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Ганн пишет, что его пригласили писать сценарий больше 6 месяцев назад. Получается появление Кавилла в Блэк Адаме было чисто потешить самолюбие Жонсона, а на самом деле из обоих уже слили к тому моменту. Ну Заслав! :D

Я думаю, шо Ганн был страховочной соломинкой. Скала не выстрелил, на Кавилла забили. Остался запасной Ганн, который согласен браться за всю киновсленную. Единственный варик оказался.

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Ганн пишет, что его пригласили писать сценарий больше 6 месяцев назад. Получается появление Кавилла в Блэк Адаме было чисто потешить самолюбие Жонсона, а на самом деле их обоих уже слили к тому моменту. Ну Заслав! :D

не факт.

Прорабатывали разные варианты наверное, но провал ЧА подстегнул ребут.

Так-то там ещё и афро-супермэн где-то на задворках болтается

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поздравляю всех верунов в великого иерархатора, вы - идиоты. Но всё было очевидно и без этого


Cavill was never signed up for Superman appearances. Literally never since the THR story from 5 years ago. So all the "scoops" and even trade articles from Deadline and stuff were complete BS. How do I know? Well, it's one of the first things I tried to find out and got confirmation on.


Black Adam always had a Superman cameo, but it was more along the lines of Shazam than a Superman you could see. The movie ended the same way with a Superman emerging from the shadows but we cut to The Rock before we see who is Superman.


Opinion: The Rock has always wanted to fight Superman on film, regardless of which character he would play as evidenced by him campaigning for John Stewart using the hashtag #JohnStewartCanStillWhupSupermansAss


3. there was no plan for WB to appear at SDCC 2022, it was put together only because The Rock demanded it. They were in a transition mode and didn't want to commit to a SDCC presentation


4. Cavill and his team had reached out to WB over the years about Superman with varying levels of interest depending on who was in charge. The Rock frankly didn't care and could take it or leave it with Cavill. From what I gather, he never pushed hard for Cavill over the years. He just wanted a Superman, could be anyone.


5. There was ZERO movement towards any Cavill appearance at SDCC, literally zero. No one had reached out to him, no contracts in place, no plan to have him in Black Adam.


6. The rumor over SDCC became so loud that it was the only thing The Rock was asked about that weekend. From what I heard "It's tiring that the only thing people care about is Cavill appearing in Black Adam which is just not true"


Opinion: I think the loud rumor is what led to The Rock pulling his weight and getting Cavill signed for a cameo contract because people weren't interested in Black Adam much before that point


7. Now to the big point, where did the rumor originate? Are you ready for the single dumbest thing you may ever hear? So Deadline has a tips site where anyone can submit an anonymous tip about the entertainment industry goings on. It's located here: https://deadline.com/got-a-tip/


They got an anonymous tip that Cavill will be at SDCC as Superman. Now you might be asking - "so was the tip accompanied by any evidence or documents or anything?". Nope. Based on what I know from people who saw the tip, the tip literally only said "Cavill will appear at SDCC as Superman". From: Anon.


That's the entire extent of the "huge buzz around Cavill appearing". One random anon tip which no one knows where or whom it originated from. But I can tell you it didn't originate from Seven Bucks, didn't originate from WB and didn't originate from Cavill's camp. So my best guess - it was a random fan throwing a wish into the universe.


8. Freaking deadline runs with that anon tip and pretty much overshadows everything over SDCC. The Rock gets scared, gets Cavill onboard for discussions with Hamada's bosses and him and Hiram Garcia sell them a plan for a movie arc with Black Adam, a Black Adam vs Superman movie, and eventually a movie with the Justice League taking on Black Adam who has gone crazy because the kid from Black Adam is killed.


9. Seven Bucks is really angling hard to become the stewards of DC and everyone is waiting on the release of Black Adam to see if that's going to happen


10. Cavill gets his cameo and gets a contract for 3 more cameos afaik. I'm guessing Flash, Supergirl and something else. He also gets a commitment to develop a new Superman movie without any assurance it will get made


11. Black Adam screens for critics, reactions are very mixed, the last hope is the opening weekend, so they pretty much start leaking the Cavill appearance. Was a fun time on the Seven Bucks slack - everyone just running around trying to goose the box office take


12. Black Adam releases, doesn't do great but actually does better than expectations internally. Not enough for WB or Seven Bucks though.


13. Garcia and Seven Bucks no longer in consideration to run DC. Gunn and Safran announced.


14. At this point, I drop off from the project since we have done our jobs and no longer have visibility into the goings on

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7. Now to the big point, where did the rumor originate? Are you ready for the single dumbest thing you may ever hear? So Deadline has a tips site where anyone can submit an anonymous tip about the entertainment industry goings on. It's located here: https://deadline.com/got-a-tip/


They got an anonymous tip that Cavill will be at SDCC as Superman. Now you might be asking - "so was the tip accompanied by any evidence or documents or anything?". Nope. Based on what I know from people who saw the tip, the tip literally only said "Cavill will appear at SDCC as Superman". From: Anon.


That's the entire extent of the "huge buzz around Cavill appearing". One random anon tip which no one knows where or whom it originated from. But I can tell you it didn't originate from Seven Bucks, didn't originate from WB and didn't originate from Cavill's camp. So my best guess - it was a random fan throwing a wish into the universe.


8. Freaking deadline runs with that anon tip and pretty much overshadows everything over SDCC. The Rock gets scared, gets Cavill onboard for discussions with Hamada's bosses and him and Hiram Garcia sell them a plan for a movie arc with Black Adam, a Black Adam vs Superman movie, and eventually a movie with the Justice League taking on Black Adam who has gone crazy because the kid from Black Adam is killed.


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Аre the rumors that youve sent out a casting call for Superman (20-30 years old) true?

No. A casting director hasn’t even been hired.

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ну всё понятно, ничего у фильма нет, да и самого фильма не будет, ведь Заслав новую помойку прикроет после шикарных сборов трёх грядущих проектов десе, а Аффлек снова сопьётся

эх, а я так ждал "ауторити" и "болотного куколда"

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Гунн уже говорил про то,что про "25 лет" ничо не говорил.Дундик устаревшую инфу принес,а ты зря пригорел))


(ибо я уже пригорел заранее,когда сюда постил)


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поздравляю всех верунов в великого иерархатора, вы - идиоты. Но всё было очевидно и без этого

Вэйн, тебя реально по рукам надо бить за то, что сорс не выкладываешь.

Ибо позаимствована сия паста с реддита, а туда в свою очередь попала с форума boxofficetheory.

Может и правда, конечно, но что-то уж слишком на байку похоже

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Ну, вполне в духе Скалы история.
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Версию Доннера смотрит




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пожалуйста,если Ган пойдет в туалет,запостите.Хочется быть в курсе всех событий.


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Пожалуйста, ничего не постите в теме до официального объявления о воссоединении красных трусов и Супермена. Хочется лицезреть на первом фото актёра в образе воссоздание панельки с улыбающимся до ушей дураком спасающим котёнка с дерева.


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пожалуйста,если Ган пойдет в туалет,запостите.Хочется быть в курсе всех событий.


Он же не просто так это постит. Показывает, откуда еще берет вдохновение

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Ганн официально объявил, что будет режиссером фильма

Yes, I’m directing Superman: Legacy to be released on July 11, 2025. My brother Matt told me when he saw the release date he started to cry. I asked him why. He said, “Dude, it’s Dad’s birthday.” I hadn’t realized.


I lost my Dad almost three years ago. He was my best friend. He didn’t understand me as a kid, but he supported my love of comics and my love of film and I wouldn’t be making this movie now without him.


It has been a long road to this point. I was offered Superman years ago - I initially said no because I didn’t have a way in that felt unique and fun and emotional that gave Superman the dignity he deserved.


Then a bit less than a year ago I saw a way in, in many ways centering around Superman’s heritage - how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes.


So I chose to finally take on writing the script. But I was hesitant to direct, despite the constant pestering by Peter Safran and others to commit (sorry, Peter).


Just because I write something doesn’t mean I feel it in my bones, visually and emotionally, enough to spend over two years directing it, especially not something of this magnitude.


But, the long and the short of it is, I love this script, and I’m incredibly excited as we begin this journey.

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Неожиданно. До последнего надеялся на Уидона
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Лучше б взялся за Authority.

Ну да ладно

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Лучше б взялся за Authority.


Снайдер снимать будет. Анонс 30 апреля.

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Лучший кандидат, в любом случае.
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Снайдер снимать будет. Анонс 30 апреля.

скорее 1-го :roll:

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Ганн официально объявил, что будет режиссером фильма


Ну значит ждём Рукера в роли батяни Кента.

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Weird, despite recent insistence that it’s not casting, there’s a casting breakdown going out to all talent agencies etc for Superman Legacy ;)

Clark, Lois & Jimmy

Early 20s, open to all ethnicities

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Ганн в очередной раз наврал. Идеальный кандидат на пост руководителя дрисе
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