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Марианна (Marianne)

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Режиссер  Зайда Бергрот                

Сценарий  Джулия Тейлор-Стэнли

    Зайда Бергрот



Продюсеры  Джулия Тейлор-Стэнли    

      Рооса Тойвонен




Джоджо Макари


Биографический фильм, посвященный британской певице и актрисе Марианне Фейтфулл

Свою музыкальную карьеру Фейтфулл начала в 1964 году, когда на одной из вечеринок ее заприметил менеджер The Rolling Stones Эндрю Луг Олдем. Девушке тогда было всего 17 лет. The Rolling Stones написали для нее песню As Tears Go By, которая взорвала британские хит-парады. Тогда Марианна была замужем. В 1965 году родила сына, но годом позже ушла от супруга к Мику Джаггеру, отношения с которым продлились до 1970 года. За эти годы у нее вышло еще несколько хитовых песен. В начале 70-х у Марианны начались проблемы из-за пристрастия к наркотикам, она лишилась родительских прав, два раза вышла замуж и дважды развелась. На сцену она вернулась лишь на исходе 70-х.


Изменено 16.02.2025 10:33 пользователем DandyAndy
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Ой всё, опять Малек будет Джаггера изображать.
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Смех будет тогда, когда и правда Малек сыграет Джаггера здесь.
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Глупые локализаторы, должно было быть Фэйсфулл, ведь фэйтфул - это fateful...

Ну да ладно, спишем на устоявшийся перевод имени

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Люси Бойнтон в интервью Vanity Fair

Boynton’s next project—as headliner and executive producer—is as her playlist foretells: a biopic of Marianne Faithfull, chronicling the singer-songwriter’s life in ’60s London, as she found fame, love, and turbulence alongside Mick Jagger.


“It’s kind of like your favorite character from a book coming to life,” Boynton said, recalling meeting Faithfull at the Chloe runway show this past February. The pandemic was still weeks away; come April, Faithfull would have her own close call with the coronavirus. But the day—complete with a live performance by the 73-year-old—was quite the reward for Boynton’s research. “Having spent so many months reading about her life and her world, it was then very strange to be sharing the same space and time with her,” the actor said of the “totally surreal” experience. Production, originally slated for this fall, has shifted to next year. “I’m trying to look at that as a positive, and see that as just the opportunity to give us more time to prepare and make it even better,” she said.


What drew you into this Marianne Faithfull project?


There's just so much about that time and about her life that was so appealing. It's kind of an accumulation of all the elements: Culturally, historically, and politically, London in the ’60s is such a fascinating time to explore because it was right at the center of rock and roll. It was at the forefront of such a new era—youth as a kind of currency and the shedding of tradition. The implications of that free love era are so interesting to investigate, considering it was a catalyst for so much of how we live now. And then, of course, there's this girl-woman at the very center of all of that—right in the thick of some of the most iconic moments of that time.


With this film, and with her book that it's based on, you get to go behind the curtains of what was reported and see what really happened. That's kind of an element I find really interesting: the power of the media, and how that portrayal of a person or people can have a really strong current of repercussions and can really color how the public sees someone—as well as the stark contrast between the media's treatment of men and women. So her life and her experience and her voice—both in a professional capacity, but also in everything that she spoke about and speaks about—I think are catalysts for a lot of fascinating conversations that are really relevant today. As you can tell, I can reel off all of these things that I'm so excited to dive into! So the answer is a lot.

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Люси Бойнтон покинула проект по причине "творческих разногласий"
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Продюсер Джулия Тейлор-Стэнли пытается вновь запустить проект в производство, на этот раз она же выступит и сценаристом, вместе с Зайдой Бергрот, которая сядет в режиссерское кресло. В роли Фейтфулл — Фрейя Аллан, Мика Джаггера сыграет Джоджо Макари.

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