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Неогранённые драгоценности (Uncut Gems)

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Новости от 12 сентября 2018 г.

Год - 2019

Студии - Elara Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions, Sikelia Productions

Страна - США

Режиссёры - Бен Сэфди, Джошуа Сэфди

Сценарий - Рональд Бронштейн, Бен Сэфди, Джошуа Сэфди

Продюсеры - Себастьян Бир-Макклард, Оскар Бойсон, Скотт Рудин

Оператор - Дариус Хонджи

Художники - Сэм Лисенко, Эрик Дин, Miyako Bellizzi

Жанр - триллер, драма, комедия, криминал, детектив

В главных ролях:

Пом Клементьефф / Адам Сэндлер / Лакит Стэнфилд


Идина Мензел / Джадд Хёрш / Эрик Богосян



История о жизни нью-йоркского «Бриллиантового района», в котором находятся крупнейшие ювелирные магазины и алмазные лавки.

Фото со съемок:

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Изменено 24.05.2020 14:46 пользователем Blood Brother
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один из самых ожидаемых фильмов, верю, что получится очень весело, хотя может Сафди так только опопсеют, первых трёх актёров обожаю. жалко только, что Шон Прайс Уильямс куда-то делся, хотя Хонджи снимает прилично, но не уровень.
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Пока как-то не уверена. Если что, на Стенфилда посмотрю, он всегда хороший.
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Надеюсь на премьеру в Венеции, очень жду и верю в лучшее.
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После Good Time братьям карт-бланш на годы вперёд.
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После Good Time братьям карт-бланш на годы вперёд.


Очень приятный (по-своему) фильм получился.

Теперь сильно жду и сабж от них.

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Международная премьера в Торонто, продолжительность - 135 мин.
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Теллурайд+Торонто, хорошо.



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From acclaimed filmmakers Josh and Benny Safdie comes an electrifying crime thriller about Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score. When he makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime, Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides, in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.


Returning to the screen with a pulse-pounding crime comedy, directing duo brothers Josh and Benny Safdie (Good Time, Heaven Knows What) tell the story of Howard Ratner (Adam Sandler), a charismatic and slippery jeweller. Howard is determined to prove himself a champion in his day-to-day life, and he idolizes his client list of famous athletes procured for him by his middleman, Demany (LaKeith Stanfield, also at the Festival in Knives Out). Ever scheming, Howard intends to sell a mined chunk of rock full of embedded gems at auction — after it's shipped to him from Ethiopia inside a fish carcass. If he can navigate his way through marital problems, girlfriend problems, imaginatively vicious debt collectors, and his unquenchable desire to be close to success, he might just have a clear shot at winning.


Sandler commands the screen with such a nuanced performance that it's like Howard has been sewn into his skin. He juggles the film's uneasy comedy with a sense of imbued optimism, one that keeps him in trouble but also keeps everyone around Howard — including the audience — rooting for him.


The Safdie brothers give their signature gritty, naturalistic feel to the story, cementing their place in the canon of down-anddirty New York cinema alongside greats like John Cassavetes and Abel Ferrara.


With surprising turns from former NBA star Kevin Garnett and The Weeknd playing themselves, the Safdies present a vibrant and chaotic picture of the city that is very much of the moment. Wrapped in frenetic, stop-at-nothing energy and full of laughs, Uncut Gems is a meaty, edgy diamond in the rough.

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Реакции с Теллурайда пошли


erickohn @erickohn

Yes, yes, Adam Sandler rules. But the nerve-rattling fun of UNCUT GEMS is how it synthesizes every Safdie bros movie before it, from GOOD TIME to DADDY LONGLEGS to LENNY COOKE in a mesmerizing chronicle of desperate schemes...think MEAN STREETS meets Preston Sturges. #Telluride


Practical Daddy somehow alive in #Telluride


#UncutGems: Safdie’s take the throbbing, heartracing insanity of #GoodTime, douse it in gasoline & light it up. Cocaine the movie, a stress-inducing, hyperengaging portrait of spiraling desperation. Adam Sandler is ferocious, and unstoppable.#TellurideFilmFestival



Practical Daddy somehow alive in #Telluride


And just also really fucking entertaining, funny, explosive and nerveracking. The Oneohtrix Point Never score is unreal. No one does the NY Mean Streets street grift hustle like the Safdies. #UncutGems #TellurideFilmFestival #Telluride2019 #AdamSandler


Garrett Casey


People should probably ask their doctor if their heart is healthy enough to see UNCUT GEMS. It was relentless. I feel like I need to be tranquilized. It was real good though.

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IndieWire A

Directors Joshua and Benny Safdie’s followup to “Good Time” is on that same wavelength — abrasive, deranged, driven by an insuppressible blur of movement and noise. It’s also a riveting high-wire act, pairing cosmic visuals with the gritty energy of a dark psychological thriller and sudden bursts of frantic comedy, and it’s the first movie to truly commune with Sandler’s performative strengths since “Punch-Drunk Love.” If “Uncut Gems” leaves people rattled, disoriented, grasping for clarity in the chaos of one man’s hectic routine, that all speaks to the sheer precision of a visionary achievement in full control.

“Uncut Gems” speeds through Howard’s life as a cascade of clashing moments. The Safdies’ ability to string these sequences together without taking a single breather is absolute narrative marvel: Howard goes from an impromptu Philly roadtrip to watching his kid in a bizarre school play, dodging gangsters in the parking lot, pushing back against a looming divorce during the family’s Passover seder, arguing with a bookie (Eric Bogosian) and talking a baffled family friend (Judd Hirsch) into helping him rig an ill-fated auction. Phew.

“Uncut Gems” won’t sit well with anyone who prefers protagonists easy to like or stories with a clean moral compass. But there’s a genuine subversive glee involved in following Howard through his inane quest for all the money he can score, and watching him set himself up for failure with such conviction the whole way through. Howard may be doomed from the start, but in the process of resisting his inevitable fate, “Uncut Gems” makes his ludicrous plan infectious.


The Playlist A-

For over two hours, this frantic, frenetic cacophony of sound, music, and overlapping, sometimes hard-to-discern dialogue keeps rising and crescendoing to nearly absurdly comical levels. Editing law of physics would normally claim a restless, roving, high-wire act movie like this—which feels like a wild injection of pure cocaine— would eventually shatter and collapse under the weight of its own pressure. But this masterful symphony of tension building, somehow never does.

Held together by a hilarious, manic, tour-de-force performance by Adam Sandler—one of his very best which now ranks among “Punch Drunk Love” and those all-time touchstones (update your rankings asap), the Safdies somehow outdo their last, similarly chaotic picture “Good Time,” and create a new “Mean Streets” for their own generation. No one does a New York grift and street hustle like the Safdies and while the material, tone, and tenor are fairly similar to their last film—another electric and grueling portrait of desperation under stressful circumstances with the clock ticking— “Uncut Gems” still manages to bigger and more ambitious in scope.

Dizzying, but engrossing and entertaining, “Uncut Gems” is not for the faint of heart. The Safdie’s arguably don’t know how to make a movie that isn’t dialed up to 11 and isn’t lodged in your throat, but how glorious and unsettling that wildness can be.
Изменено 31.08.2019 17:20 пользователем Walter666
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Пробежался по диагонали взглядом по ^ отзывам, пишут, что сабж не для слабонервных
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Сэндлер уже давно не доставляет. Лет 10 как уже.
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Ну наконец. Очень интересно, что в итоге получится. Изменено 20.09.2019 21:03 пользователем Andrewx
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Трейлер во вторник


Finally. Я тут как раз намедни пересмотрел "The Good Time" и настроился на волну Сэфди.

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Жду из-за Сэндлера.

Великий актёр!

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Типикал Сэфди: от фильтров, до пролетов камерой над трассой. Но за то и нравятся, главное, чтобы по итогу совсем уж в самоповтор не ударились.



И Сэндлер хорош, хорош чертяка.

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Сэндлер и правда интересный тут. Надеюсь выльется это все во что-то неплохое.
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А так всё хорошо.

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Как-то никак. Ну то есть выглядит хорошо, как обычно у Сэфди, но у Гуд Тайма то трейлер был бомба, хотя там ещё Игги. Думаю это просто нарезано тут так криво, темп не чувствуется, ладно, в фильме всё намного лучше должно быть.
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Джон Туртурро хорош
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