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Сорвиголова: Рожденный заново (Daredevil: Born Again)

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Fewer than half of the series’ 18 episodes had been shot, but it was enough for Marvel executives, including chief Kevin Feige, to review the footage and come away with a clear-eyed assessment: The show wasn’t working.


So, in late September, Marvel quietly let go head writers Chris Ord and Matt Corman and also released the directors for the remainder of the season as part of a significant creative reboot of the series, The Hollywood Reporter has learned


The Hollywood Reporter reported that Corman and Ord's take on the series was not akin to the Netflix version, noting that Cox did not appear in costume until the fourth episode.
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ясно,очередной франкенштейн

Лучше бы количество эпизодов сократил


Кмоу нахрен нужны 18 эпизодов по сабжу

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noting that Cox did not appear in costume until the fourth episode.

Они идиоты совсем что ли?

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Лучше бы количество эпизодов сократил


Кмоу нахрен нужны 18 эпизодов по сабжу





Matthew not suiting up for 4 episodes would’ve been fine if Born Again was actually 18 episodes long, but Marvel is splitting it into two 9 episode seasons.


They realized they couldn’t release a Daredevil show when Daredevil’s the only hero not suiting up for half the season!


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Так это еще хуже.Господи,какие же КОНЧИ


Кекфликс с ходу выдал винрар,а Фига пускает подливу за пдоливой

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Ну ниче. теперь все будет по другому. тв-мсю спасен
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Обосравшийся заново
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Обосравшийся заново


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Жаль так с Женщиной Халком не прокатило. Ну что имеет то и имеем. Ситизен кстати будет защищать? А соре, он безголосный. Ну мош вспомнит через 2 недели
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Ну есть что то положительное в том, что они осознали, что делают что то не так
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Alex Perez implies original Born Again show plans would have had Foggy & Karen killed off in first episode. Matthew hang up the Devil’s cowl for over a year after failing to save Foggy… Kingpin would’ve been Mayor, winning on a campaign of backing law enforcement while discouraging street level heroes like Punisher, Daredevil… and Spider-Man.
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Alex Perez implies original Born Again show plans would have had Foggy & Karen killed off in first episode


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кекфликсовский дырдевил - оверхайпнут максимально.


лучшее что они там из себя выдавили - первый сезон луки клеткина. стиль, музон, злодей.


а не вот это вот все.

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А могли изначально сделать 8 эпизодов

Продолжить впихивать отсылки и камео

И оставить экшон нетфликса

А так, хорошо хоть после забастовки сообразили что надо нанимать нужных людей

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Не везучий все таки парень этот Кокс.
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Even before Marvel decided to “creatively reboot” #DaredevilBornAgain, Karen Page was NEVER considered to be apart of the show.


Her character wasn’t even referenced or alluded to, like Foggy Nelson was in the first episode. There’s a reason why I NEVER mentioned Karen Page


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As it moves forward, Marvel is making concrete changes in how it makes TV. It now has plans to hire showrunners. Gao’s postproduction work on She-Hulk helped Marvel see that it would be helpful for its shows to have a creative throughline from start to finish.

“It’s a term we’ve not only grown comfortable with but also learned to embrace,” says Winderbaum of showrunners and Marvel TV’s intention to hire them.




какой же там бардак:lol:

Чисто на похер снимаем,чо же может пойти не так?

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>Begins one year after Matt hung up the cowl due to his failure to save Karen and Foggy from a hit ordered by Fisk (which all happened off-screen).


>Matt is dating Heather Glenn, a couples therapist treating Fisk and Vanessa, whose marriage is strained.


>Fisk is now Mayor of New York with a government-backed anti-vigilante platform targeting the likes of Daredevil, Punisher and Spider-Man.


>Matt meets Kirsten McDuffie, who convinces him to join their legal firm. They have a lot of chemistry, but Matt remains committed to Heather.


>Matt finds out a group of corrupt cops are using the Punisher as a scapegoat for their crimes, and this causes both Matt to come out of retirement and Castle to begin FRANK'ing again as well.


>The return of Daredevil and Punisher sends Fisk on an autism spiral.


>Buck Cashman, a corrupt FBI agent working with Fisk, is blackmailed into capturing Daredevil. He eventually goes crazy and tries to kill Daredevil himself as he supervillain Bullet.


>While dealing with Fisk, Matt must also fight the likes of Tenfingers, a former member of The Hand turned crime lord, and Muse, a serial killer who kills people to make art.


>Ben Urich's niece B.B. Urich is introduced, trying to expose Fisk on behalf of his political opponent Sheila Rivera.


>Fisk's assistant Danny Blade is also revealed to be his illegimate son with a hooker he fucked when he was a teen.


>In the end, Fisk finds out Heather is Matt's girlfriend and, even though Matt had no idea Heather was Fisk's therapist, Fisk thinks she was leaking intel to Matt and kills her.


>Matt, Kirsten, Castle and B.B. expose Fisk once and for all, and Rivera becomes Mayor, while Fisk becomes the Kingpin again.; Castle leaves for his own revival spinoff adventures, Matt keeps protecting NYC ahead to his scheduled appearence in Spider-Man 4.

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Потерял двух тянок и лучшего друга, а Колобка просто РАЗОБЛАЧИЛИ. Мэтт, ты...



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Интересно поглядеть, как диснеи еще унизят Фиска и других персонажей. С экшеном уже и так понятно, тем более в сравнении с нетфликсом.


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И вот этот типа слив терпеть 18 серий? В Дисней чокнулись?

Да это же сюжет 3 сезона, а там было от силы серий 10

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У сериала появились новый шоураннер и режиссеры

Dario Scardapane, whose recent credits include Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan as well as Netflix’s Marvel show The Punisher, has been tapped to act as the new showrunner for the series, which is in the midst of a creative overhaul.


Additionally, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, the co-directing team behind indie genre thrillers who are coming off of directing episodes of Loki season two, have been hired to helm the remaining episodes that will constitute the first season on Disney+

Marvel will keep some scenes and episodes that have already been shot, though other serialized elements will be injected. Scardapane will write the new episodes and new scenes, incorporating what was already shot.


Benson and Moorhead will direct the new episodes to bring this first season to a close. It is unclear how many episodes it will encompass.

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ario Scardapane, whose recent credits include Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan as well as Netflix’s Marvel show The Punisher, has been tapped to act as the new showrunner for the series, which is in the midst of a creative overhaul.


неплохо,кепка потихоньку выходит из анабиоза.Правда,он не додумолся позвать челов,которые непосредственно над дурьбашкой работали в кекфликсе,но не все сразу.

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неплохо,кепка потихоньку выходит из анабиоза.Правда,он не додумолся позвать челов,которые непосредственно над дурьбашкой работали в кекфликсе,но не все сразу.


Он их не зовёт из соображений экономии. Им по контрактам полагаются плюшки ибо они работали над тремя сезонами и после трёх там какие-то бонусы причитаются.

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