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Галь Гадот

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Она не родственница Эзре Миллеру?

Чет внешность специфическая...

Ничего не понял, но было весело

Рассказывала, какая Галя опасная дама...

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Чет внешность специфическая...


Израильская, чего уж там

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Чет внешность специфическая...


Еврейская :)

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Чет внешность специфическая...

Кауказская :roll:

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Мне нравица Гала, обаятельная дева.
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Так обаянием и тащит, так как с игрой пока не очень сложилось хD
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классные ножки



(ваш старпом)

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28 Times Gal Gadot Was The Reason You Stayed Alive In 2017
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Мне нравица Гала, обаятельная дева.


+ пятихатка

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Gal Gadot Explores
with Whispers, Knives, and Snacks (+твиттер)
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Gal Gadot Explores
with Whispers, Knives, and Snacks (+твиттер)

Life is complete now

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Галь получит награду #SeeHer на церемонии Critics' Choice Awards (первая обладательница премии -



The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and The CW Network will partner at the 23rd Annual Critics’ Choice Awards to honor “Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot with the #SeeHer Award. “Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins will present Gadot with the award at the star-studded Critics’ Choice Awards gala on Thursday, January 11, 2018, live from the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, Calif., on The CW Network 8-10 p.m. ET (delayed PT).


Earlier this year, “Wonder Woman” became the highest-grossing live-action film to be directed by a woman (Jenkins), helping Warner Bros. Pictures cross the $5 billion mark at the global box office in 2017. With Jenkins at the helm and Gadot leading the cast, “Wonder Woman” was more than a financial success, it was also a worldwide phenomenon. Audiences of all ages and genders embraced the character and her fight for justice and humanity in the war to end all wars.


The #SeeHer Award recognizes a woman who embodies the values set forth by the #SeeHer movement — to push boundaries on changing stereotypes and recognize the importance of accurately portraying women across the entertainment landscape. Gadot broke through this year as a powerful voice advocating for women, not only on screen as the iconic Wonder Woman, but in life as well, using her platform to encourage those in the entertainment industry and beyond to strive for fairness and parity across genders. Viola Davis received last year’s inaugural #SeeHer Award.


The #SeeHer movement is spearheaded by the ANA, the largest marketing and advertising association in the United States. The initiative was launched in early 2016 by the ANA’s Alliance for Family Entertainment (AFE). #SeeHer’s mission is to lead a movement to accurately portray all women and girls in media so that by 2020 they see themselves reflected as they truly are. 2020 is the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote.


“We’re honored to recognize Gal this year with the second annual #SeeHer Award,” said ANA CEO Bob Liodice. “Not only was she able to challenge stereotypes in film and find success by starring in one of the biggest blockbusters this year, she also used that success to shine a light on her own industry, and push the boundaries on gender equality in real life.”


“Having critics once again recognize the importance of #SeeHer and including the award in the broadcast is another key milestone for the movement,” added ANA AFE #SeeHer Chair Stephen Quinn. “Entertainment plays such a large part in influencing culture. There has never been a more important time to lean in and support our #SeeHer mission of increasing accurate portrayal of girls and women in media. Gal and Patty are role models for our #SeeHer mission, and we are delighted to have them recognized by the critics and the industry.”

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Entertainers of the Year 2017 (Acceptance


No woman roared louder on the big screen this year than Gal Gadot, who brought Wonder Woman to life in a way that inspired women (and men) of all ages.

[ATTACH]536378[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]536379[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]536380[/ATTACH] Bt6lk0Y.jpg

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Да с поиском реально проблемы)) Пришлось искать имярек вручную.

Галя стала третьей в первой тройке самых кассовых актеров с Вин Дизелем и Дуэн Джонсоном, все качки ))

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Галь примет участие в церемонии Золотой Глобус



No. 1


Forget all that happened in 2017, because, after a series of highs and lows over the past 365 days, some of our favorite women have been doing the most with themselves, vying for position in our annual Sexiest Women of the Year list. Following some serious research and lots of debate, we've landed on Israeli actress Gal Gadot as our leading lady, after a year that saw her star in a blockbuster hit (Wonder Woman) and fall into the top-3 of the highest-grossing actors this year. Being sexy means having a combination of sex appeal, talent and charisma, and no other woman on the planet displayed all three of those traits — and more — than Gal Gadot in 2017.

The distinction is well-deserved.


As we mentioned earlier, 2017 seemed to be the year of Gal Gadot, who busted down the door in Hollywood with her role as Wonder Woman, then went out and saw it earn more than $820 million worldwide. That success landed her on Forbes magazine's top-grossing actors of 2017. Gal Gadot also found success thanks to the Justice League film, and absolutely scored rave reviews as the host on Saturday Night Live, which only made us adore her even more. The 100 sexiest women in the world have a lot in common — like beauty, brains and talent — but Gal Gadot reins supreme in 2017, as she has star power and success to boot!

Oh, yeah, not to mention that smile of hers could make a man's heart melt!


Лос-Анджелес, 29 декабря




Из фотосессии к "Лиге справедливости"



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Узнала, что Бенчика рекастнули и аж пакет уронила от шока.
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6 фотка соблазнительная )
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Узнала, что Бенчика рекастнули и аж пакет уронила от шока.


Вообще-то ей сообщили, что не смогли выбить Оскар за лучшую женскую роль + в связи с тем, что она не вывезла "JL" (зря шоль на передний план выставляли?) понизят гонорар за "WW II"

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Вообще-то ей сообщили, что не смогли выбить Оскар за лучшую женскую роль + в связи с тем, что она не вывезла "JL" (зря шоль на передний план выставляли?) понизят гонорар за "WW II"

Тогда получается, что она пошла возвращать пакеты в магазин. Надо экономить.

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Тогда получается, что она пошла возвращать пакеты в магазин. Надо экономить.


Да Дросель введёт в сюжет давно пропавшую сестру-близнеца и деньги посыпятся рекой + гонорар за участие в DCFU для чаевых использовать будет.

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Да Дросельвведёт в сюжет давно пропавшую сестру-близнеца и деньги посыпятся рекой + гонорар за участие в DCFU для чаевых использовать будет.

Он сам на волоске. Даже братишке бомжу (ну, негр, Тайриз вроде) не помогает.

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Gal Gadot Explores
with Whispers, Knives, and Snacks (+твиттер)


"This is a BAMBA"

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6 фотка соблазнительная )


Тоже подумал о православном пенделе?

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Галь о самом трогательном моменте прошедшего года



[ATTACH]537364[/ATTACH] giphy.gif

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