Конечно был. Он же начинал работу над "V значит вендетта", ну и когда его загадашно отозвали, появились слухи. (Ну собственно как вспомнить, тогда перебирались все)
Эх, охренительный бы Бонд получился. Хотя я и не поклонник.
But then there’s Rome. HBO’s Rome. Mad, beautiful epic Rome, heaving with gorgeous people (Polly Walker, Indira Varma, Zuleikha Robinson, Lyndsey Marshal, and Lindsay Duncan represent for Team Lady-Sexy) both in and out of uniform. There’s solid, grizzled puppydog Titus Pullo, played by Ray Stevenson, who swaggers around in legionary uniform as if it was a football strip; there’s debonair would-be Bond actor James Purefoy inflaming passions as Mark Antony, wearing armour that on him looks as if it should have a designer label attached and also like I need to go and tear it back off him immediately; and there’s beautiful ginger frown-that-walks-as-a-man Kevin McKidd, as Lucius Vorenus, man with the unfeasibly hot wife and unfeasibly delightful shoulders.
Хорошо написано и по делу.