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Форум на Кинопоиске

Диотима с Безуминкой

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Информация о Диотима с Безуминкой

  • День рождения 4 июня


  • Заголовок
    В арьегарде авангарда
  • Город
    Where I Am Is Here

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  1. By Night With Torch and Spear



    Bookstalls (c. late 1930s) (9 min) нет на КП



    Joseph Cornell: Worlds Within a Box

    Joseph Cornell's Boxes

    Joseph Cornell was a creature of twentieth-century New York. He lived his whole life (1903-1972) in a little house in Queens, too frightened of strangers to venture far from home. But more than that he seemed to breathe the spirit of the city: he was a walking catalog of oedipal obsessions and other Freudian neuroses, a haunter of second-hand book stores and out of the way curio shops, a collector of forgotten treasures, a hiker of sidewalks, a habitué of gallery openings and the ballet, a self-taught sculptor and filmmaker who learned all he knew about art from what he could see in New York and read in books from the public library. He befriended several ballerinas and actresses that he met through the Manhattan art scene, but never married or had what one might call a girlfriend; he was too strange, shy and awkward to interest the kind of glamorous women who fascinated him.


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