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Фабельманы (The Fabelmans)

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Hollywood Elsewhere

I think Judd Hirsch will probably get a supporting actor nod.

He’s only in three scenes (definitely less than 15 minutes total) but he steals the whole film

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Steven Spielberg comes to the Festival for the first time with his most personal film yet. The Fabelmans finds the director reflecting on the experiences that made him the filmmaker we know and love, in a story based on his childhood in Arizona.


Gabriel LaBelle gives a breakout performance as the teenage Sammy Fabelman, always desperate for a new piece of gear so he can make ever-bigger movies with his friends. Michelle Williams is the heart of the story as Sammy’s encouraging mother, a skilled pianist. She brings life to their household, a fact Mr. Fabelman (Paul Dano), a computer engineer, finds as enchanting as he does discombobulating. Their family is rounded out by his loveable co-worker Benny (Seth Rogen), who becomes an uncle to Sammy and his sisters, always along for the ride with the Fabelmans. This unique combination of parental figures eventually becomes a source of tension with Sammy at the centre, and that seeps into his creative work.


Instead of chasing sharks or running from giant boulders, Spielberg has Sammy navigating the interpersonal landmines of home and school life, in what may be the most emotionally expansive film of his career. Starting with gunslingers and war stories, the way any Boy Scout in the late 1950s might, Sammy/Spielberg shows us not only what sparked Spielberg’s love for cinema, but also how empathy and human relationships have sneaked their way into the work of this master filmmaker.



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Мишелька тут так на Ширли Маклейн похожа, хоть щас в байопик переезжай
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Release Dates

10 September 2022 (Toronto International Film Festival)

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Покажут на закрытии AFI Fest

AFI is thrilled to announce that Universal Pictures’ and Amblin Entertainment’s THE FABELMANS, directed by AFI Life Achievement Award recipient and Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg, will close AFI FEST 2022. The film is co-written by Spielberg and Academy Award-nominated screenwriter and Pulitzer-winning playwright Tony Kushner and is produced by Academy Award nominee Kristie Macosko Krieger, Spielberg and Kushner.


THE FABELMANS stars four-time Academy Award nominee Michelle Williams, Paul Dano, Seth Rogen, Gabriel LaBelle and Academy Award® nominee Judd Hirsch. The ensemble cast includes Oscar nominee Jeannie Berlin, Julia Butters, Robin Bartlett and Keeley Karsten, with music by Academy Award winner John Williams, cinematography by Academy Award winner Janusz Kaminski (AFI Class of 1987) and editing by Oscar winner Michael Kahn and Sarah Broshar (AFI Class of 2005). The film’s production designer is Academy Award winner Rick Carter and the costume designer is Oscar winner Mark Bridges.


“AFI FEST is where magic happens,” said Bob Gazzale, AFI President and CEO. “And there is no greater cinematic magician than Steven Spielberg. We are honored to celebrate his return to the festival with this intimately powerful film that will send the audience’s spirits soaring.”

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Вау, красотища
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Генеральный директор TIFF Кэмерон Бэйли о том, как ему удалось заполучить фильм

If the calibre of world premieres set to unspool is any indication of the festival’s standing among filmmakers, things are looking good. On paper the jewel in the crown is Steven Spielberg’s semi-autobiographical drama The Fabelmans. It is such a coup for TIFF that Venice Film Festival artistic director Alberto Barbera publicly lamented on missing out.


So how did Bailey lure Spielberg to TIFF for the first time? He chuckles. The conversation started months ago and there was a good relationship in place with Universal Pictures marketing gurus Michael Moses and Megan Bendis. And then there was Bailey’s heartfelt response to the film.


The London-born festival head has been a lifelong Spielberg fan ever since he moved to Canada from Barbados at the age of eight. His first filmgoing experience in Canada was Jaws at the drive-in. He watched Close Encounters Of The Third Kind five times. After going through “arthouse conversion” at university, he returned to Spielberg’s films and found a deeper level of appreciation. “I think he’s sometimes underrated, in some circles anyhow,” opines Bailey. “He’s a master filmmaker.”


Bailey says he was “profoundly moved” by The Fabelmans. “I wrote to [universal] and that went on to Amblin and to Steven,” he says. “As an audience festival, where our most important prize is the people’s choice award, I think it would be appealing for the most popular filmmaker of all time to launch here. This is one we’re going to be talking about for months and years to come.”

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david ehrlich


THE FABELMANS: a lot to sort through here, but the last 5 minutes of this movie will probably outlive us all

Kyle Buchanan


THE FABELMANS is only secondarily a Steven Spielberg origin story; primarily, it’s a look-at-what-she-can-do Michelle Williams vehicle and MW *really* goes for it, like someone who knows she’s been handed her signature role. Back-to-back Spielberg wins in Supporting Actress?

Brian Tallerico


THE FABELMANS: Life ain’t like the movies. And yet the movies help us hold onto life. Spielberg’s whole heart is up on that screen.

Matt Neglia @TIFF


THE FABELMANS is a moving & nostalgic look back at Steven Spielberg’s childhood. Michelle Williams is heartbreakingly magnificent while Judd Hirsch & David Lynch steal the film with their one-scene cameos. A grounded & affectionate reflection that will inspire future filmmakers.

Tomris Laffly


One esp heartbreaking scene in THE FABELMANS sings cinema’s power to reveal details/truths the eye would otherwise miss. If there was ever a love letter to movies… Soul-baring work from Steven Spielberg, the same child-of-divorce filmmaker at the heart of E.T. Sublime.

Scott Menzel @ TIFF


The Fabelmans has Oscar written all over it. This is Spielberg’s most personal film and one that pays homage to complicated families as well as a love of cinema. Gabriel LaBelle is phenomenal and Chloe East steals the show! Paul Dano is also fantastic!



THE FABELMANS is Spielberg fan service for diehards. Not a knock. His most contained movie in decades, a very small and sweet coming of age story that is almost certainly the closest he’ll come to his own memoir.

Scott Feinberg @ TIFF


With THE FABELMANS, which just world premiered at TIFF, Spielberg turns the lens on his childhood, and it’s a sweet, smart and decidedly funny film, with excellent performances. Different than anything he’s done before. HUGO meets LICORICE PIZZA, but better. Could win best pic.

Barry Hertz


THE FABELMANS: Most expensive home movie ever made contains reels’ worth of beauty, but awful lotta mess. Michelle Williams, oh no. Judd Hirsch, Chloe East and David Lynch have right idea: get in, get out w/ sincerely insane performances, as opposed to insanely sincere.



THE FABELMANS is a masterpiece. Steven Spielberg’s latest film is also one of his best and his most emotional. While the direction, score and writing are stellar, it’s Michelle Williams’ Oscar worthy performance that stands out. I can’t wait to see this movie again.


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Рецензия, очень критична к игре Мишельки. Это для баланса практически всеобщих восторгов.

Вроде положительная, 9/10, но читаешь так как будто эти 9/10 чисто потому что Спилберг.


Описанную ржачную сцену между евреем и католичкой в ее спальне с иконами я хочу видеть прямо сейчас


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Hollywood Elsewhere

I think Judd Hirsch will probably get a supporting actor nod. He’s only in three scenes (definitely less than 15 minutes total) but he steals the whole film

Действительно, многие выделяют Хирша

Judd Hirsch stole The Fabelmans with a powerhouse sequence that earned him applause mid-screening here at TIFF. I cant see a world where he’s overlooked for best supporting actor consideration.

Wow. The Fabelmans is Steven Spielberg laid bare on the screen. The joys, the pain, and the love of telling a story through the lens of a movie camera shines through. I was brought to tears.

Judd Hirsch has the scene of the year, while Michelle Williams is terrific.

Spielberg’s The Fabelmans is one of his most personal and playful films. Loved it.

Judd Hirsch has a 10 minute sequence that earned major applause and there’s a killer cameo only a jerk would ruin.

Best Supporting Actor Oscar winner Judd Hirsch. You heard it here first.

LOVED The Fablemans! A great American film by one of the greatest American filmmakers... terrific performances by Michelle Williams and Paul Dano but Gabriel LaBelle also blew me away...

But Judd Hirsch almost stole the whole movie with his ten minutes as did David Lynch TIFF22 A very emotional movie for me.

THE FABLEMANS: Steven Spielberg’s BOYHOOD- an emotional and powerful exploration of the things filmmaking can (and can’t) do. Judd Hirsch, in about ten minutes on screen, is the movie’s MVP
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Если зрителю хорошо зайдет, то может и поборется за что то, у критегов сдержанно пока кроме пары отзывов.
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Metascore 89 после 4 рецензий

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Как говорится, хочешь сделать хорошо - сделай сам! Вот и байопик про Спилберга снимает он сам))) Очевидно хорошее кино, но без откровений каких-то. Уильямс токо нагримировали чето так себе.
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Фильм года


Только объясните зачем здесь обезьяна, а то я ни понял


Действительно, многие выделяют


Уверен что уважат деда.

Изменено 11.09.2022 14:38 пользователем Citizen X
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как лампово то



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11 Reviews


9.90 out of 10 average rating








Ладно, зачеркните мой коммент, у нас тут великий шедевр на века похоже, 9.9/10 средний на томатах))

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Надо вместе с фильмом Мендеса смотреть, там тож оскарбейт с расовыми проблемами и любовь к кино. Jew hole :lol::lol:
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just got to tiff. damn i love this festival. so film friendly. best audiences.

saw the new spielberg. all i can say is the master is the master.

what an incredible piece of work. thank you maestro.

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Мишелька играет против типажа, не удивлен, что кому-то могло не зайти. Но академики такие пефромансы лю
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А ниче так, кстати. Чем-то напомнило супер-8 по стилистике
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