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- Appa is DUMB, momo is even dumber.
Как-то страшно становится... :unsure:

В таком эпическом проекте обязательно должен быть комический персонаж для разрядки. А если все смешные персонажи вдруг стали таким серьезными, то вся надежда оставалсь на Момо... :confused:

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Не представляю себе Дева Пателя в Роли Зуко. Хотя возможно он сумеет показать все грани актёрского мастерства, ведь в "Миллионере" его мотануло "из грязи в князи", а вот В "Повелители стихий" его уже наборот "из князей в грязи". Вот он и покажет нам какой он актёр не одной роли (если сможет конечно).
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Для меня фильм из разряда must see. Отличный, глубокий мульт. Самая идея довольно богатая, можно сотворить шедевр, но можно и провалиться. Надеюсь, фильм не разочарует. Не знаком с режиссером, но рассчитываю, что человек, в котором текут крови народа, давшего миру Будду, сможет тонко передать гармонию планетрных стихий. Ещё лучше, если в кинематографе появится новый эпос, типа Властелина Колец.
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Как-то страшно становится... :unsure:

В таком эпическом проекте обязательно должен быть комический персонаж для разрядки. А если все смешные персонажи вдруг стали таким серьезными, то вся надежда оставалсь на Момо... :confused:


Человек имел ввиду что они отличные, и очень важные персонажи как в источнике.

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Как-то страшно становится... :unsure:


Не переживайте, большинство смотревших наоборот хвалило и Момо, и Аппу, разве что недоумевали по поводу лица последнего (?)

За последние пару дней прочитал по-моему всю информацию, какую только можно найти - и рецензии с тест-просмотра, и инсайдерскую информацию, огромное спасибо trailerman`у за ссылки. В принципе уже представляю каким будет фильм. Очень разочарован разгромными по сути отзывами об игре Ретбоуна, и не меньше удивлен восхвалению Шона Тауба. Все отсмотревшие в один голос заявляют, что его персонаж и игра лучшие в фильме. Хвалят Аанга, что тоже хорошо. И да, по моим личным прикидкам в фильме должно быть очень много экшена, если судить по упоминанию задействованных в фильме эпизодов шоу.

И очень жду новый трейлер, чье описание на английском дано выше. Это должен быть эпик:) Хотя наверняка нескоро выйдет(

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Ещё спойлеры от инсайдера:


The reshooting isn’t as hectic as I thought it would be, so I’ll try to update you once in a while. First of all, the thing I mentioned about the greenlighted sequel, that isn’t officially official, if you know what I mean. It’s just that the first draft of the screenplay’s finished, and there are some rumors about actors and the possible beginning of the pre-production.

But, back to the topic, the Northern Water Tribe palace is indeed in. The exterior looks great, not spectacular, but really realistic and beautiful. I’m not sure about the interior, but there’s one scene were the king of the Northern Water Tribe, and some of the high officials have a meeting with Aang, Sokka and Katara where they are informed about what’s going outside their fortress. It might be this palace, but I’m not sure.

The Sokka and princes Yue scene I told you, was a brief scene where they kiss, and where the princess tells him about her mixed feeling about their whole ‘possible’ relationship thing. That was one of those scenes you can hardly remember because it wasn’t that spectacular. Crucial for their characters’ development, though.

The Spirit World? I don’t think so, so I guess those scenes were filmed at the other part of the building, or it might be the green screen section where they film things such as the gang flying on the animatronic back of the big furry bison and scenes that involved boats.

There actually is an Avatar State at the Air Temple! He enters that crazy state only twice in the movie, as far as I know: one time at the Air Temple where he totally freaks out and one part at the end of the movie, I also saw in the movie, with an enormous wave he summons. But I think most of the Avatar State parts are also filmed in the screen/blue screen section, because we only had to film Sokka and Katara taking cover as the entire room is blasted apart by Aang, who will be added later.

I’ve also filmed the scenes on the deck/command tower of the Fire Nation owned by the Fire Nation Prince Zuko. There are scenes where he ‘spars’ with his crew, as a part of his Firebending lessons from his uncle played by Shaun Toub, who does an AMAZING job, I can assure you. Zuko’s Firebending obviously originates from his anger, and his uncle tries to teach him the origins of Firebending but Zuko doesn’t listen because they shouldn’t be wasting time. There’s also one scene where Aang bursts out of the command tower with his glider, and lands on the deck, chased by soldiers. Zuko jumps off the balcony of the command tower and lands on the deck with an enormous metal bang, but before he can reach Aang, Aang jumps over the edge of the deck with his glider and joins his friends on Appa.

There are some other (minor) scenes that took place in my ‘department’, which I’ll post hopefully by the end of the week. I’ll also ask my friend and colleague, who was involved in the shooting of the exterior on-location parts. He went to freakin Greenland! Wish I’d been there for work xD



огромное спасибо trailerman`у за ссылки.

Всегда пожалуйста :)

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Look for new AIRBENDER trailer on IRONMAN 2...

5 minutes ago via web



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Это 2 месяца ещё ждать. Вот они там долгие.
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Shyamalan speaks:

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Ого, Зуко обалденный!:) Я наверное одни из немногих, кто верит в Дева Пателя) А откуда обложки кстати? Комикс что-ли какой-то?
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Я наверное одни из немногих, кто верит в Дева Пателя)

Я тож верю. Хороший актёр.

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Ого, Зуко обалденный!:) Я наверное одни из немногих, кто верит в Дева Пателя) А откуда обложки кстати? Комикс что-ли какой-то?

Да, книжечки:



Изменено 13.03.2010 11:17 пользователем Snake 124
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да многие верят в Дева,у него все получится это 100%
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Шикарные промо.

Зуко/Дев просто невероятный! В общем, я в восторге. Настоящий Зуко... :)

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Недавно досмотрел просмотр гениального мультсериала.Болше всех понравился персонаж дяди принца Зуко Аиро.Сильнейшиё маг огня(правда это спорно) и очень мудрый человек.

Меня как то смущает стрела на голове Аанга.Я про ту что на постерах к фильму.Какая-то гламурная.Нет чтоб как в фильме сделать.Чую достойно не смогут мульт в фильм воплотить.Но,безусловно,буду надеяться на лучшее.:D

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Кстати Зуко отнюдь не оболденный.Им должен был быть азиат а не индус:redface:
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Апдейт от инсайдера:

Found some time to give you another update, not on the last part of what I've been filming last year, because I haven't seen my friend since last week. The pickups are now mainly focussing on the principal cast, which aren't that much scenes. But the expectation of the week after upcoming week: complete anarchy. They gave us just a couple of months two reshoot the crowdy scenes: two 'speech' scenes (one of Aang to the Water Nation citizens (which, in my opinion, didn't need a reshoot) and one with Mr. The Daily Show) and multiple fight scenes that needed some more background 'attention'.

You mean the Fire Palace scene? Well, the Indian actress was supposed to be the Fire Lord's daughter. She didn't get a close-up, so I don't know whether this girl will be in the sequel(s) or not. She doesn't even have any lines, so it's possible that they just needed someone to fill in the part while no one has been officialy casted yet.

If you've some questions left, ask them, because tomorrow I've (plenty of) time to update.


Everything’s got to be done within time limit, so I think they want to stick to the release date, but there are rumors on the set that they aren’t going to make it. The post-production part seems to be the toughest stage in this project. While the filming ended around July (after just a couple of months) and has been in post-production ever since. That means a lot of CGI. The scenes we’re filming are mainly the acting parts, which don’t need a lot of time to ‘post-product’, so my guess is that this movie won’t be moved, but we’ll find out in time.

The actors of Sokka and Zhao are indeed involved in some parts that will be reshot, but so are Ringer, Peltz, Patel and even Shaun Toub has some reshoots.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that there are also some new scenes/parts to be shot.


Next week I'll be working on a part that takes place on Kyoshi Island, that's one of those scenes that will be extended. We've shot this scene where the female leader of the Kyoshi Warriors tells Sokka about their motivation to fight the Fire Nation, in front of this enormous painting of the ancient Avatar Kyoshi. There's some background story about Kyoshi and the Kyoshi Warriors, and I've heard that they'll also add some scenes including Avatar Roku and the Spirit World.


M Night Fans Forum

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As if getting to see every cool movie in advance of the public didn't make me enough of a stud, here's one more: the other day I ate blueberry muffins with M. Night Shyamalan as he spoke candidly about The Last Airbender for the first time since the film wrapped principle photography. I was with a small group of other online journalists plus three stoked webmasters from Airbender fan sites (they included Jordan from AvatartheLastAirbenderOnline.com, Jack from LastAirbenderFilm.com and Teddy from LastAirbenderFans.com, all sites you should check out.) The love in the room for Aang and his quest to bring balance to the four nations led what could have been a standard publicity opp to soar like Sozin's Comet into an afternoon of serious fan talk.


Avatar: The Last Airbender enthusiasts will put any doubts aside when they hear Night speak about this project. He really gets why this property is so special, and he knows the source material up and down. Like a true fan, he can throw down phrases like, "Season 1, Episode 16" before discussing Master Jeong Jeong. To a fan, that speaks volumes.


Paramount videotaped our one-hour roundtable conversation, and much of what was discussed is best kept under wraps until we spring this video on you in a few days. However, I can give you a little preview of some of the facts Night dropped at our feet that true Airbender fans need to hear now now now! Hold tight to Appa's reins.


The Last Airbender is very much the first in a planned trilogy. Night compares it to Lord of the Rings in that it is all one story not, "more adventures" with your favorite characters. The three films will mirror the three seasons of the series, with some tweaks.


Night plans to direct all three, but before the second one he wants to bang out a smaller-budgeted thriller.


The thriller is *not* Unbreakable 2, though he still hopes one day to get to that. And he knows Bruce Willis feels the same way.


Momo is absolutely in the movie. Night still hopes to find a moment where Momo does something really important and somehow saves the day, but for the first one he's in there "just for fun."


That said, our expectations for the amount of comedy in the films has been managed. Night warns that "what works in the show won't always work in the film" and some of the broad comedy has been cut. Prepare yourselves now - there will be no cabbage salesman in the film. The fate of Penguin Sledding remains inconclusive. (You can parse the reply when you see the video.)


During one enthusiastic moment discussing the CG effects, the phrase "Master Pakku using water like nun-chucks" was used. Everyone in the room responded, "Coooooool."


Night hopes the CG in The Last Airbender will be unique in that there isn't as much quick-cutting as in commonly seen in CG-heavy films. Go back and look at his other films and you will see a lot of long takes. This means the CG is going to have to be really top notch, because it can't be hidden away with cutting.


The writing in the film (in, say, the Waterbending Scroll or Aang's "Wanted" poster) will not be Chinese calligraphy as in the show, but an Asian-inspired pictorial language created just for this movie.


Perhaps most importantly, Night eloquently and deliberately addressed the so-called "racebending" issue, dealing with what some feel is a specific effort on his part to bleach the Asian origins of the film. It would be hard to summarize his response in a bullet point, so wait for the video next week on that one.


The last person in the Shyamalan house to fall in love with Avatar: The Last Airbender was M. Night himself. In what can only be called an origin story, you'll hear how Night came to this project through the lobbying of his parents, wife and, most importantly, children.


Stay tuned for more The Last Airbender info between now and when Katara, Sokka and I discover him in an iceberg on July 2nd!





1. Шьямалан одной из приоритетных задач при постановке фильмов видит расширение и развитие сюжетной линии с загадочным исчезновением и судьбой матери Зуко.

2. Toph will be Asian in the sequel.

Изменено 15.03.2010 16:01 пользователем trailerman
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M. Night On Zuko’s Mom, Book 4, and Poster Signing

March 15, 2010 by nextairbender


Greetings my fellow Hotmen. While it will be a few more days before the video of the roundtable discussion will be released to us, our friends at Paramount have agreed to let us give our loyal readers & Last Airbender fans a little preview of the events that transpired on March 11 in New York City.


Three Last Airbender fan sites were invited to participate in the discussion with M. Night Shyamalan: Jordan from AvatartheLastAirbenderOnline.com, Teddy from LastAirbenderFans.com, and myself. Joining us at the discussion were entertainment journalists from IGN, io9, MTV, Jordan Hoffman from UGO whom was particularly fond of the blueberry muffins, and many others. After a brief breakfast at The W Hotel in Times Square, where the aformentioned blueberry muffins were served, we sat down for what turned out to be an hour long discussion with M. Night.

While each writer was only able to ask one question on film due to time, I was able to squeeze in three. M. Night spoke on the film with what can only be described as child-like enthusiasm, and would often deviate into other topics related to a question. After the discussion he was even kind enough to sign our choice of either an Aang or Zuko theatrical one-sheet. While we cannot go into too much detail until the full videotapped discussion is released, here are some juicy tidbits to whet your appetite.

» The world of The Last Airbender is inspired by Asian culture, much the same way The Lord of the Rings is inspired by Midieval Europe. The story of this film does not take place in our world, hence the absense of East Asian caligraphy that was prevalent in the animated series.

» M. Night was just as mystified by the lack of resolution in the Zuko’s Mother story arc in Book 3, and declared he will make it a priority to do so in the films.

» Sillier moments and characters from the show, such as the Cabbage Man, will not be a part of the film.

» He met with Mike & Bryan during the production of Book 3 to be sure that they had no plans to extend the story into a possible Book 4, before he moved forward with the production of The Last Airbender. Night wanted to be sure it would end in Book 3.

» Casting the lead characters was done without bias. Any actor of any race had a shot at the roles. Once the lead characters were cast, the people of their respective nations were cast as the same or similar race.

» Toph will be Asian in the sequel.


The full video discussion will be available in a few days time. Keep an eye out for it!



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Водяные нун-чаки?... Супер!
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Водяные нун-чаки?... Супер!

Это где?

Жаль, мы не увидим продавца капусты :(.

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-Earth Kingdom is Primarily Asian, as well as Toph.


-Water Tribe is kinda mixed with some russian and northern europe/asia qualities.


-Shyamalan thought Nicola has some Russian qualities.

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trailerman, что-то не заходит, это только у меня?

А нет, заходит, сорри.

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