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На показ продавались билеты. Это не было мероприятие для элиты. Попасть конечно могли не все.
"Critics were not invited to the screening, and a festival programmer reminded critics who had snagged a ticket that their reviews are embargoed until Monday night."
На Сандэнсе крайне редко показывают блокбастеры - публика не подходящая
Neville Kiser, a screenwriter, thought the movie was hurt by the fact that it was debuting at a venue for highbrow films. “I actually liked it,” Kiser said. “But the Sundance context is weird. There were so many people in the audience scoffing and sneering. They are forgetting they are watching a movie targeted primarily to teenage boys. I’m sure those 15-year-old boys, and hopefully girls, will like it.”
Опять извращение. В оригинале было так:
“I hated it,” said one of the festival’s volunteers, who asked not to be identified for fear of irking Sundance. “It’s just ridiculous.”
Her husband was more forgiving. “It’s a combination of a whole bunch of things wrapped into one,” he said.
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