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Аквамен и потерянное царство (Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom)

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Подтвердили возвращение Патрика Уилсона


Надо полагать, будут вместе с "Водяным" биться бок о бок против более серьезной угрозы, перед которой придется забыть старые разногласия, это всё.

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Тогда неплохо эту угрозу подобрать, поскольку Манта на такую точно не тянет.
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В роли угрозы - та кракозябра в финале, которую, вообще-то, надо кормить))

P. S. Иль её прибьют в начале фильма, чтобы показать уровень угрозы.

Изменено 02.09.2020 07:03 пользователем Гвалиор
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Оценю это в минус! Мне нравится эта крокозябра.
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По информации DiscussingFilm, художником по костюмам будет Луиз Фрогли («Константин», «Железный человек 3», «Человек-паук: Возвращение домой»)
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Эмбер Херд в интервью Entertainment Weekly

"I'm super excited about the amount of fan love and the amount of fan appreciation that Aquaman has acquired and that it has garnered so much excitement for Aquaman and Mera that it means we'll be coming back. I'm so excited to film that." Heard added that the production hopes to get underway sometime in 2021.

"Paid rumors and paid campaigns on social media don't dictate [casting decisions] because they have no basis in reality. Only the fans actually made Aquaman and Aquaman 2 happen. I'm excited to get started next year."
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осталось взять ее в твари 4 на роль молодой макгонагалл

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По словам Дольфа Лундгрена, съемки стартуют летом

"I may be doing Aquaman 2 this summer, shooting in London," Lundgren said during a virtual Wizard World panel on Sunday. "And that's coming out the following year in the theaters, they hope."
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По информации DiscussingFilm, в данный момент старт съемок намечен на июнь

We have learned that Aquaman 2 is currently eyeing to begin filming this June in the UK. This date is set in stone at the moment, however, with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it would be no surprise if these plans see some minor bumps. But as of now, Jason Momoa will suit up again this Summer.


We have also learned of a small production change. We previously reported that Louise Frogley (Spider-Man: Homecoming) was set to serve as costume designer on the film, but Richard Sale will also now join in the same role. It’s unknown if both will be present when production begins this year, or if they are just working in pre-production. Sale has worked for years as an assistant costume designer on films such as Wonder Woman 1984, Ready Player One, Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy, and most recently Eternals and Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness (which one source just teased to us that the crew have designed a new, comic accurate look for Doctor Strange himself).


We can also report that the Aquaman sequel’s current working production title is ‘Necrus’. Usually these titles mean nothing. For example, how Infinity War worked under the working title of ‘Mary Lou.’ But after doing some research into the term, it brings up some old Aquaman lore.


Necrus is the name of another underwater city. Unlike Atlantis, it has a more unstable status in the ocean – it only exists for very brief intervals of time and can never be found in the same location twice. Necrus’ existence comes from an alien satellite that periodically enters Earth’s orbit, as it moves through the galaxy. The city has previously went to war with Atlantis in the comics.


We do know that Black Manta is the villain in Aquaman 2, but could this working title imply that we will see the city of Necrus explored in the sequel as well? It remains to be seen until more plot details reveal themselves online in the coming months. Although if we are to speculate, perhaps it could be the film’s MacGuffin and both the heroes and villains are trying to enter the Necrus?


Or perhaps it’s simply just a mini-reference to previous Aquaman lore and nothing more. Similar to how the original working title for the first film was ‘Ahab’, named after the leading character in Moby Dick, the grizzled and peg-legged seaman whose vendetta against a white wale leads to the classic ill-fated voyage.


All remains to be seen, but with a June production start nailed down, more details for Aquaman 2 will begin to release very soon.

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По информации Geeks WorldWide, ищут актеров на роли второго плана

Maren – 30s-40s, Female, to play mixed race, intelligent & formidable with an American accent.


Based on Aquaman lore this could be a number of characters but judging by the intelligent/formidable description it sounds like this could be describing a villain. Possibilities include Black Jack, Siren, or Bres. Judging by the other characters below I think Black Jack is a good possibities but again these are just guesses.


Kore – 40s-50s, Male, open to any ethnicity, domineering & cunning. British Accent.


Kore could also be a number of people but my best guess would be someone like Fisher King, the leader of N.E.M.O and ally to Black Jack mentioned above, the domineering & cunning description would fit this character well, not to mention the group has worked with Black Manta before in the comics and we know he will likely be the main protagonist. It could also be someone like Triton if the film wants to dig more into the “old gods” mythos.


Rey – Mid-Late 20s, Female, mixed race, tough & authoritative.


While the other two descriptions sound like villains this last one sounds more like an ally. Tula comes immediately to mind and would add an interesting dynamic as another love interest to Arthur as him and Mera have certainly grown closer. It could also be someone like Erika Watson as this would add another “close to home” connection to Arthur as Watson was a former school mate and is now an officer in the Amnesty Bay Police Department.

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Переговоры об участии ведет Пилу Асбек
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Подозрительно на Мамоу похож
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Подозрительно на Мамоу похож


Перед Момоа поставили два стула: на одном Снайдер точёный, на другом Хамада...


Джейсон выбрал Зака.

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3 брат, самый злой, Кидман путана подводная...

А сам Асбек будет бегать за Срушкой, но после несколько безуспешных попыток будет скормлен тренчам.

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Патрик Уилсон



Let the training commence. #aquaman2 #guesswhosbackormisback #brothersdontshakehandsbrothersgottahug
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Со съемочной площадки.


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Со съемочной площадки.



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А кровать то от нее спрятали.

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А кровать то от нее спрятали.


Зато коврик оставили! И это подойдет:wow::lol:

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Рисунок на коврике на какой то ужастик похож
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Со съемочной площадки.


Первой части.

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Со съемочной площадки.



Судя по этим фото Хёрд пометила пол и улеглась на коврик. Типичная кошка.

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Момоа рассказал, что принимал участие в работе над первой версией сценария и что съемки стартуют в июле
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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom



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