схемы выпуска кинопроектов Warner Bros,, предполагающей одновременный старт в прокате и стриминге. Однако, по утверждению издания Deadline, несмотря на все аргументы, ему не удалось убедить руководство отказаться от этого плана в случае с его фильмом.


Отметим, что Ганн, в отличие от своих коллег, Кристофера Нолана и Дени Вильнева, открыто не протестовал против революционных изменений

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Зашел в твиттер Ганна и увидел его свежие фотки.


Боже, он стал похож на Мразиша!

Согласен :frown:


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Grace Randolph



Mar 25

Full #TheSuicideSquad trailer VERY soon...


I hear either with #GodzillaVsKong

or #MortalKombat


but since GvK is already opening overseas, MK seems more likely at this point.


Can't wait to see an actual trailer! What fun!

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Трейлер завтра



I'll just drop this here. Did I mention that a trailer is coming tomorrow?

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Gitesh Pandya

Tomorrow we get the new red band trailer for #TheSuicideSquad which releases on AUG 6 both in cinemas and on HBO Max. It opens nearly 5 years to the day after #SuicideSquad which still holds the #boxoffice record for biggest AUG opening wknd of all-time with $133.7M.

James Gunn

Tomorrow. Trailer. See you there.
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Забавно совпало с войной в твиттере))
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постер в стилистике 60-70-х
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Пытаются сбить войну в твитторе и хайп Снайдерката, специально Ганна заставили выкатить трейлер раньше, подло, WB.



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постер в стилистике 60-70-х

И конкретно всё той же Дюжины

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Уже польза от компании
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