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Questions to Don Fauntleroy

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Привет,это не шутка. Известный режиссер, действительно зайдет на эту страницу и ответит на вопросы фанатов. Поскольку он не знает русского, убедительная просьба задавать вопросы на английском языке. Когда он сможет зайти и ответить на ваши вопросы я не знаю,но он обязательно зайдет!

Фауннтлерой,заходил к нам на сайт,но ничего не понял,т.к все было на русском.Убедительная просьба:ПИСАТЬ ЗДЕСЬ ТОЛЬКО НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ!

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Originally Posted by pold

Dear mr,Fauntleroy, my name is Denis,i'm from Russia.I very want to see UJ.Can you tell me about steven seagal's stunts,did he do all his stunts himself,or he had a stunt double? Will this film go in theatres or not? What do you know about prince of pistols and under siege3? mr,Fauntleroy russian steven seagal fans very vant to speak with you on our movie site kinopoisk.ru. How can we do this? Thank you,Denis russia


Steven did almost all of his own fighting. There is very little use of a stunt double in this film.

It will go out theatricaly in foreign countries.

I would love to speak on your movie site. I can be contacted here or on the IMDB site. Otherwise tell me how to contact you.

Как видите,он согласен.Сегодня были устранены все технические проблемы,в плане его регистрации на нашем сайте,ему были скинуты его форумные данные и ссылка на эту страничку.Огромная просьба,не ограничиваться вопросами о фильмах с участием Сигала.Он-голливудский режиссер,т.е. вопросов можно задать ему очень много.Возможно,следующим шагом станет приглашение на форум,другого режиссера Роэла Рейне,но это пока лишь планы.

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My Question to Don: Mr. FauntLeRoy, What can you advice to young filmmakers? You've worked as a cameraman in quite different moovies (from "The Skateboard Kid", to "Jeepers Creepers-2"), so you can tell something about it. What is the main thing in mooviemaking (please, don't tell me 'bout direction of photography ;)).


So, my point is: how to make a good moovie (from your point of view, of course)

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Tell us about your impressions during working on «Terminator 2». Do you share a friendship with James Cameron?
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My Question to Don: Mr. FauntLeRoy, What can you advice to young filmmakers? You've worked as a cameraman in quite different moovies (from "The Skateboard Kid", to "Jeepers Creepers-2"), so you can tell something about it. What is the main thing in mooviemaking (please, don't tell me 'bout direction of photography ;)).


So, my point is: how to make a good moovie (from your point of view, of course)


Make certain you have a good script and a great vision on how to translate the screenplay to the screen.

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Tell us about your impressions during working on «Terminator 2». Do you share a friendship with James Cameron?

I loved working on Terminator. It was exciting and fun. James has such a film makers vision and knowledge of story telling that you are always being challenged. We don't socialize but get on well when working together.

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My Question to Don:


Mr. FauntLeRoy, Is mr. Seagal doing your and his pictures with impression, spirit or he just do his job without enthusiastic? How do you feel?


Mr. FauntLeRoy, is your movies makes good? How do you think? Do you prouds about your last movies? Do you like your pictures? Or in future something will be improvement and gets better and better?


Mr. FauntLeRoy, will you shot your new movie with mr. Seagal or not? I still hope that you and Steven makes a good movie together like, for example, Hard to Kill, Above the Law.


Mr. FauntLeRoy, as we can see, you need an excellent scripts for your next movies. Do you agree?


We are very glad to see you here and thanks a lot for answers in future on our questions.

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