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Робот по имени Чаппи (Chappie)

Ваша оценка фильма Нил Бломкампа "Робот по имени Чаппи"?  

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  1. 1. Ваша оценка фильма Нил Бломкампа "Робот по имени Чаппи"?

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Вот слово надеюсь сразу сдает Циммера - в него и фанаты не больно верят :)


Что за глупый вывод? В чем выражается неверие?


Я просто хочу еще раз услышать нечто подобное Интеру. Чтобы мурашки по коже пробежали. Но при этом понимаю, что сделать такое подряд и в короткий срок-очень сложно.

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Что за глупый вывод? В чем выражается неверие?


Я просто хочу еще раз услышать нечто подобное Интеру. Чтобы мурашки по коже пробежали. Но при этом понимаю, что сделать такое подряд и в короткий срок-очень сложно.

Неверие, пусть и легкое, в слове "надеюсь" и заключается, и ты его - свое неверие - подтвердил в посте выше. Ничего глупого в таком выводе)

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С почты Паскаль: отчет монтажера или продюссера о новой версии фильма. Там без полного описания сюжета, но говорится про то, что вырезали из фильма в новой версии и почему и т.п. Кто боится спойлеров - дальше не смотреть:



Если в целом, то вырезали подсюжетку про корпоративный шпионаж персонажа Хью Джекмана. Это и все остальное описано тут:




We were all extremely encouraged by the new cut. The simplification of the first act works much better, though we miss a few pieces of information or character that we think are critical. Vincent is much better without the corporate espionage subplot, though we want to look at ways to better set-up his motivation. The ending feels like a big win – it is much more emotional and feels more connected to the rest of the movie.


We have some thoughts on the new work, mostly things to try to restore to the first act and better set-up Vincent:




Cutting the AC360 report gives us a shorter first act, but we lose a lot of important information and character set up. The information about the guard key is critical, and the report helps set up the rivalry between the Scouts and the Moose. Most importantly, it sets up Deon. Without it, Deon doesn’t appear in the film for 9 minutes. Can we restore the AC360 report, with the change we discussed before, cutting “overarmed and overenginereed” so it feels more like the two projects are actually rivals, so Vincent thinks he has a chance at his pitch to the police. If the police pitch is going to be his turning point, then we need this kind of weight going into it. Otherwise, it feels like too much of a foregone conclusion. Also, is there any footage of Deon in the AC360 piece where he’s not so explicit about Tetravaal not being interested in AI? If not, maybe we can cut away from him before he answers the question and just hold on his disappointed look. This steps on the later scene where he pitches Michelle because we already know she’s not interested.


The cut to Ninja and Yolandi on the freeway and the ensuing battle at Hippo’s feels a little abrupt. Perhaps there’s a way to move this sequence slightly later in the first act once we’ve spent a little more time with Deon. Or maybe it’s worth starting the sequence with the van pulling up to Hippo’s and cutting the scene of them on the freeway to see if the transition isn’t so sudden?


In the Michelle call to Vincent, it should feel like the Moose is more viable, as indicated above. We should try to sell the idea that the Moose still has an outside chance, so Vincent’s pitch to the police is the breaking point for him. Cutting Vincent’s line “I am worried,” and some of his more defeated attitude in the call will help.


Vincent’s pitch to the police happens too late, and breaks up the flow of Deon getting hijacked and jumpstarting the Chappie plot. We know we gave the note to move it to later, but it feels too jarring now, and too late. Can we try putting it after Deon discovers the program for Chappie (before he goes into work the next day). There’s a timecut there, so might be a natural place for it right after scene 21. Or maybe there is somewhere else in the first 20 minutes.





With the corporate espionage subplot removed, we need to bolster Vincent's set up. We should establish that Vincent's argument against the scouts is the fear that they could become sentient - that they are not under control of humans. It may be connected to religion, or it may be something that stands alone, but it helps bolster his motivation, and then it pays off at the end when he can point to Chappie’s heist as evidence that he was right about distrusting AI. Maybe we can put back the beats of him during the AC360 piece talking about how AI needs to be controlled, or add some ADR or any existing lines to the pitch to the police.


Is there anywhere else we can set up more of Vincent’s religious objection to AI? It would be great to get another hint or two of it in the first 30 minutes, so the audience understands what’s behind his motivation.




We know how much work went into addressing the headline thoughts from last week. This is just a list of the scene specific notes from the 10/26/14 document that we still think can work:


Shorten the news report. Could cut from “another man in blue dead” and the shot of the cop shooting the shotgun, directly to the press conference. The police deaths are covered in the opening section already. Also, we could cut the shot of the police chopper during the press conference (“the end of corruption”). It’s unclear if the commissioner is saying those police officers are corrupt.


Shorten the Hippo Action Sequence. A few possible cuts:


• Cut the first shot of Robot shooting gangsters (right before “who took the keys?”). Stay with the main characters as much as possible.

• Don’t cut back to Hippo screaming after he shoots Droid 22.

• Could cut the beat of Ninja telling them he has the keys, and America telling Yolandi they have the keys. If we just cut to them getting into the van, the audience may assume Ninja told them he had the keys or they saw it.

• Could cut the beat of America saying “I’m not okay, I’m hit.” We see him shot already.


Cut the Hippo phone call to Ninja. All of this information is set up in the previous scene, and the audience isn’t going to forget it since Hippo is so scary. You can go straight into the lair, starting on Ninja’s back entering the scene, saying “he knows where we live. We have a week to come up with his money.”


In Vincent’s pitch, we could ADR a Vincent line after “all under the control of a human operator.” It’s an opportunity for Vincent to say something about the risk of robots, and advantage of having a human in control (so we understand his perspective better).


Could cut the scene of Ninja and Yolandi looking at Deon on the computer. We already established their plan, and established Deon on AC360 as the famous creator of the Scouts. Cutting this scene keeps the audience with Deon longer too.


Shorten the Deon/Michelle scene. Michelle’s attitude toward Deon is confusing if he’s the star designer of their biggest breakthrough. Could cut “so stop worrying about these pet projects that have no place in commerce, Deon,” and go straight from “Tetravaal is very happy with you, the scouts are a huge success” to him saying “m’am look.” We could cut Michelle yelling at him, and make her more reasonable, so she says, “you know how insurance works with those.” Also, we could cut her last word “great,” it makes her too dismissive of her lead engineer. Do we need Deon’s last lines to her when he’s walking out? Instead, he could walk out, and then we cut to him at his desk in his cubicle. Again, we’re just looking for places to shorten the first act.


When Deon leaves the lair after Chappie’s first night, cut Deon screaming “asshole.” If his arc is about becoming more empowered, then this leaps him too far forward on that arc. Also, it makes him feel like less of the victim here.


Chappie getting beat down by the gangsters. This ranked as one of the least liked scenes in the film. We want the audience to be upset by it, but it might be too abusive right now. Once the gangster hits Chappie with the pipe the first time and Chappie falls down, he is suddenly back up on his feet getting hit by the pipe again. Instead, once he’s knocked down the first time, he could stay down, beg them to stop, and that’s when they light the Molotov cocktail.


Vincent in the van with Chappie. Vincent’s anger with Chappie isn’t really set up. It feels like a holdover from old versions of Vincent. There are places to cut where Vincent gets especially aggressive: could cut “you don’t say please, I’m not your friend, I’m your enemy.” And could cut Vincent’s last “I said hold him down” where he screams it.


When Chappie comes back to the lair, we could cut Yolandi screaming “I hate you” to Ninja. It might be hurting Ninja’s character too much.


There’s a possible big cut when the movie goes away from Chappie after he gets disabled by the virus. The audience is so invested in Chappie, but in this moment of crisis for his character, we cut away and go to a bunch of different scenes with characters we don’t know or like. We could cut all of the following:

• The scene at the Johannesburg police HQ, the shots of the human reserve officers, the scene at Michelle’s house, and the scene with the CEO. We see the human forces later, so we don’t need it here. We don’t need to see Michelle get the call. She can show up at the office like everyone else. We want to get back to Chappie as fast as possible. We could just cut back to Vincent watching the report.


Chappie and Deon in the Moose hangar. There are a few lines in this scene that don’t make sense. If Chappie is seeing a body in front of him, why does he need to go get the bodies from Ninja? It is hard to buy that Chappie leaves with the neural helmet but doesn’t take the new droid (the very thing that gives him the idea to save himself). Maybe we linger on the droid less, so we cut from Chappie saying, “you said I can’t let anybody tell me I can’t do something” to the wide shot from Vincent’s POV of Chappie saying “I have to get my consciousness out.”


The HEIST. The audience may be confused about Chappie in this scene. It’s not clear what the “sleep” interaction with the guard represents for Chappie’s evolution. He resists violence for the whole movie, so if he commits an act of violence here, then it’s confusing why he hesitates later when his family is being attacked. Maybe he just takes out the first Guard who emerges from the roof, but then cut the beats with the guard on the ground and Chappie feeling guilty about the violence. Instead, the first time Chappie really commits an act of violence against a human is with Vincent at the end.


When Vincent launches the Moose. Consider adding some ADR to help reinforce Vincent’s excitement. Maybe after he says “lets go,” when we are on his back in the chair, he can ADR: “lets show the world what we can do” or “lets teach them a lesson,” or something that sets up his glee later.


Chappie in the van with Ninja after the heist. When Chappie realizes Ninja lied to him about the body, is there a close-up of Chappie we can use? It’s a huge turning point in the film. The moment right before Ninja starts saying “whoa whoa whoa” might be a good place to see Chappie changing expression.


While the final battle at Ninja and Yolandi’s compound has improved greatly, it still feels a little long and repetitive. Steamlining it further could help emphasize that this unlikely family is coming together and its members are willing to risk their lives for Chappie. If the movie really embraces this emotional idea, this sequence should have some big cheer moments. When Hippo comes for Chappie and Ninja comes to his defense should be one, but right now Hippo isn’t just coming for Chappie so Ninja’s defense doesn’t feel as heroic. Deon also taking up arms should get a cheer if it’s featured in the right way editorially. Here are a few thoughts for places to trim and focus on the leads:


• Cut the gangsters going up to the high position and then getting shot.

• Cut the slow motion shots of America and Hippo reacting to the arrival of the Moose. Instead, keep the slow motion shot of Deon, to stay focused on him.

• Cut Ninja charging at the Moose and firing at it, cut Vincent’s line “come on you little gangster.” After he kills America, he can turn and fire on the others. This will also help cover the fact that America disappears.

• Cut Ninja going for the money and Yolandi grabbing him. It will make the situation feel more dire if nobody is thinking about money anymore – so also cut Hippo saying “that’s my money.”

• Cut the first missiles at the building. Just do the cluster bomb. In the wide cluster bomb shot, the building looks intact anyway.

• Cut Vincent laughing. He should stay focused and aggressive about Deon.

• Cut Hippo firing on Ninja screaming “I’ll get you Ninja.” Again, given the situation, it seems like the focus would be on the Moose. If you cut the shots of Ninja, it will just look like Hippo is firing at the Moose. Or we could cut this whole exchange with Hippo, so cut Hippo firing here, and cut the Moose firing at Ninja. Go faster to the Moose firing at Yolandi, and Chappie protecting her.

• Vincent’s line “finish all of you off” feels repetitive with his other line (“finish you off, every pathetic scum lot of you”).

• “I’ll get the neural helmet.” Can we add another word or line of ADR to help tie it to Deon? “I’ll get the neural helmet for my maker.”

• When Chappie takes Yolandi away from Ninja, we could cut the amount of times she screams “Ninja.” Maybe cut the shot of her screaming, “Ninja don’t leave me.” This might be feeling like too much for the audience.

• Shorten the Ninja/Moose beats. It feels like the movie is setting up for Ninja’s sacrifice because it’s so extended here. Since we don’t have the emotional catharsis of his death, try to shorten the build-up. Cut one or two of the “come on!” from Ninja.

• Cut Vincent getting angry and destroying the workshop. End with the shot of him stunned, taking off the helmet. This way, we stay with Ninja and Chappie after Yolandi’s death.


When Chappie beats up Vincent, it’s unclear what his lesson is. He says, “no shooting with the arms. No hurtings. No violence. I’m going to teach you a lesson. You are a very bad man. Now I forgive you, bad man.” What lesson does he teach Vincent? How is this the end of Chappie’s arc? Maybe what Chappie is saying or doing is more about his own lesson? He could be talking more to himself, realizing that he’s about to kill Vincent, but killing Vincent would make Chappie no better than him. So it’s in the act of mercy that we see how Chappie has evolved past all the other humans in the movie?


Chappie/Deon in the moose hangar at the end. Cut some of the repetitive dialogue in this sequence. A couple potential lines: “it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay,” “please work, work,” “are you okay, maker? Maker are you okay?”, “I don’t know what this means, I don’t know what this means,” “quickly, quickly,” “come on Chappie come on come on,” “maker, maker I’m scared.”


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После фейлового "Элизиума" теперь и непонятно, что получится с "Чаппи" у Бломкампа.
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Да, после "Элизиума" как-то не особо и ожидаемо даже, в кино точно не пойду, но дома заценю) Все-таки состав хороший, а вот это что за "чудо" -_-
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Нил Бломкамп сейчас реально переживает историю Питера Джексона. Продвигает своих соотечественников(Копли, Die Antwood, постоянны оператор Бломкампа уже снимает в голливуде) и строит Южно-Африканский кинематограф, молодец что сказать, для меня он самый перспективный новичок. Закроем глаза на Элизиум, хотя кто знает, чисто неплохой студийный фантастический боевичок, все ждали конечно другого, но получилось так, по крайней мере, даже так он смог выделится из голливудского конвейера
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Трейлер классный. И я только сейчас понял, что там есть Die Antwoord. Ждем-с.
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До сих пор не перевели тизер! неужели прокатчики настолько не верят в фильм, как никак почти единственная интересная премьера марта должна быть.

Ну и пора бы уже норм трейлер выпустить.

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До сих пор не перевели тизер! неужели прокатчики настолько не верят в фильм, как никак почти единственная интересная премьера марта должна быть.

Ну и пора бы уже норм трейлер выпустить.

может надеются, что ради него все язык наконец-то выучат??

По синопсису в теме подумала,что комедия - кража робота в грязных целях))

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Очень жду, как никак входит в пятерку самых ожидаемых этого года.

Конечно шедевра такого как Район №9 я не жду, хоть и хотелось бы).

Но после неоднозначного Элизиума (просто хороший боевик с классическими фантастическими фишками), тут надо быть осторожным с ожиданиями...

Но все равно надеюсь просто на хорошее кино от Бломкампа.

До сих пор не перевели тизер! неужели прокатчики настолько не верят в фильм, как никак почти единственная интересная премьера марта должна быть.

Ну и пора бы уже норм трейлер выпустить.

Чаппи выходит 12 марта. За неделю до него, 5 марта - В Сердце Моря (мой самый ожидаемый этого года).

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Отличный ролик.

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Такое себе. Вроде хорошо, но избито и ещё есть "Элизиум".
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Да всё бы хорошо если бы не напоминало Элизиум, в итоге ждёшь такого же облома (: Ну и не смотря на отличный визуал, музыка, как уже стало традицией, отвратительна, слишком заурядно блокбастерная
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Злую Фостер поменяли на злую Уивер, сомнительные люди на супорте, избитая тема Буратино...Нилу не надоело в одних и тех же декорациях снимать? Ролик 2 минуты, а такое впечатление, что Элизиум и Район посмотрел на перемотке
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ролик ни че так, но снова этот бомжатник - Нил, мы все поняли, что ты там вырос, мож хвать его пихать во все фильмы
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Выглядит приятно, но ощущение, что все это уже видел и частично у самого Нила. Как бы эпик фейлом все не обернулось.
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Элизиум с другими актерами получился.

Но по крайне мере трейлер хотя бы реально более менее завлекает на просмотр, не то что первый унылый ролик.

Есть шанс что лучше Элизиума в итоге выйдет даже.

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Ну такой вообщем Элизиум, посмотрим, хотя не покидает ощущение, что где-то это уже видели. Жекман внезапно управляет ED-209, сиквел Живой стали, не иначе.
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Вторичненько так.

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Все очень хорошо, но первый был получше. Ждем-ждем.

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Второй трейлер напомнил Робокопа первого.
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Получше Элизиума будет наверно.

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Не юморите, какой Элизиум. Тут от него ничего нету.

А трейлер хороший, но желания яростно бежать в кино не вызвал, таак, дома гляну.

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