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Бэтгёрл (Batgirl)

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Yeah, if you wondered, Gotham in BATGIRL looked like Burton's Gotham.




You know what? Fuck it at this point. I saw BATGIRL last year. It was solid.

It wasn't terrible by a long shot. I'd give it a 6 which isn't bad at all for a test screening. Just needed standard reshoots to tweak stuff.

I think Zaslav already knew he didn't love Keaton being the DCEU Batman and he didn't want to spend the money making action scenes bigger to justify selling it as a big theatrical blockbuster



How was Fraser?





Great. Best part of the movie.


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Засрав пёс!
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Ого. Созрел наш герой. Хотел бы я тоже убедится, что фильм не настолько bad...
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The plot of WB's cancelled Batgirl film, starring Leslie Grace, Brendan Fraser, J.K. Simmons, Rebecca Front, & Michael Keaton


We start with a young Barbara Gordon in ballet class. She sees the martial arts class through a window and sneaks in. She meets her best friends here, Jason Bard and Alysia Yeoh. With the help of her photographic memory, she uses some moves she saw to take down a bigger kid.


Her mom and dad pick her up from class and discuss if Babara should be allowed to go on a patrol with Jim. He's uncomfortable with the idea but eventually gives in, getting Barbara excited. Gordon is almost killed by a gang on patrol but Batman saves him, which amazes Barbara.


Later, Jim hears a call over the radio saying his house is on fire. He arrives to see his home in flames and his wife screaming in the window. He struggles to get inside but his front door explodes, knocking him out. Barbara walks in and sees a large man before passing out.


-Cut to many years later- Barbara now works a desk job at the GCPD, with Jim being retired as he suffered a heart attack. She often stays at home to take care of him, while also spending time with her best friend Alysia and her boyfriend, Jason.


Meanwhile we see Garfield Lynns(Firefly) who works at a grocery store, but is fired for his temper. He tries to get his old job with the Bressi crime family back but is rejected by the boss because he's running for mayor. Garfield burns down a pharmacy for his sick wife's meds.


Barbara dyes her hair red and attends a Halloween party hosted by Bruce Wayne. She wears a Batman costume, while Jim shows up wearing his normal trench coat with a sign on the back saying "nudist on strike" It's interrupted by Killer Moth, who brought goons to rob the party.


Barbara drops from the ceiling and begins fighting the goons along with Bruce, saving his life. Moth escapes but is incinerated by Firefly, who knew he was on the Bressi's hit list. Garfield takes his grill and brings it back to the Bressi's as proof of his kill, being re-hired.


Later, Barbara sees Alysia at her bar. She asks if Barbara dyed her hair red to be like Batgirl, as some other people apparently did after the news of the new hero from the party. She plays along to not seem suspicious, but realizes she loves being a vigilante and saving others.


Back at GCPD, Barbara breaks in to the GCPD evidence lockers using her photographic memory. She sees Harley Quinn's bat from Suicide Squad and the mallet from Birds of Prey. She grabs an old batarang and also finds Catwoman's cowl, which she uses to make her own cowl.


Having now made her own Batsuit, Barbara goes on patrol for the first time. She's grappled by Batman who tells her to stop being a vigilante ,and then drives off in his classic Batmobile. However, Barbara is able to steal his grapple gun in the process.


Barbara begins to investigate Firefly as she believes he's the one who killed her mother. In the process she begins to fall for Anthony Bressi, son of the crime family, who's working to help Gotham's homeless in the sewers. This hurts her relationship with Jason.


Barbara is upset with her dad as he says he didn't see anyone on the night her mom died. She lights up the batsignal to ask Batman for help, but he inspires her to solve it on her own. Firefly goes to kill Jim but is stopped by Batgirl, who somehow discovers he was a firefighter.


Barbara investigates Garfield Lynn's files and sees they were already taken by Jim, finding out her dad was secretly investigating him too. She confronts the corrupt head of the GCFD, and learns that she sent Firefly to kill Jim that night, but Mrs. Gordon was there instead.


Despite their relationship being tense, Barbara goes to Jason and tells him about all of this while keeping her Batgirl identity a secret. They find out Firefly is going to enact a massive plan to burn down Gotham. (I'm not actually sure why, but I'd guess his sick wife died)


Firefly arrives at the mayoral speech for the head of the Bressi family and kills him with fire. Batgirl chases him on her bike, but he escapes as there's fire bursting out from all of the sewer grates. Jason arrives with a firetruck to try and help, but Firefly boards it.


Jason tries to fight but Firefly hits him in the leg with an axe. He sprays fire all over the city while Batgirl manages to catch up with him on her bike, and they fight on top of the truck for a bit. Barbara and Jason manage to get off the truck before it crashes into a hole.


The hole lead to a village for the homeless. Garfield is badly injured from the firetruck, and Anthony Bressi arrives with his goons. They hold Batgirl back as he shoots Firefly in the head. Now knowing Anthony's role in all of this, Batgirl tells him she'll stop him one day.


We cut to Christmas, where Barbara and Jason have gotten back together and are setting up decorations along with Alysia and Jim. Gordon believes she can go out on patrol with the GCPD now, but Barbara declines and she uses the database from her desk job to catch criminals.


Barbara has now started to work from an old clocktower. Batman arrives, asking if she's ready to be a hero. She accepts and is given a new armored suit but decides to combine it with her old one, keeping the cape and cowl she made from Catwoman's suit.


Batman and Batgirl have a discussion about how they've felt lonely for so long, bonding over their traumatic lives. Barbara and Bruce get on a gargoyle and jump off together, gliding through Gotham City as the ending shot for the film.

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да слейте уже этот фильм в сырой версии 360р
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- Никого в руководстве студии особо не волновало, что в одном фильме присутствуют Бэтмен Бертона (Китон) и Гордон Снайдера (Дж. К. Симмонс), потому что нужны были известные имена для продвижения картины.


- Пробы на роль Бэтгерл прошли около 500 девушек; в финал вышли Зои Дойч и Лесли Грейс; никаких особых требований к роли не выдвигалось.


- Сценарий Ходсон требовал обширной полировки, но когда Адил и Билал (режиссеры) пришли к руководству студии с этим предложением, им был предъявлен ультиматум - либо снимаете как есть, либо постановка отменяется (вероятно, такая реакция была вызвана похожими проблемами со сценариями "Оно" и "Флэша", для решения которых студии пришлось пойти на уступки).


- Адил и Билал решили подчиниться, полагая, что проблемы все равно станут очевидны позже, и им все же позволят переработать сценарий и заняться пересъемками.


- Съемки фильма проходили без особых проблем и конфликтов на площадке, студию все устраивало.


- На этапе пост-продакшена начали резко заканчиваться деньги на спецэффекты.


- От студии стали поступать новые директивы ("light and more funny" вместо "dark, grounded and serious"), что явно противоречило изначальной концепции (все еще Хамада).


- Начались переносы и проблемы у "Флэша", который должен был выходить раньше "Бэтгерл" по сюжетным причинам.


- Слух про "кошмарные" тестовые показы, после которых студия сразу же приняла решение отменить проект из-за его низкого качества, не соответствует действительности.


- На тестовых показах "Бэтгерл" набрала оценку 61%, что было крепким средним результатом в сравнении, например, с "Хищными птицами" (37%) или "Мэвериком" (85%).


- Режиссерам, которые надеялись, что после тестовых показов им наверняка дадут "зеленый свет" на переписывание сценария и пересъемки, снова не повезло, поскольку этот момент выпал на уход Хамады и приход Заслава.


- Заслав оценил все оставшиеся проекты по Снайдерверсу как не имеющие кассовых перспектив, но отмена "Флэша", "Синего жука" и "Аквамена 2" была финансово невыгодна, поэтому "под нож" пустили все остальное, включая "Бэтгерл".


- Съемочную группу не предупреждали об отмене фильма заранее, вероятно, чтобы не допустить утечек отснятого материала, который одномоментно был удален со всех производственных серверов студии практически за одну ночь.


- Единственная копия фильма находится в распоряжении Warner Bros. под замком, но вероятность ее релиза ничтожна, потому что иначе студии придется возмещать налоговые вычеты, полученные за счет отмены "Бэтгерл".


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никаких особых требований к роли не выдвигалось


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Заслав оценил все оставшиеся проекты по Снайдерверсу как не имеющие кассовых перспектив, но отмена "Флэша", "Синего жука" и "Аквамена 2" была финансово невыгодна, поэтому "под нож" пустили все остальное, включая "Бэтгерл".

А как же лучший кинокомикс на свете "Флуш"? Ну я так и думал. )

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Не прокатило))
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Michael Keaton says he doesn’t really care that ‘BATGIRL’ got cancelled. “No, I didn’t care one way or another. Big, fun, nice check.”

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