А тебя не смущает, что Пузо Фетта не только в сценах флэшбеков постоянно избивают, но и в настоящем времени? Или это другое, ведь он и там ослаблен и не на пике формы?
Совершенно ожидаемо, что фанатики захавали очередную дозу "правильного" тупого фансервиса и довольны. Ждём и тут Хэмилла, Обувана, зелёного карапуза, ведь чё ещё для счастья надо? Хороший сценарий? Да зачем оно нужно, когда СМАРИТЕ Bobobobobo Bobobobobo Bobobobobo Boba Fett...
He's a bounty hunting man,
flying on the Slave-1,
He's goin' after Han,
But no, he ain't a brave one
'Cause you know he's just in it for the loot.
He's got a Mandalorian suit.
He's kinda blue and grey,
Like a one man civil war,
And as long as he gets paid,
He'll be knockin' at your door -
He doesn't care who you are, Or what you do,
He'll be comin' after you
Is he shy? Is he bold?
Is he young? Is he old?
Does anybody know how he thinks?
He was only on the screen
For a minute so it seems
But he's still a better character than Jar Jar Binks.
He thinks that he's the cool one
With a rocket on his backpack
Until one day by accident
They threw him the Sarlacc
And by accident I mean
Just like what happened to Jimmy Hoffa
Is he man? Is he machine?
How can he be so mean?
His attitude just makes my heart sink.
Next to this mercenary punk
Darth Vader's practically a monk
But still I like him better than Jar Jar Binks.
He's a bounty hunting man,
He's mentally unstable
Now he's doin' what he can
To get a Han made coffee table
And you know he don't even break a sweat
He's as mean as they can get
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