Первые англоязычные твитты положительные. С другой стороны, некоторые умерли от скуки. Пишут, что лучше К чуду (или даже Древа), сравнивают с Феллини и последним Годаром (мало диалогов). Как и положено, много красивых кадров, природы, ЛА. Многие темы из Древа, вроде смерти и семьи + Голливуд, буржуазия.
IndiewoodHollywoodnt @Indie_Holly
Knight of Cups explores similar territory to Tree of Life w grand themes, fluid camera, meditations. Very colorful! #berlinale
Bront @bmrow
comparisons to great beauty are not helping. couldn't get further than 40 mins. #knightofcups
book of sid @sid_shenoy
so many great reviews of 'knight of cups' from @berlinale
Neil Young @JigsawLounge
KNIGHT OF CUPS: Hollywood mid-life crisis as grand existential-spiritual quest-mosaic, kaleido-oscillating between beatitude & banality.
Romain DERANSY @romainderansy
KNIGHT OF CUPS feels like another branch off of TREE OF LIFE, just as TO THE WONDER did. And it's spectacular.”
Filmbrain (Andrew G) @Filmbrain
KNIGHT OF CUPS: Flirtations w/ narrative, fragments of a life, and a portrait of Los Angeles that outdoes all others. A masterwork.
Neil Young @JigsawLounge
Still a bit shaken after KNIGHT OF CUPS - Malick's best since THIN RED LINE, surely. TO THE WONDER essentially an elaborate sketch for this.