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Трон: Наследие (Tron Legacy)

Ваше мнение о новом "Троне"  

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Глянул тут трейлер, кхм, чёт как-то совсем не впечатлил. А главное, на что потратили триста лямов?
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  HalForD написал:
Мне кажется, суммы на маркетинг, как минимум, сопоставимы. А значит, если принимать всё вышесказанное вами на веру, то разница там в любом случае не очень большая выходит. Но у "Аватара" был Кэмерон и революционная тогда еще технология. А что есть у "Трона"?


Апгрейд революционной системы камер Аватара:) Хорошая фан-база на западе. И.......Дисней:D Плюс спецэффекты очень хороши. Вон на тот же Терминатор 4 угрохали 200 млн бюджета и 250 млн маркетинга-вот там я понимаю самоубийцы были! В итоге, что то мне подсказывает, Трон будет стоить 350-400 млн и не больше в общем.


  Rob_Zombie написал:
Глянул тут трейлер, кхм, чёт как-то совсем не впечатлил. А главное, на что потратили триста лямов?


Какой из 2х? И как тебе компьютерный Бриджес? На графику потратили уж.

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  MemphisRains написал:

Какой из 2х?

По ходу дела этот http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/399959/

  MemphisRains написал:

И как тебе компьютерный Бриджес? На графику потратили уж.

Да в том-то и дело, что графика не впечатлила. Меня она даже как-то расстроила. А Бриджес неплох, но мое первое впечатление было, что это другой актёр, который похож на него.

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Точно! Всё бабло ушло на компьютерное омоложение Бриджеса.) В таком случае я готов это принять.))
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  Rob_Zombie написал:
По ходу дела этот http://www.kinopoisk.ru/level/1/film/399959/

Да в том-то и дело, что графика не впечатлила. Меня она даже как-то расстроила. А Бриджес неплох, но мое первое впечатление было, что это другой актёр, который похож на него.


Ну это же виртуальный мир-дело не в количестве графики, а в стиле и качестве:) Советую с первоисточником ознакомится, если осилите из за графики:D


  HalForD написал:
Точно! Всё бабло ушло на компьютерное омоложение Бриджеса.) В таком случае я готов это принять.))


Шмейтесь, шмейтесь:rolleyes:

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Смайлик в конце как бэ намекает))) Нет уж, без меня)))
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  Rob_Zombie написал:
Смайлик в конце как бэ намекает))) Нет уж, без меня)))


Ну 1я часть 1982 год, тогда и понятия то не было в народе виртуальный мир:biggrin:

Изменено 22.09.2010 12:27 пользователем MemphisRains
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Я как и многие здесь сильно разочаровался трейлером в 3D. Реальный мир понятно что будет таким, но когда стали показывать всякие виртуальности, эффект там был как в Битве титанов, теперь убедился окончательно. Не думаю, что к выходу там что-то доделают, такие сюрпризы большая редкость. Блин, а я ведь расчитывал прежде всего на крутой аттракцион. Сейчас вообще думаю, может в обычный зал пойду, но сначала почитаю отзывы, вдруг случится чудо, в чем лично я сильно сомневаюсь.
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  Action Man написал:
Я как и многие здесь сильно разочаровался трейлером в 3D. Реальный мир понятно что будет таким, но когда стали показывать всякие виртуальности, эффект там был как в Битве титанов, теперь убедился окончательно. Не думаю, что к выходу там что-то доделают, такие сюрпризы большая редкость. Блин, а я ведь расчитывал прежде всего на крутой аттракцион. Сейчас вообще думаю, может в обычный зал пойду, но сначала почитаю отзывы, вдруг случится чудо, в чем лично я сильно сомневаюсь.


Это Digital 3D ;) А это так себе 3д. Сравни тот же Аватар в RealD и в диджитал -второе тебе не понравится! RealD и IMAX3D рулят. В других странах, в отличии от нас, большинство перешло на RealD.

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  MemphisRains написал:
Это Digital 3D ;) А это так себе 3д. Сравни тот же Аватар в RealD и в диджитал -второе тебе не понравится! RealD и IMAX3D рулят. В других странах, в отличии от нас, большинство перешло на RealD.


Я вообще в это даже не вникаю, поэтому не разбераюсь. Просто трейлер крутили перед ОЗ, поэтому разница огромна. Почему тогда сразу не показать трейлер в RealD, ведь даже трейлеры к мультикам смотрелись супер. Просто в аймакс я вряд ли смогу пойти, а в обычном 3D зале наверное и будут Digital 3D крутить, обидно. Аватар я кстати смотрел везде, и везде качество было очень хорошее, а здесь как разобраться?

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  Action Man написал:
Я вообще в это даже не вникаю, поэтому не разбераюсь. Просто трейлер крутили перед ОЗ, поэтому разница огромна. Почему тогда сразу не показать трейлер в RealD, ведь даже трейлеры к мультикам смотрелись супер. Просто в аймакс я вряд ли смогу пойти, а в обычном 3D зале наверное и будут Digital 3D крутить, обидно. Аватар я кстати смотрел везде, и везде качество было очень хорошее, а здесь как разобраться?


А для РеалД свой проектор и зал нужен;) Поищи есть ли у вас в городе.

Обычный зал-это диджитал, да.

PS Я в ролике кроме диска для 3д эффекта то и не увидел. Ну чтобы тебе в глаза летело все подряд:biggrin: Будет еще 1 ролик, там заценим.


Существуют RealD 3D (с модификациями RealD XL, RealD XLS) , IMAX 3D(цифра\пленка), Dolby digital, XpanD, SimEx 4D.

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  MemphisRains написал:
А для РеалД свой проектор и зал нужен;) Поищи есть ли у вас в городе.

Обычный зал-это диджитал, да.


Ну другие-то фильмы в обычном зале нормально смотрятся ведь, там значит RealD? Я в этом же зале и Аватар глядел, и Пираний, и вот теперь Обитель зла, всё нормально было. Вот только БТ разочаровала своим 3D, значит уж качество такое.

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  Action Man написал:
Ну другие-то фильмы в обычном зале нормально смотрятся ведь, там значит RealD? Я в этом же зале и Аватар глядел, и Пираний, и вот теперь Обитель зла, всё нормально было. Вот только БТ разочаровала своим 3D, значит уж качество такое.

У РеалД свои залы и проекторы. В трейлере Трона не увидел эффектов, кроме диска, чтобы 3д показало себя.


В технологии RealD 3D используется круговая поляризация света. Эта технология подобна IMAX с той разницей, что круговая поляризация вместо линейной позволяет сохранять стереоэффект и избегать двоения изображения при небольших боковых наклонах головы.


Проектор попеременно проецирует кадры для каждого глаза, причем эти кадры проецируются в циркулярном поляризованном свете — по часовой стрелке для правого глаза, против часовой - для левого. Происходит это благодаря установленному перед объективом проектора "электроно-поляризационного" фильтра, в котором попеременная циркулярная поляризация происходит благодаря "слоенному пирогу" из поляризационного и ЖК фильтров. Очки с противоположной круговой поляризацией обеспечивают процесс, при котором каждый глаз видит свою собственную картинку вне зависимости наклона головы зрителя. Высокая скорость передачи кадра — 72 кадра в секунду для каждого глаза — обеспечивает изображению постоянное действие. В 3D кинотеатрах каждый кадр проецируется три раза, чтобы уменьшить мерцание, в обычном видео изображении - 24 кадра в секунду. В результате получается стабильно-устойчивое изображение. (происходит ли интерполяция кадров, как в Philips DNM ? )


Основной проблемой поляризованных 3D систем, используемых в кино, является потеря яркости изображения. Поляризационный фильтр, находящийся перед проектором, поглощает половину исходящего света, что и является причиной итоговой потери яркости на экране. Кроме того, технология предъявляет высокие требования к экрану. Прежде всего экран не должен менять поляризацию падающего на него света, в противном случае происходит разрушение стереоэффекта. Чтобы этого избежать, в RealD используется экран с серебряным покрытием.

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Посомтрел ролик Трона, все ролики Трона - ну реально интереснее че тот же Аватар. Ну всё интереснее и без всяких глупостей по типу нападений на железные самолеты с луком и стрелами каких то наркоманских зеленых тварей - аля рембо.


Всё очень на бумаге стильно и интересно. Музыка живая, загадочная. И хорошо, что мозг так не промывают всем, как делал Аватар.

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перед обителем посмотрела трейлер трона в кинотеатре...

ммм.... как же я жду этот фильм)

хочу посмотреть в 3д.. понравился сюжет и то как снято очень хорошо преподнесли это в рекламе.

ну и то, что там снимается оливия. заинтересовало)

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То, что показали в трейлерах Трона-реально потрясает. Вобщем, для меня сейчас это самый ожидаемый фильм.Разочароваться не боюсь,так как являюсь большой поклонницей этой уже серии, как игровой так и кинематографической ;)
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Кажется, ещё не постили.


Всё очень просто: сценарий фильма "ТРОН 2.0" Ричарда Джеффриса.


Для примера - первые восемь страниц в приложении:

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Ммм, спасибо! Глянем.


Press Conference Videos

Some videos from the Tron Press Junket have been uploaded:

Tron Legacy: Garrett Hedlund

Tron Legacy: Steven Lisberger

Tron Legacy: More of Olivia Wilde

Beau Garrett Talks TRON: LEGACY (Part 1-2 of 2)



И вот еще старый обзор тизер-трейлера, не было вроде.

Tron: Legacy Movie Trailer - IGN Rewind Theater

Изменено 28.09.2010 17:30 пользователем MemphisRains
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Garrett Hedlund Talks TRON: Legacy

Over the weekend, Disney hosted a special preview event for their big end-of-the-year release, TRON: Legacy and while we aren't yet allowed to talk about any of the new footage that was screened, ComingSoon.net did get a chance to speak with several of the key players in the long-awaited big-screen sequel.


Garrett Hedlund, whose previous work includes Four Brothers and Friday Night Lights, takes on his biggest role yet as Sam Flynn, son of the original film's Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) who, fifteen years after the disappearance of his father, finds himself following clues that pull him in a world he could never have possibly imagined.


Hedlund chatted with CS about the world of TRON new and old, his nearly three-year production experience, and where he'll be appearing after "Legacy" hits on December 17th, namely in On the Road, playing Dean Moriarty opposite Sam Riley's Sal Paradise.


Check out the full interview below and check back soon for conversations with Olivia Wilde (Quorra) and Sean Bailey (TRON: Legacy's Producer and Disney's new Head of Production).


Q: What were the original meetings for "TRON: Legacy" like? How soon did you come aboard the project?

Garrett Hedlund: I had to read for it. I went and met with Joe [Kosinski] and Sean Bailey pretty early on and they showed me the VFX footage that they made for Comic-Con to show down there. They didn't even have a script or anything at that point. I went into a meeting uncertain and I guess I came out unbelievably driven. I never knew I was going to get to see this footage, let alone what the footage entailed. I had hoped to be a part of it. I was very passionate about it from then on. Then I'd go in for test reads with Joe and Sean and, ultimately, with Olivia [Wilde] over at Disney around November-time of 2008... So yeah, I was fortunate enough to get to do that and me and Olivia had known each other from back in 2003 when she was doing her first project and I was doing mine. A pal of mine was on that project and I went to visit set a few times and we'd all hang out. So it's pretty fantastic that we all get to go on this adventure, you know? It was fun to show up every day in Vancouver and show up sort of as a team on this and take this ride. Because this is sort of the biggest thing either of us have every been involved in. And then to get to work with Jeff! He's such an incredible person. He's got such a youthfulness and he's a guy so inspired by everything about life. He's such a--Jesus--a hard worker. He's incredibly inspired by music and literature and philosophy and spiritualism. He's like the dream father.


Q: Knowing that you were going to be playing his son, did you look at any of his past work to pick up on his characteristics as a younger man?

Hedlund: I didn't really, no. I watched the original film again and kind of got a kick out of it. I hadn't seen it [in ages], but seeing that VFX footage and the world they created then, it's funny, you know? How technology has advanced and the fact that they made that one and filmed it so dark, almost in black and white. They were just wearing adhesive tape. All the things that looked like lights on their suits was just adhesive tape and they sent all that footage off to Korea and they hand-painted every single frame of the film. So it's completely different from today's sort of self-illuminated suits where our suits can actually light the other actor in a dark hallway and you don't have to worry about all these people running around and making tweaks here and tweaks there.


Q: This is certainly the biggest-scaled film you've ever done but, from an acting perspective, was it also the most demanding?

Hedlund: Oh yeah. I had never even done a film before where it was demanded that I be on set all day and every day. Just that is tough in its own way. The energy and the strength required just to make it through every day like that. I've always been the supporting actor trying to write his role bigger. Ultimately, you end up working pretty hard that way, too. You wind up with the longstanding compulsion of always trying to add something new that's not there on that page. That compulsion will sort of drive you mad once in a while. But to be on this one and get to work with Joe and Olivia and Jeff and Michael Sheen and James Frain--those two are just hilarious, man--and Beau Garrett. And Bruce Boxleitner! Having him was such a treat. Seeing him and Jeff sort of bicker about the old days and what they had to go through on the original "TRON." Then you add Steve Lisberger to the mix and it's just a trifecta of laughs, you know? It's great to have Lisberger around. Him being the creator and basically the Godfather of the first was such a great and, for me, necessary attribute for this. He was able to give an intense amount of creative consultation. Plus, he was able to tell me in very few words some of the greatest [tips]. Just in terms of what an audience would want out of Sam Flynn. Before we'd even start filming. He'd be that guy who someone would want to take a trip with. A guy who has to be in control or powerful and sort of reliable and maybe humorous once in a while and all that. Those are attributes I thought I could add to it and he was right. Definitely right.


Q: At this point, have you finished up with the film or are you still working on it through the post-production process?

Hedlund:I think I'm pretty much done now. Even when I was up in Montreal, I had to do a vast amount of ADR. That's me being in a soundstage there and we're doing it here via iChat. But I think I'm all down with it now. My anticipation to see it is just like everybody else's. I've never gotten to see anything, really. Even when I do ADR, it's just the rough footage. Sometimes it's not always to the finished project. It's just some lines. You spit a line out and they make it work.




Q: What's next for you? You're shooting "On the Road."

Hedlund: Yeah. I did this country film, "Country Strong," with Gwyneth Paltrow immediately after we finished "TRON." The director was asking if I'd be willing to put the work in necessary to play this role, now. This director, Shana Feste. And I said of course I would. So, from August on, I started guitar training for six months. We started filming January 11th for that, it was just a two-month shoot. Thirty-six days. And then it was to become this whole character, so I gained 40 pounds and got to 200 and was playing guitar all day every day. I was kind of on the pulled-pork diet. I was going to studio and putting down old Hank Sr. tracks or something else and charting the progress and then coming back two weeks later and putting down some other songs. Then we acquired our songs, one by one and you go in to work on those. I moved to Nashville a month and a half early to get the city down. I was staying at Tim McGraw's cabin on his ranch about 40 miles outside of town, sitting by the fire playing these songs. I was really proud of that one. A really sad story. Now we're halfway through filming "On the Road" with Walter Salles directing. That one was extremely special to me because when I first read it at sixteen or seventeen, I looked it up online and it said that Francis Ford Coppola was producing or directing it. I said, "Great. I'll never get a chance at this." Now I'm playing Dean Moriarty and I couldn't be happier. But I had been attached to it since September '07. And I think, man, if I hadn't had been able to do it, a part of me would have definitely drowned a little bit. Just because I have such a passion for this project and Walter Salles is the only one in my eyes who is right to do this film. I'm so glad that all the stars aligned the way they have.

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27 September 2010 @ 02:02 am

Soundtrack Release Date - November 22nd

I got an email from the Tron Legacy Soundtrack website. It was in code that needed to be translated and one of the guys at Unficition took care of that ... very quickly, lol. There's also a new page on the soundtrack site and it has a keyboard where you can enter your email to sign up to purchase the soundtrack, but it also seems to be flashing a message of some sort that spells out "MCP Missing".


Here's the translated email:




Message from TronSoundtrack.com commencing.


# bin/tronsoundtrack.pressrelease.102710






The highly anticipated original motion picture score for TRON: Legacy, composed and produced by the iconic and critically acclaimed Grammy® Award winning French duo Daft Punk, will be released by Walt Disney Records on Monday, November 22, 2010. Presented in Disney Digital 3D, Walt Disney Pictures' "TRON: Legacy" hits U.S. theaters on December 17, 2010, in Disney Digital 3D and IMAX® 3D.


Having grown up with admiration of Disney's groundbreaking original 1982 film "TRON," Daft Punk took on the scoring of the next chapter of the story with extraordinary thought and precision. The duo assembled a symphony of one hundred world class musicians in London and recorded the orchestra at AIR Lyndhurst Studios, Britain's premier scoring facility.


From Daft Punk's first single release in 1993, Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter were hailed as a new breed of electronic music innovators. Following their seminal debut in 1997 (Homework), the band went on to release two more studio albums (Discovery-2001, Human After All-2005) and two live albums (Alive 1997, Alive 2007), winning them both critical and popular acclaim throughout the world. Daft Punk are known as much for their music and technical innovation as their groundbreaking and elaborate visual universe, which centers around their irrepressible and mysterious Robot personas. In 2006, their directorial art house film debut, "Daft Punk's Electroma," premiered at the Cannes Film Festival and in 2007 they toured internationally with a jaw-dropping live show that was an awe-inspiring combination of their musical and visual prowess. Their collaboration with Kanye West on his #1 hit single "Stronger" was hailed as "The Song of the Year" by SPIN Magazine (January 2008 issue), which also saw Daft sharing the cover with Kanye, having been awarded "Tour of the Year" by the magazine. Daft Punk performed with West on the Grammy Awards in 2008, marking the mercurial duo's first and only television appearance anywhere in the world. "TRON: Legacy" will mark Daft Punk's first film score.


"TRON: Legacy" is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that's unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Oscar®- and Golden Globe®-winner Jeff Bridges), a man once known as the world's leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn's Arcade a signal that could only come from his father he finds himself pulled into a digital world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Quorra (Olivia Wilde), father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe-a universe created by Kevin himself that has become far more advanced with never-before-imagined vehicles, weapons, landscapes and a ruthless villain who will stop at nothing to prevent their escape. Visit the official site for more info at disney.go.com/Tron/ and become a fan at Facebook facebook.com/Tron.


The TRON: Legacy original motion picture soundtrack will be available nationwide on November 22nd wherever music is sold. Fans can access a secret page with hidden Easter eggs by clicking HERE. For more information on Walt Disney Records' releases, please visit DisneyRecords.com, become a fan at Facebook.com/disneymusic or follow us at Twitter.com/disneymusic.



Feed Corruptions.

Needs Translation.




# bin/album.cover





Feed corruption.

Needs translation.




End of line.

Tags: daft punk, soundtrack

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Jeff Bridges and iamROGUE.com talk 'Tron: Legacy' and music!



Jeff Bridges is one of the most compelling actors working today. His recent Academy Award winning work in Crazy Heart was but one of many memorable performances.


From The Last Picture Show to Starman all the way up to Fearless, there is nothing that Bridges can’t do. He brings a level of character and heart to every performance he gives. The same can be said about his music. As we all learned from ‘Heart’, the dude has real talent whether it be music or film.


While we were taking a sneak peek at Tron: Legacy this past weekend, iamROGUE.com had the opportunity to speak with Jeff. He opened up about many things during the visit, including his music and his plans to work to end hunger for children in the US.


Jeff Bridges has a heart of gold. He is an activist, he is a talented actor and he can also sit in a room with you and make you feel right at home. After all, this guy was “The Dude”, so he must be pretty amazing, right?


TRON: Legacy opens this December 17, 2010.


I’ve gotta tell ya, The Last Picture Show is one of my favorite movies of all time man.


Oh, yeah. Did you see Texasville too?


I have.


You know there are three other books? Did you know about that?


Yes I did.


And I’m hoping that they’re going to make movies of those.


I’d love to see that. They don’t make that type of film much anymore.


Have you read the books?




If you dug those two movies, those books are great. Really good!


Fantastic! And now you’re in another Tron. You know I have to ask, how quickly did you decide that you wanted to go back to this world?


Probably the same thing that brought me to the original one and that was that you were going to get to play with all that stuff in a profession that you love. All that new stuff, that was a big plus and I thought it would be a good opportunity to make a modern day myth about technology and how we might never get these waters that we have now.


We’re you in the other room when I was talking about these plastic bottles and stuff, was I talking about that?




I go on about that as an example of technology. I’m addicted to these things too [a bottle of water], you know, you get a plastic bottle and they say it’s biodegradable. That’s bullshit! It breaks down into small particles that go into the ocean and microscopic animals eat this stuff, which toxic chemicals are drawn into. The fish and the birds eat those and we eat… you know. So it’s not very farsighted. And that’s what technology is, as human beings we love that instant gratification and what we can have right now without thinking about the legacy that we leave to our kids. So it’s a chance to tell a story about that.


Speaking of technology, throughout the time we’ve been here, the main thing that talked about is the relationship between your character and your son (played by Garrett Hedlund). It’s also a look at how that technology affected your relationship with your son. Can you talk a little bit more about that?


Well it certainly drifted us apart. It’s always tricky talking about doing what we do here, because being a movie lover, it probably goes for you guys too, and you don’t want to know much about the movies you are going to see. You want to be surprised, so it’s hard to talk about this, but technology is certainly a cause for this father and son to be… the father is lost in his own invention and you could probably take that as a metaphor that with technology today, it can bring us together, it also can drive us apart like in this movie.


Watching yourself at age thirty-five thanks to movie magic, isn’t that an odd experience?


Yeah, well it’s not that, because I’m used to seeing old movies you know what I’m saying. As another person who didn’t have my life where we made movies when we were young. That part wasn’t surprising to me, but when I’m actually doing the movie and that younger side of me wasn’t around…



Was it difficult to act with all that?


Yeah, it’s a different thing you know. In life, and also in movies, it’s a similar challenge where you have expectations and then you get in a situation where it’s not meeting your expectations, and it’s a great opportunity to go into bitch mode and just resent why things aren’t how I imagine them to be. And that was certainly unbearable to go into that mode in these kind of situations where you have no costumes, no set. There is no camera. It is one of this things kind of have to let that kind of concern go and get with the program. Be excited about this new technology and this new, fresh, uncomfortable feeling. How do you work with it?


Can you talk about working with Garrett?


Such a wonderful guy, he reminds me of myself at that age. I wonder if he is about the same age as I was when I did Tron. I can’t remember… but he is a wonderful actor. There are a lot of actors who want you to call them by their character’s name and don’t like to engage too much. Everyone on this set approached it the way I like to. You hang a little bit and get to know each other and that informs your character in the movie. Yeah, but he is wonderful to work with. And now I can’t wait to see his movie where he plays a country singer.


Yeah! Country Strong!


Yeah! I wanna see that. We both have two movies coming out this next year.


You were talking about your music? How do you balance film and music now? How long have you been really serious about playing again because I know you’ve always played?


Yeah! I’ve been playing since I was a teenager and whenever I get a chance to work it into a movie I do that. Crazy Heart really stoked my music side and I got to work with dear friends, T-Bone Burnett and Stephen Bruton and my oldest friend, John Goodwin who wrote the song Crazy Heart and we’ve been writing together all these years. So after I finish True Grit, for the remainder of the year I’m going to concentrate on ending childhood hunger here in our country and my music. So I hadn’t really done any movies and I don’t have any movies planned so I’m concentrating on those things. I put a little band together and we just played Niagara Falls. Have you been to Niagara Falls?




It’s something! It’s really a wonder of the world, I can say that.


Why did you choose to play there?


They just had a gig. I put it out to my publicist and she manages Brian Wilson. And this was available and I said, ‘Okay, I’ll go!’ So I put a little band together, got some tunes. And T-Bone’s put this wonderful review together called Speaking Clock. He just did an album with Elton John and Leon Russell. So the tour will be Elton John, Leon Russell, John Mellencamp, Gregg Allman, Elvis Costello and me. It’s gonna be in New York, Boston and San Francisco.

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Изменено 29.09.2010 00:29 пользователем MemphisRains
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Говорите хреновое 3д??


Вот что говорят люди видевшие футадж новый.


Disney's TRON: LEGACY - The big one. The one we have been waiting for is not disappointing guys! It. Looks. Stunning. The visuals were so full of new and enigmatic futuristic content (the TRON world) that you could not take your eyes off the screen for a second for fear of missing something! The 3D was perfect. I firmly believe we have NOT seen the best of the 3D work yet either because the clip was shy of action sequences - something that will elevate the 3D mastery of TRON to supposed AVATAR levels. And beyond? That's what I am hearing from my sources. The gladiator games in this movie are going to knock your socks off. I won't spoil anything right now for you, but suffice to say it will be a wild ride indeed.


Лучшее 3д на данный момент. Действо выглядит ошеломляюще!! Гладиаторские бои\игры супер. Картинка поражает воображение и ты не можешь даже пошевельнуться-боишься пропустить что то, ведь на экране волшебство.

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Интервью в добавок с Бриджесом.



C Оливкой.



С Косински.


Disney has reportedly expressed its confidence in the upcoming Tron: Legacy by planning a number of follow-up projects for the franchise.


Tron: Legacy, which will release on December 17, is a big budget sequel to the 1982 cult hit Tron starring Jeff Bridges.


Bleeding Cool reports that an animated Tron series is to begin airing in late 2011 on the Disney Channel.


Disney has already announced that preceding the animated show will be a ten-part micro-series airing on Disney XD that aims to bridge the gap between this year's film sequel and the new series.


It has also been rumoured that Tron Uprising may be the title of the new animation.



Your challenge is to design an awesome tee inspired by TRON!


Изменено 29.09.2010 08:48 пользователем MemphisRains
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