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DC Extended Universe

Какие из фильмов по мотивам DC по-вашему увидят релиз не позднее 2022 года.  

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  1. 1. Какие из фильмов по мотивам DC по-вашему увидят релиз не позднее 2022 года.

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Дебют Дэмиена, Ауторити, Бустер Голд, Фонари, ну, короче, нормально так Ганн зашёл.
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Хз,пока веду наблюдение...Ничо не понятно,ыы
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хммм, понятно... кал калыч.
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The Brave and the Bold”


Along with introducing the DCU’s version of Batman — who will exist separately from the version played by Robert Pattinson in “The Batman” movies — “The Brave and the Bold” will introduce “the Bat family,” Gunn said. First among them is Robin, who is returning fully to live-action movies for the first time since 1997’s ill-fated feature “Batman and Robin.”


This version of Robin is Damian Wayne; Gunn described him as “our favorite Robin,” “a little son of a bitch,” an “assassin” and a “murderer.”


Damian is Bruce Wayne’s biological son, a fact unknown to Wayne for the first eight to 10 years of Damian’s life. “It’s a very strange sort of father-son story about the two of them,” Gunn said.


The project is based on the run of Batman comics authored by Grant Morrison, who Gunn said was “exceptionally influential” on the DCU. The other comics writer Gunn mentioned by name was Tom King — who participated in the DCU writers room and leads right into the next feature project.


“Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow”


Based on King’s comics run of the same title from 2021 and 2022, “Woman of Tomorrow” features Superman’s cousin, Kara Zor-El, who, as Gunn explained, “is a very different type of Supergirl.”


“We see the difference between Superman, who was sent to Earth and raised by loving parents from the time he’s an infant, versus Supergirl, who was raised on a rock chip off of Krypton, and watched everyone around her die and be killed in terrible ways for the first 14 years of her life.”


Gunn called this Supergirl “much more hardcore” — though King’s series also involves Krypto, the superdog.


“Swamp Thing”


Easily the most extreme example of Gunn and Safran’s conviction to diversify the DCU, “Swamp Thing” will “investigate the dark origins of Swamp Thing,” Safran said, through the prism of horror.


By way of explaining further, Gunn referenced the initial reactions to the Guardians of the Galaxy joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe and initial questions about how Rocket Raccoon would work standing next to Thor. “That mashup quality” wound up being one of the highlights of “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame,” Gunn argued.


Gunn said they’re “one-upping” that approach with “Swamp Thing.”


“This is a much more horrific film, but we’ll still have Swamp Thing interact with the other characters,” he added.


“Creature Commandos”


This animated series for HBO Max is the very first project greenlit by Safran and Gunn, who has written every episode. The show is already in production.


The Creature Commando characters were first launched in 1980. The premise features Frankenstein’s monster teaming up with a werewolf, a vampire and a gorgon to fight Nazis in World War II. It doesn’t appear that Gunn’s version takes quite the same approach — Weasel, one of the characters from Gunn’s 2021 film “The Suicide Squad,” is one of the Commandos, along with Rick Flag’s father, Rick Flag Sr.


Animation, Gunn said, allows their creative collaborators to “tell stories that are gigantic, but without spending, you now, $50 million an episode.”


Crucially, Gunn said that the actors cast to voice the characters on the show will also play the roles in live action later on in the DCU.




With Gunn focused on “Superman: Legacy” for the foreseeable future, Season 2 of “Peacemaker” has been put on hold. Instead, “team ‘Peacemaker'” will appear alongside Davis as a “continuation” of that show, Gunn said — which (spoiler alert for Season 1 of “Peacemaker”) ended with Waller’s daughter Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks) outing Task Force X (a.k.a. the Suicide Squad) and Waller’s role running it to the world.


Along with Christal Henry, who was part of the DCU writers room, “Waller” will be executive produced by Jeremy Carver, who created the beloved DC series “Doom Patrol,” which was recently canceled by HBO Max.


“They are crushing it,” Safran said of Henry and Carver’s work on “Waller.”


“It’s just the greatest show ever,” Gunn added.


Both “Creature Commandos” and “Waller” are expected to debut before “Superman: Legacy”; Safran called them the “aperitif” for the DCU.




Of all the TV series, Safran and Gunn seemed most excited for “Lanterns,” which Safran described as “a huge HBO-quality event” that is “very much in the vein of ‘True Detective.'”


The show will focus on two of the best known members of the Green Lantern corps.: Hal Jordan (the test pilot first played on screen by Ryan Reynolds in 2011’s “Green Lantern”) and John Stewart (an ex-marine and one of DC’s first Black superheroes), who investigate a mystery that Safran said “plays a really big role leading us into the main story that we’re telling across our film and television.”


“So this is a very important show for us,” Safran continued.


This project is separate from a Green Lantern series that was being developed by Greg Berlanti for HBO Max, which is now no longer moving forward.


“Greg’s vision was more of a space opera,” Safran said. “Our vision is much more ‘True Detective,’ terrestrial-based investigation story.”


“Paradise Lost”


This “‘Game of Thrones’-ish story,” Safran said, is set on the island of Themyscira before the birth of Diana (a.k.a. Wonder Woman).


“It’s really about the political intrigue behind a society of all women,” Safran said.


Added Gunn, “How did that come about? What’s the origin of an island of all women? What are the beautiful truths and the ugly truths behind all of that? And what’s the scheming like between the different power players in that society?”


The provocative title recalls the “Paradise Island Lost” comics series authored by Phil Jimenez and George P233;rez, which followed a civil war on Themyscira; however, that run directly involved Wonder Woman.


“Booster Gold”


Finally, there’s “Booster Gold,” which allows the DCU to fully stretch into outright comedy. While he may not be familiar to casual fans of DC, the character, also known as Mike Carter, is a fan favorite among devoted readers. Safran called Booster “a loser from the future who uses basic future technology to come back to today and pretend to be a superhero.”


In the 25th century, Mike is a disgraced former football star who uses a time machine on display in the Metropolis Space Museum.


Added Gunn, “Basically, ‘Booster Gold’ is imposter syndrome as a superhero.”


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Два проекта "по супсу"....Но зочем?Не проще было бы ее всунуть в сольник Кала?


Фонари тоже сериал,meh

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Из всего этого только Booster Gold меня заинтересовал. Но вообще ощущение уже сейчас, что 80 процентов из этого не состоится.
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Those being Shazam! Fury of the Gods (March 17), The Flash (June 16) the latter which Gunn says “resets everything.”


“I will say here that Flash is probably one of the greatest superhero movies ever made,” Gunn added.


Врёт.Не верю.

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Based on King’s comics run of the same title from 2021 and 2022, “Woman of Tomorrow” features Superman’s cousin, Kara Zor-El, who, as Gunn explained, “is a very different type of Supergirl.”

Прикольная штука, но зачем оно параллельно Супермену? Люди могут одного криптонца не осилить, лол.


This “‘Game of Thrones’-ish story,” Safran said, is set on the island of Themyscira before the birth of Diana (a.k.a. Wonder Woman).

Это тиви или шо? Потом 10 лет появления Дианы ждать? С Гадот официально прощаемся?

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лол, бустер голд.


в идеале рейнолдс лет эдак 15 назад, но ганн поди протащит прэтта.

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Т.е. они опять перезапускают вселенную с супермена? Господи, как бы потом опять всё не развалилось)
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Есть такое впечатление, что они по Гадот, Миллеру и Момоа ещё не решили и до конца и ждут как пойдут Флэш с Акваменом.
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–No one actor will play two parts. Hence, Momoa is Aquaman going forward, not Lobo.
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Два проекта "по супсу"....Но зочем?Не проще было бы ее всунуть в сольник Кала?

Слишком много кала для одного фильма.


Это была смешная шутка, а теперь серьезно - единственное что мне не нравится из всего что я щас слышу это одноименная адаптация комикса Кинга. Мне не нравится тамошний подход к персонажу. Но это мы посмотрим.


В остальном - ну, мужик за дело взялся, чё уж тут. Достаточно разнообразный и интересный лайнап проектов.

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Эзра может остаться Флушом...Лул
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Hence, Momoa is Aquaman going forward, not Lobo.

Эзра может остаться Флушом...Лул


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Флэша все кругом захваливают, он может иметь хороший сарафан, с Аквой в принципе тоже должно быть все норм, первый фильм народу зашел, с Супсом же вообще ничего не понятно...Сериалы в стиле то ИП, то Настоящего детектива... Пока все это не впечатляет, но посмотрим.

Я только не пойму почему они категорически не хотят из Фонаря сделать полнометр...

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Флэша все кругом захваливают, он может иметь хороший сарафан, с Аквой в принципе тоже должно быть все норм, первый фильм народу зашел, с Супсом же вообще ничего не понятно...Сериалы в стиле то ИП, то Настоящего детектива... Пока все это не впечатляет, но посмотрим.

Я только не пойму почему они категорически не хотят из Фонаря сделать полнометр...


Тоже не пойму

Неужели до сих пор фантомные боли

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Моррисону, конечно, подарок на днюху Ганн отвалил знатный.
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Чо, пацаны, верим в Ганндуляна, разнесёт 1 фазой?
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Чо, пацаны, верим в Ганндуляна, разнесёт 1 фазой?


Раз провал, два провал / очередное новое лицо анонсируют новые проекты и первый фильм будет про супермэна / перезапуск / Эзра миллер продолжает играть флеша / А когда АйрКат ? / и так до скончания веков

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Хз крч.ИЗ всего только Фонари и Супс более или менее интересуют.На бетса плевать вообще,как и робина.Волер,бустер,ЧЖ и Тварь вообще мимо


Власть и Супегёрл - хз,не совсем понимаю,зочем.Очень много анонсов так-то,как бы не аукнулось большим количеством провалов

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Самое прикольное, это два разных Бэтмена со своими сольниками. Аффлека вернут? С сынишкой
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