Отрывки из речи Беренис Бежо вчера во время чествования Роберта на кинофестивале в Довиле:
...By making Cosmopolis, you made an important choice, by following the steps of actors who knew how to use their stardom in indies.
...and then, one day, we finally met. It wasn't in Cannes, and it wasn't a coincidence. It was planned by Brady CorbetIt was in 2015 in Budapest. The movie was The Childhood of a Leader. You had a supporting role. And I found it very classy.Brady talked about you all the time before filming. After so many conversations about you, I imagined a very different Rob in my head.A Rob that I would meet, hang out with, work with and with whom I would exchange a human role. Not Robert Pattinson the star. Only Rob.Brady Corbet loves you very much. Without you, he wouldn't have made his movie. At least, not like he did.So thank you. ...
I remember something very special about you. As an actor, you really impressed me. You made with a Brady a very special character.You shaved your head&your face was transformed. You did that again tonight. And you succeeded in expressing an astonishing inner violence.You had fun. With yourself. With your image. With acting. There were days where you had pages of texts & you worked with great precision.Scene after scene. You left nothing to chance.There were other days where you were only an extra, and you were there. In a military costume. Waiting. Watching. Listening. Available.You were very discreet. Very professional. And always ready for work. I was happy to discover this Robert Pattinson.
...then later, there was the Rob out of set, the one who's always hiding under a beanie, who blushes, who speaks softly, who always smiles.the one who smiles all the time in a very charming way, the one who does not resemble his characters of Cosmopolis & LCOZ in any way.The biggest actors were always like this. Serving history. Serving directors.
You seem to always choose the role that are the farthest from your character.
...I'm very happy tonight to give you this award that you deserve, and I wish you good continuation of your magnificent career.