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Чудо-женщина: 1984 (Wonder Woman 1984)

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    • Галь Гадот (Диана Принс / Чудо-женщина)
    • Педро Паскаль (Максвелл Лорд)
    • Кристен Уиг (Барбара Энн Минерва / Гепарда)
    • Крис Пайн (Стив Тревор)
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Из-за всем памятных Кошек, тема внезапно стала рискованной.

А чего выдумывать то

Не надо этих пятен, шерсти(!), хвостов.

У нас есть черная Пантера. Отлично выглядит.


А "кошачесть" пусть передает через грацию, движения, но не мурчание и покручивание хвоста в руке

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В фильме появится Джокер.




Triggered. :unsure: Мечта фурри-филов какая-то.

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А чего выдумывать то

Не надо этих пятен, шерсти(!), хвостов.

У нас есть черная Пантера. Отлично выглядит.


А "кошачесть" пусть передает через грацию, движения, но не мурчание и покручивание хвоста в руке

Человече, вам разницу между Пантерой и Гепардой объяснить?

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Вот серьезно, в этих золотых доспехах с крыльями она ну очень похожа на Святую Селестину.
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In Wonder Woman, Diana Prince made a choice with major consequences. Leaving the Amazonian island of Themyscira to enter the mortal world meant that she could never return to her home – but that doesn’t mean that the audience won’t get to go back there. In the upcoming long-awaited Wonder Woman 1984, a flashback will take us back to Themyscira for a glimpse into an important part of Diana’s upbringing, often tackled in her origin story – the Amazon Olympics.


“What I love about the Amazon Olympics is everything that we got to really celebrate in the first movie,” filmmaker Patty Jenkins tells Empire in the Big-Screen Preview issue, out Thursday 9 July. “Here are these people who are incredibly powerful and capable, but different in how they approach things. If you’ve ben training for hundreds of years because of an impending invasion, you’re going to be constantly working on all these skill sets. So, to me, every year, they would have these Olympics to see who’s doing the best on horses or swimming the fastest, and seeing new tricks people have figured out.”


If it seems unlikely that the adult Diana will ever return to Themyscira, there are plans to revisit it elsewhere. Jenkins mentioned that an animated series focused on the Amazons is being considered, as is an Amazon spin-off film that would be “part of the in-world story of Wonder Woman”. And, of course, the filmmaker has ideas for a third Wonder Woman movie with Gal Gadot. “You’re enjoying the movie you’re making and also reflecting on what could be different or better in the [real] world. And therefore what story you want to tell,” she says. “That’s the greatest thing to me about superhero stories. You’re able to have a dialogue about what a hero would be right now. So yes, I have ideas for what I’d like to say, and Gal does too.”

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Если ориентироваться на что-то поближе к кино, то вот например:

Тоже сразу подумал про Кошек, когда это увидел. На сливах Чита более менее. Кмк, тут главное то, чтобы Уиг в образ хорошо вошла с актерской точки зрения.

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Wonder Woman 1984 #1



Fans everywhere are anxiously awaiting Princess Diana’s next great adventure when Warner Bros. Pictures’ Wonder Woman 1984 arrives in theaters on October 2. But before being transported to the “totally radical” days of neon colors, leg warmers, portable cassette recorders, and hanging out at the mall, DC is getting you ready with a special one-shot comic celebrating director Patty Jenkins’s exciting sequel to the smash-hit 2017 Wonder Woman film.


The first story in Wonder Woman 1984 #1 is a direct tie-in to the upcoming movie and is co-written by Wonder Woman 1984 associate producer Anna Obropta and Louise Simonson (“The Death of Superman” story arc, Wonder Woman: Warbringer graphic novel), with art by Bret Blevins. When a failed burglary attempt causes a hostage situation at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Diana Prince is forced to leave her teenage tour group behind so that Wonder Woman can save the day! But will she be able to bring 10 gunmen to justice and get back to her tour group in time?


The second story is a 1980s flashback by writer Steve Pugh (artist, Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass) and artist Marguerite Sauvage. In the ’80s, “greed is good,” especially if you have it all! A reckless mastermind has made the ultimate power move by stealing Wonder Woman’s golden Lasso of Truth, and it’s up to Diana and Steve Trevor to get it back before the worst happens!


Wonder Woman 1984 #1 features a powerful and dynamic cover by another great Wonder Woman artist, Nicola Scott. The book arrives at all participating U.S. Walmart retailers by Sunday, September 20 and all open and operating comic book stores and participating digital retailers on Tuesday, September 29.

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Глава AT&T Джон Стэнки

“There’s no question the longer this goes on there’s going to be some content on the margin that we look at and say that it may be better served to be distributed in a different construct,” Stankey said. He was quick to add that big-budget event movies like Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet” and the upcoming “Wonder Woman” sequel “Wonder Woman 1984” would still be destined for the big screen.
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Классический костюм




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О, коллекционные игрушки пошли-реклама и мерч, двигатель торговли!
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Тизер с Кристен Уиг
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Кристен Уиг в интервью InStyle

Now you have Wonder Woman 1984 coming out, which is huge. How did that happen?


I’m a superhero nerd, so this is my dream. I’ve always wanted to have superpowers. My agent called and said, “Patty Jenkins wants to talk to you. She won’t say what it’s about, but she’s directing another Wonder Woman movie.” It was all very secretive. I went out to London to test for it, which was one of the most nerve-racking things of my life. After that, Patty and I met for a drink and really hit it off. I didn’t hear anything for a while when I got home, so I flipped out when I got the part. I never thought I’d get the chance to be in one of those movies — I’m in my 40s, and I’m not known for being this type of actor. I would look around the set and think, “I can’t believe I’m in this.”


How long did you film?


Eight months in London, but I had to train for a few months at home first. I was excited to get in shape, but it was really fucking hard, and there were no days off. My schedule wasn’t like Gal [Gadot]’s by any means, because she was there all day every day. But I had stunt training, and when they’d show me previews of what I’d have to do, I’d be like, “Are you insane?” By the end I felt strong and had a ton of energy. I felt good — it wasn’t about getting skinny or muscly. But I went through so much Epsom salt. And wine.


What was it like the rest of the time when you weren’t training?


It was pretty great — I’m not going to lie. I had the best time. I love London, and my fiance was with me, and everyone from the movie got really close and lived in the same little village. I was just so happy to be there. It’s the biggest movie I’ve ever done. And the costumes were on a whole different level. There were so many fittings and then rehearsals with the costumes on.


Did you take pictures of yourself when you first put your gold supervillain costume on?


No, we weren’t allowed to take any pictures. This was lockdown. They have it somewhere, and you will see it. But there are different evolutions to my character. I will leave you with that.

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Выпустили бы в сентябре. Но это опять же риск. Небось в след году, и то если повезёт...
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