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Ну очень гонимый ... интересно куда и откуда гонимый

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Заслуженный артист РСФСР (1973)

Народный артист РСФСР (1987)

Народный артист СССР (1990)

Премия Московского комсомола (1967, за создание фильмов для детей и юношества).

Государственная премия СССР (1986)

Премия «Ника» за лучшую мужскую роль (1988, фильм «Комиссар»)

Государственная премия РСФСР имени братьев Васильевых (1987, фильм «Письма мёртвого человека»)

Премия Президента Российской Федерации (1998)

Орден «За заслуги перед Отечеством» IV степени (11 ноября 1994)[11]

Почётная Золотая медаль имени Л. Н. Толстого, вручаемой ежегодно Международной ассоциацией детских фондов (1994)

МКФ в Москве (1971, Главный приз по разделу детских фильмов, фильм «Внимание, черепаха!»)

МКФ фильмов для детей и юношества в Хихоне (1971, Главный приз «Золотое весло», фильм «Внимание, черепаха!»)

ВКФ (1975, Приз за лучшую режиссёрскую работу, фильм «Автомобиль, скрипка и собака Клякса»)

МКФ фильмов для молодёжи в Лаоне (1986, Главный приз, фильм «Чучело»)

Всеевропейский КФ детского и юношеского кино в Виши (1987, Главный приз, фильм «Чучело»)

Почётный профессор МГУ (1998).


Надоело, когда повторяют чушь, не знаючи ничего.

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А это щас модно, что ни творец, то гонимый властями. Сейчас бы хоть так "гнали" :)

Фильм, к сожалению, актуален. И снят неплохо, но (лично для меня) довольно затянуто.

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Ну очень гонимый ... интересно куда и откуда гонимый

Загнали бедного.


Государственная премия...




...на руси убогие всегда в почёте!

... и я опять прав.



Ну раз нет веры википедии, тогда из моейголовыпедии.


Убогие - обделённые здесь на земле, чтоб там на небе получить большее.

И вот ради этого большего некоторые умышлено и становятся такими убогими. К примеру Фукс (Зл.Телёнок), готов был терпеть унижение и побои от властей и даже мог отсидеть, а за это имел свой бонус, тот же Навальный, который ловит ренту от олигархов не рискующих своей свободой, но желающих хотя бы косвенно быть причастными к протестному движению(мал чого случiться;). Такие люди были и будут всегда, но есть и те кого влечёт не финансовая корысть(о бедный Фауст). В принципе фестиваль в Локарно или там Сан-Себастьяне и попрестижней будет Московского. Так что не вешая ярлыков, но эта дурость с череслопахой и танком, лично мне кое о чём говорит. Печалит только что власти неугодных творцов отправляли к детям, а те и там разводили подрывную деятельность под Нерушимый /я тут где то уже писал об этом/. Вобщем вся эта тема с убогими довольно таки мерзкая, поэтому как и сказал выше, пересматривать фильм желания нет.

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В школе смотрела его- вспоминаю впечатления,сердце екает Кристина там бесподобно сыграла. И что запоминается ярче всего- то,что я БОЯЛАСЬ узнать в главной героине саму себя...Ну,что поделаешь, подросток есть подросток :unsure:
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Дело не в панибратстве, и уж тем более не в "уважительном отношении" (последнего в фильме нет). Дело в распределении ролей. Вот, например, ключевая сцена со сорвавшимся отъездом:


- Я имела право уехать в Москву гораздо раньше. Я задержала свой отъезд для того, чтобы поставить вам лишних три-четыре пятерки. Чтобы доказать, какой у меня необыкновенный класс. И в Москве, между прочим, на меня обиделись (...) Так вы что, нарочно, может, меня подвели, чтобы... Вы нарочно сорвали урок для того, чтобы меня подвести?

- Да, мы сделали это нарочно. [табличка "сарказм"]

- Мне не о чем с вами разговаривать!


Она ведет себя как обиженный ребенок. "Я, я, я". Из-за вас на меня в Москве обиделись, выговор мне объявили [и конфетку не дали]. И вы - вы сделали это нарочно! Спали и видели, чтобы меня обидеть, а кино - это так, предлог! Учительница откровенно гонит (что вообще можно противопоставить такому нелепому обвинению?) и, что важнее, переключает ситуацию с самого проступка. Неважно, что пропускать уроки - нехорошо. Важно, что выговор учительнице и личная обида. И дальше для детей - неважно, что все поступили неправильно. Важно, что один сдал и из-за него у всех личная обида.

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Ага, вот в чем дело - учительница не ведет себя с классом как со взрослыми, а ставит себя на уровень их подружки.

Такое бывает, если много души вкладывать в детей - тогда начинаешь воспринимать их как близких товарищей. Или если сама учительница была непопулярна в школе и теперь компенсирует это такими "хороводами" с детьми.

И то и другое со временем проходит.

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Сколько раз пересматриваю и все больше вижу прототип нынешних детей, во все времена есть такие персонажи в школе, полный набор: от Чучела до Железной кнопки. Кристина Орбакайте гениально сыграла..."У него такие глаза, что я даже удивлялась, какой он красивый, что я даже удивлялась..."
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Кристина Орбакайте гениально сыграла..."У него такие глаза, что я даже удивлялась, какой он красивый, что я даже удивлялась..."

Да никак она не сыграла, впрочем, как и во всех своих последующих ролях. Моченая курица везде. И это ее внутренняя моченость ... она может бегать и кричать, но моченой быть не перестает.

Вся ее игра фальшива, как и стриженный парик. Но советы режиссера выполняла очень добросовестно ... все старалась сделать на отлично и правильно, как дочь прибалта и внучка строгой бабушки. Вот такую ее работу мы и имеем: верещит там, где сказали, улыбается там, где скомандовали ... а "глаз пустой" как говорила Крючкова.


Недавно Малахов устраивал посиделки по поводу этого кина.

Ну всех собрали. Я не знаю, кто им деньги дает, но транжирят они их направо и налево ... где надо и не надо, просто в никуда. Всех приглашают, всем все оплачивают.

Сидела Кристина ... выглядела на удивление нехорошо. И снова говорила об одном и том же ... хотя уже в подкорректированной форме. Раньше она рассказывала, как она со своими подружками по съемке сидели на премьере и смеялись ... и не понимали, почему люди выходили с кинотеатра с заплаканными глазами .... - это она по простоте душевной так откровенничала. Теперь же она выдала это все с другой стороны, что они с подружками поняли, как они хорошо потрудились и сняли хороший фильм, который так всех тронул.

Сидела Санаева с сыночком, и все пыталась придать этому кино огромное значение ... лезла в высшие материи ... и в конце поведала об главном смысле фильма, главный смысл в том, что трудно выживать в коллективе, если ты не похож на других, но надо находить в себе силы, не сдаваться!!

УРА!!! значит суть в этом, и вроде эту суть сказал ей сам Быков. Вот оказывается о чем он нам хотел сказать.


А теперь вспомним фильм Меньшова "Розыгрыш". Разве там он не о том же самом смысле нам рассказал? Причем еще и попутно другие важные смыслы задел. И как-то обошелся человек без издевательств физических, без шока и травли ... без битья по психике и смакования душераздирающих сцен.

В этом принципиальная разница. Один режиссер сможет очень четко сформулировать и донести мысль, уважая, оберегая зрителя ... а другой будет, не жалея лупить по психике от огромного желания потрясти!! И этими потрясениями заняты теперь все наши ток шоу. Там та же самая фигня.

А быков всегда таким был. Почти в каждой его работе желание соригинальничать, удивить ... сделать то, чего еще не было. Вот и сделал нам и "Айболита" и "Чучело".

Один родитель найдет нужные слова и объяснит, как важны доброта и сострадание на положительном примере, а второй будет показывать садизм, муки, слезы, истерики и издевательства долго, нудно, в деталях ... и все это в надежде, что плохие станут хорошими после этого.

Быков - это второй.


ДА!!! и самое прикольной ... после всех этих малаховских разговоров надо же как-то заканчивать программу, а заканчивать нечем, ведь весь фильм - это фильм ужасов. И что они делают??

Они запускают кадры "Чучела" под музыку "Когда уйдем со школьного двора ...." из фильма Меньшова. Получилось вообще нечто ненормальное ... рожи жестоких детей-говнюков ... травля ... глупая бесполезная учительница-провокаторша ... и те знаменитые слова о умной, хорошей, доброй, родной школе и любимом учителе.

И эта уродская солянка была доказательством того, что этот Быковский фильм просто для щекотания нервов ... ничему он не учит, ни к чему хорошему не ведет. Просто рассказ-страшилка.

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Сколько раз пересматриваю и все больше вижу прототип нынешних детей, во все времена есть такие персонажи в школе, полный набор: от Чучела до Железной кнопки. Кристина Орбакайте гениально сыграла..."У него такие глаза, что я даже удивлялась, какой он красивый, что я даже удивлялась..."

Полностью поддерживаю. Все ненавистники-завистники пусть катятся к чёрту.

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- Изменено пользователем Brittany_
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- Изменено пользователем Brittany_
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«Чу́чело» — художественный фильм Ролана Быкова о шестикласснице, сумевшей выстоять в столкновении с подлостью и предательством. Фильм снят в 1982 году по одноимённой повести[1] Владимира Железникова, написанной в 1981 году на основе случая с внучкой автора, которая взяла на себя чужую вину, за что весь класс объявил ей бойкот. Для советских кинозрителей фильм стал откровением, так как стал одним из первых, в котором советские школьники были показаны антигероями. Фильм вызвал широкий общественный резонанс и обширные дискуссии в СМИ[2]. В 1986 году фильм был удостоен Государственной премии СССР, а также главного приза на Международном кинофестивале в Лаоне

Повесть показалась ей очень интересной, и она предложила мужу почитать её на ночь. Утром Санаева проснулась от того, что Быков швырнул книгу в потолок, из чего она сделала вывод, что в качестве будущей экранизации повесть ему приглянулась. С проблемой школьной травли Быков был хорошо знаком: Павел в младших классах был изгоем.

Я сначала читала повесть и фильм конечно сильно отличается.

В СССР секс появился после Маленькой Веры, а детская жестокость после Чучела.

Первому всегда нелегко, чтож, кто смел тот и съел.

Детки в фильме конечно отвратительны, а ведь это самые обычные дети, коих большинство, и скорей фильм не о том, что трудно быть не таким как все, а скорей, как здорово травить не такого всем вместе, как это круто и волнительно.

Могли ведь и убить в экстазе и им ничего бы за это не было, чего греха таить, Ролан как раз до этого не дошел, так что психику поберег на самом деле.

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Фильм о травле. Идея хорошая - показать, как травят, в данном случае школьники. Орбакайте, в принципе, неплохо сыграла, порой даже не верилось, что это она. Но все же сейчас, спустя годы, десятилетия начинаю понимать - ну не так надо было снять, имхо. Нет выводов, что делать с травильщиками. Зато есть в некоторых других фильмах, когда доведенный до отчаяния человек... ну вы поняли. Затравленные могут быть опасны, если вознамерились прекратить несправедливость.
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Т.е. должен был быть "вывод" в виде топора в руках Лены?
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Т.е. должен был быть "вывод" в виде топора в руках Лены?


Необязательно. Неотвратимость возмездия - вот что главное. Она идет свысока, сама идет.

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Мы приходим к устаревшим и немодным трендам - воспитание в искусстве кино, как далеко оно может зайти и кто и что позволяет это сделать.

Тогда люди над этим фильмом плакали, или по крайне мере страдали или им было просто не по себе.

Сейчас же на фоне многих фильмов, хоть и фантастической жестокости ( Голодные игры, Дивергент, Игра Эндера) такое теряется и не кажется чем-то из ряда вон, хотя по сути тоже самое - становление личности и реакция толпы, лидерство в подростковых коллективах.

В то время легко было воспитывать, вообще воспитывать уже воспитанных всегда самое легкое).

Наказание и неотвратимость- "те" дети поняли в конце фильма и хотя бы извинились, с другой стороны - а чтож они поняли и почему извинились?

В жизни они бы ничего не поняли и никогда бы не извинились, скорей это уже на совести автора повести, тк. по логике самих детей они ни в чем не виноваты, скорее извинение как итог испуга перед непонятной, но сильной личностью - Леной.

Школа и тогда не особо воспитывала ( тут училка Санаева просто блеск как сыграла типичного советского забитого учителя, который в своей нищете лавирует между прессингом выше и адскими детишками, потенциальными уголовниками), а уж сейчас и говорить не приходится, заплатил - повоспитывали, не заплатил- ходи невоспитанный.

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Школа и тогда не особо воспитывала ( тут училка Санаева просто блеск как сыграла типичного советского забитого учителя, который в своей нищете лавирует между прессингом выше и адскими детишками, потенциальными уголовниками), а уж сейчас и говорить не приходится, заплатил - повоспитывали, не заплатил- ходи невоспитанный.


А с чего Вы взяли что они станут уголовниками? Ни каких предпосылок для этого нет или оцениваете только по стандартному штампу "из провинции" и из неполных-проблемных семей что ли?


Даже Вальку под эту категорию можно отнести формально из-за влияния старшего брата. Остальные вполне нормально воспитаны, как и мечты в духе времени, атмосферы и в прямой зависимости от условий жизни - хорошо там, где нас нет и лучшее то, чего у тебя нет или не хватает, а у других есть.


Да они жестокие, стадные, зависимые и самоуверенные, но жизнь или случай их способны научить и изменить, история с Леной как раз из таких.

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тут училка Санаева просто блеск как сыграла типичного советского забитого учителя, который в своей нищете лавирует между прессингом выше и адскими детишками, потенциальными уголовниками

С этим трудно не согласиться. Идеология толпы малолеток - культ насилия, жестокости - как признак взросления. Все мы это проходили, в каждой школе, в каждом классе. Пройдут годы, и кто-то, став известными/богатыми, будут с ностальгией вспоминать, как они кого-то чморили, били толпой, издевались словесно и т.п. (читаем воспоминания в глянцевых журналах) И будут закрывать глаза на то, что теперь уже их собственные дети повторяют поведение своих пап и мам, все идет по кругу.


P.S. Вы совершенно правы - дети никогда не извиняются, все это сглаживание сюжетных линий в угоду идеологических отделов и т.н. худсоветов того времени.

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Детки в фильме конечно отвратительны, а ведь это самые обычные дети, коих большинство,

Нет, не обычные ... даже по рассказам тех детей, что снимались в фильме. Им вся эта история была странная и они ее в принципе даже и не понимали, просто вот выполняли, что Быков командует, и все дела.

и скорей фильм не о том, что трудно быть не таким как все, а скорей, как здорово травить не такого всем вместе, как это круто и волнительно.

Могли ведь и убить в экстазе и им ничего бы за это не было, чего греха таить, Ролан как раз до этого не дошел, так что психику поберег на самом деле.

а вот это ну просто ОТЛИЧНО!!

Именно это Быков и показывал все свое кино. И если уж взрослым так видится, то дети только это и заметили, ведь здесь все в один голос твердят, что дети ЖЕСТОКИЕ. Так что вы хотите от детского просмотра? Вот и увидели ЖЕСТОКИЕ дети, как клево жестоко травить и быть безнаказанным. Как беспомощен человек, если у него нет защиты. Спасибо Быкову, он всем это очень доходчиво и красочно объяснил.


Уж была бы воля Быкова, так точно убил бы (для красного словца) ... и жестоко убил бы, чтоб потрясти зрителя (что собственно он и сделал в своем следующем фильме). Но в то время хрен бы ему это разрешили, так что не жалел он никого, а просто знал, что позволительно, а что уже за гранью. А сейчас никаких граней нет.

А по сути, что дал фильм? Тем, кто добр и сострадателен, - переживания и слезы ... тем, кто жесток и равнодушен, - кайф от детального простора издевательств.

Великое кино ... :)

( тут училка Санаева просто блеск как сыграла типичного советского забитого учителя, который в своей нищете лавирует между прессингом выше и адскими детишками, потенциальными уголовниками)

ничего подобного

Т.е. должен был быть "вывод" в виде топора в руках Лены?

В том то и заключается талант творца, чтоб донести ВЫВОД!

Меньшов как-то вот смог это сделать, сделать четко и ясно ... и без садизма над психикой зрителя. Там говнюк в конце теряет почти все ... и хорошее отношение учителя, и хороший аттестат, и уважение в классе, и дружбу, и симпатию девчонок, и любовь одноклассницы, и понимание отца ... испорченное поступление и карьеру ... ну еще и по шее как пить дать получает. Он опозорен и изгнан.

А у Быкова что?

Что это за хрень


И стоят равнодушные детские морды. Конец НИ О ЧЕМ ... и пострадавшая одна Чучело, ну и слегка предатель-трус. Но с ними все в полном порядке ... и с вредительницей-учительницей тоже.

Нет урока добрым молодцам и красным девицам, есть лишь изнасилованная психика.

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Травили "не таких" всегда и будут травить и дальше. Здесь нет ничего нового. Только вот без такой изощрённой театральность, как в фильме. Сжечь платье на костре... По мне так это совершенно излишняя и противоестественная образность.

Нравится Никулин и Крючкова.

Что удалось - показать, что (как у Булгакова) трусость это самый страшный порок. Это да, может воспитывать.

Сцены травли - сомневаюсь. Пожалуй они демонстрируют, что, дескать, дети могут быть и такие. Или того пуще - дети такие, как в "Чучеле". Так что мотайте на ус, дорогие мои детишечки. :cool: Поверят ли в эти образы дети - не факт. Станут после просмотра хуже или лучше? Кто знает...

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Именно это Быков и показывал все свое кино. И если уж взрослым так видится, то дети только это и заметили, ведь здесь все в один голос твердят, что дети ЖЕСТОКИЕ. Так что вы хотите от детского просмотра? Вот и увидели ЖЕСТОКИЕ дети, как клево жестоко травить и быть безнаказанным. Как беспомощен человек, если у него нет защиты. Спасибо Быкову, он всем это очень доходчиво и красочно объяснил.


А у Быкова что?

Что это за хрень


И стоят равнодушные детские морды. Конец НИ О ЧЕМ ... и пострадавшая одна Чучело, ну и слегка предатель-трус. Но с ними все в полном порядке ... и с вредительницей-учительницей тоже.


Только одно большое и существенное "но". Не стоит все отрицательные оценки, впечатления и вопросы адресовать исключительно Быкову - он это не придумал, а перенёс и воплатил на экране. Всё что ты перечислила, включая финальную сцену, травлю и костёр было в самой книге и ни какой отсебятины режиссёр не делал.

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и ни какой отсебятины режиссёр не делал.

Мог бы. "По мотивам...", если что.

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Режиссер рекламировал, популяризировал и продвигал книгу обо всем этом.

Он сам выбрал эту тему и толкнул ее зрителям ... постарался в красках и деталях прессануть психику.

Это выбор именно Быкова. Что хотел - то и сделал.

(я уже не говорю о том, что фильмы не всегда следуют линии книг и запросто отходят от авторского текста. Так что просто вот так совпало желание Быкова с авторским текстом. Не было бы этой книги, нашел бы другое такое же)

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Школа и тогда не особо воспитывала ( тут училка Санаева просто блеск как сыграла типичного советского забитого учителя, который в своей нищете лавирует между прессингом выше и адскими детишками, потенциальными уголовниками), а уж сейчас и говорить не приходится, заплатил - повоспитывали, не заплатил- ходи невоспитанный.

Ой чушь, в моей школе например имели место быть такие события, что показанное в фильме рядом не стояло. По моему опыту, самые беспредельные классы это конец 7 и 8 и 9. Потом жестокость и беспредел сходит на нет практически. Школа это вообще тяжелое испытание, слабые и "не такие как все" всегда страдают. Кстати говоря "не такие как все" вовсе не означает, что это всегда хорошие люди.

Так вот, никто не стал уголовником, имеют высшее образование, есть мужья, жены, дети. Но если перенестись сейчас в 8 класс и увидеть, что они делали и я в том числе...это стремно и стыдно вспоминать. Но я понимаю, что это был такой возраст. Кто-то попадает в это, кто-то нет. Причем все были из приличных семей, родители среднего достатка, не бухали и т.п.

Изменено пользователем Jimmy Darmody
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Школа это вообще тяжелое испытание, слабые и "не такие как все" всегда страдают.

Но если перенестись сейчас в 8 класс и увидеть, что они делали и я в том числе...это стремно и стыдно вспоминать.

Как хорошо, что в детстве рядом со мной таких и такого не было.

(как вы такие получались то ... в хороших семьях с хорошими родителями)

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(write): Connected to the write database

Connected to the write database

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 264,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 356,
    'function' => '_establishConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 487,
    'function' => 'checkConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='fcbcaf2dd2dbac50b61ed0a5844c14a0'

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='fcbcaf2dd2dbac50b61ed0a5844c14a0'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_members` ON core_members.member_id=forums_forums.last_poster_id WHERE (sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=0) AND (forums_forums.id IN(SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND ( ( ( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_view) ) ) OR perm_view='*' )) ) ORDER BY position

SELECT * FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_members` ON core_members.member_id=forums_forums.last_poster_id WHERE (sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=0) AND (forums_forums.id IN(SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND ( ( ( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_view) ) ) OR perm_view='*' )) ) ORDER BY position

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 453,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 755,
    'function' => 'loadIntoMemory',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 200,
    'function' => 'loadIntoMemory',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 175,
    'function' => 'preCorrectUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `forums_topics` WHERE `tid`='900'

SELECT * FROM `forums_topics` WHERE `tid`='900'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 181,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 177,
    'function' => 'loadFromUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT `perm_id`, `perm_view`, `perm_2`, `perm_3`, `perm_4`, `perm_5`, `perm_6`, `perm_7` FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id=16

SELECT `perm_id`, `perm_view`, `perm_2`, `perm_3`, `perm_4`, `perm_5`, `perm_6`, `perm_7` FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id=16

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 2135,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 2422,
    'function' => 'permissions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 784,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 6750,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 6822,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 848,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 19,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 184,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\cms_hook_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT `perm_id`, `perm_view`, `perm_2`, `perm_3`, `perm_4`, `perm_5`, `perm_6`, `perm_7` FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id=3

SELECT `perm_id`, `perm_view`, `perm_2`, `perm_3`, `perm_4`, `perm_5`, `perm_6`, `perm_7` FROM `core_permission_index` WHERE app='forums' AND perm_type='forum' AND perm_type_id=3

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 2135,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 2422,
    'function' => 'permissions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 784,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 6762,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 6822,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 848,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 19,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 184,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\cms_hook_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1057

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1057

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 334,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 863,
    'function' => 'author',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 19,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 184,
    'function' => 'canView',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\cms_hook_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(write): INSERT INTO `core_view_updates` ( `classname`, `id` ) VALUES ( 'IPS\forums\Topic', 900 )

INSERT INTO `core_view_updates` ( `classname`, `id` ) VALUES ( 'IPS\forums\Topic', 900 )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 941,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/ViewUpdates.php',
    'line' => 48,
    'function' => 'insert',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 252,
    'function' => 'updateViews',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 51,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_tags` WHERE tag_meta_app='forums' AND tag_meta_area='forums' AND tag_meta_id=900

SELECT * FROM `core_tags` WHERE tag_meta_app='forums' AND tag_meta_area='forums' AND tag_meta_id=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8191,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8167,
    'function' => 'tags',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 349,
    'function' => 'prefix',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 51,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE parent_id=-1 AND club_id IS NULL AND (( FIND_IN_SET(2,core_permission_index.perm_view) ) OR core_permission_index.perm_view='*' ) ORDER BY position

SELECT * FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE parent_id=-1 AND club_id IS NULL AND (( FIND_IN_SET(2,core_permission_index.perm_view) ) OR core_permission_index.perm_view='*' ) ORDER BY position

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 227,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'nodesWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 700,
    'function' => 'roots',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 613,
    'function' => 'roots',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 1525,
    'function' => 'theOnlyNode',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 91,
    'function' => 'theOnlyForum',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '::',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT pid FROM `forums_posts` FORCE INDEX(`first_post`) WHERE forums_posts.topic_id=900 AND (forums_posts.queued IN(0,2)) ORDER BY post_date asc LIMIT 500,25

SELECT pid FROM `forums_posts` FORCE INDEX(`first_post`) WHERE forums_posts.topic_id=900 AND (forums_posts.queued IN(0,2)) ORDER BY post_date asc LIMIT 500,25

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4327,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_posts.*, author.*, author_pfields.*, bookmark.* FROM `forums_posts`  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_posts.author_id  LEFT JOIN `core_pfields_content` AS `author_pfields` ON author_pfields.member_id=author.member_id  LEFT JOIN `bookmarks_items` AS `bookmark` ON bookmark.member_id IS NULL AND bookmark.class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND bookmark.item_id=forums_posts.pid WHERE ( forums_posts.pid IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) ) LIMIT 0,25

SELECT forums_posts.*, author.*, author_pfields.*, bookmark.* FROM `forums_posts`  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_posts.author_id  LEFT JOIN `core_pfields_content` AS `author_pfields` ON author_pfields.member_id=author.member_id  LEFT JOIN `bookmarks_items` AS `bookmark` ON bookmark.member_id IS NULL AND bookmark.class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND bookmark.item_id=forums_posts.pid WHERE ( forums_posts.pid IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) ) LIMIT 0,25

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4359,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_data` WHERE pf_topic_hide != 'hide'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2282,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'contentProfileFields',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/sources/Bookmark/Bookmarkable.php',
    'line' => 31,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks_hook_code_ContentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4361,
    'function' => 'constructFromData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\bookmarks_hook_code_CommentModel',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT core_reputation_index.type_id, core_reputation_index.member_id, core_reputation_index.reaction FROM `core_reputation_index` WHERE core_reputation_index.rep_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND core_reputation_index.type='pid' AND ( core_reputation_index.type_id IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) ) AND ( core_reputation_index.reaction IN(1,7,2,6,4,5,3,8,9) )

SELECT core_reputation_index.type_id, core_reputation_index.member_id, core_reputation_index.reaction FROM `core_reputation_index` WHERE core_reputation_index.rep_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND core_reputation_index.type='pid' AND ( core_reputation_index.type_id IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) ) AND ( core_reputation_index.reaction IN(1,7,2,6,4,5,3,8,9) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4417,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND ( r_content_id IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) )

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' AND ( r_content_id IN(4310582,4310877,4311399,4313664,4318403,4318636,4460394,4658502,4679547,4679855,4680055,4680155,4680229,4680302,4680309,4680415,4680436,4680482,4681765,4681843,4682258,4682262,4682266,4683107,4683202) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4659,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 2088,
    'function' => '_comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 288,
    'function' => 'comments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' and id=900

SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' and id=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 609,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8384,
    'function' => '_followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8398,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 627,
    'function' => 'followersCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_item_statistics_cache` WHERE cache_class='IPS\forums\Topic' and cache_item_id=900

SELECT * FROM `core_item_statistics_cache` WHERE cache_class='IPS\forums\Topic' and cache_item_id=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Statistics.php',
    'line' => 495,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Statistics.php',
    'line' => 342,
    'function' => '_getCached',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Statistics.php',
    'line' => 55,
    'function' => '_getAllAttachments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 632,
    'function' => 'imageAttachments',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_2` WHERE field_13=900

SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_2` WHERE field_13=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3160,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_4` WHERE record_topicid=900

SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_4` WHERE record_topicid=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3197,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_3` WHERE field_12=900

SELECT primary_id_field FROM `cms_custom_database_3` WHERE field_12=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3234,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT AVG(rating) FROM `core_ratings` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' AND item_id=900

SELECT AVG(rating) FROM `core_ratings` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' AND item_id=900

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8936,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 9027,
    'function' => 'averageRating',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3595,
    'function' => 'rating',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT rating FROM `core_ratings` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' AND item_id=900 AND `member` IS NULL

SELECT rating FROM `core_ratings` WHERE class='IPS\forums\Topic' AND item_id=900 AND `member` IS NULL

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 8894,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 9027,
    'function' => 'memberRating',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3595,
    'function' => 'rating',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 11893,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'promote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 4558,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=303750 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=303750 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4310582

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4310582

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871065 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871065)

SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871065 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871065)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Advertisement/Advertisement.php',
    'line' => 106,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5286,
    'function' => 'loadByLocation',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Advertisement',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=363028

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=363028

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 12,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'activity',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5305,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(303750,197804,305977,16044) )

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(303750,197804,305977,16044) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Statistics.php',
    'line' => 109,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 18,
    'function' => 'topPosters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'activity',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5305,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=54262 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=54262 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4310877

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4310877

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=332410 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=332410 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4311399

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4311399

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=359593 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=359593 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4313664

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4313664

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=197804 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=197804 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4318403

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4318403

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=331342 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=331342 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4318636

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4318636

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=33515 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=33515 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4460394

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4460394

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4658502

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4658502

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=325114 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=325114 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4679547

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4679547

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=336348 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=336348 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4679855

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4679855

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680055

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680055

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=235850 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=235850 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680155

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680155

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=304104 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=304104 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680229

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680229

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680302

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680302

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680309

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680309

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680415

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680415

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=11604 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=11604 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680436

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680436

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680482

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4680482

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4681765

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4681765

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=373130 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=373130 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2381,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4681843

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4681843

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682258

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682258

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682262

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682262

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682266

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4682266

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4683107

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4683107

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4683202

SELECT * FROM `core_member_recognize` WHERE r_content_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' and r_content_id=4683202

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Achievements/Recognize.php',
    'line' => 62,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Recognizable.php',
    'line' => 46,
    'function' => 'loadFromContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Achievements\\_Recognize',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 940,
    'function' => 'canRemoveRecognize',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 967,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Post.php',
    'line' => 297,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1191,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\Topic\\_Post',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'post',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2752,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'postContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5204,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  19 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  20 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  21 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_attachments` WHERE attach_member_id IS NULL

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_attachments` WHERE attach_member_id IS NULL

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/extensions/core/EditorMedia/Attachment.php',
    'line' => 47,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php',
    'line' => 642,
    'function' => 'count',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\extensions\\core\\EditorMedia\\_Attachment',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php',
    'line' => 343,
    'function' => 'canUseMediaExtension',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\_Editor',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 242,
    'function' => 'html',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\_Editor',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'commentTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_forms',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Form.php',
    'line' => 519,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4944,
    'function' => 'customTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\_Form',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5409,
    'function' => 'commentForm',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_images` WHERE image_member_id IS NULL AND image_approved=1

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_images` WHERE image_member_id IS NULL AND image_approved=1

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/gallery/extensions/core/EditorMedia/Images.php',
    'line' => 58,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php',
    'line' => 642,
    'function' => 'count',
    'class' => 'IPS\\gallery\\extensions\\core\\EditorMedia\\_Images',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php',
    'line' => 343,
    'function' => 'canUseMediaExtension',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\_Editor',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 242,
    'function' => 'html',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\_Editor',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'commentTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_forms',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Helpers/Form/Form.php',
    'line' => 519,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 4944,
    'function' => 'customTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Helpers\\_Form',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5409,
    'function' => 'commentForm',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

SELECT * FROM `vkcom_promotion` WHERE sharer_key='VKcom'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/vkcom/sources/VKpromotion/VKpromotion.php',
    'line' => 384,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 74,
    'function' => 'getPromoter',
    'class' => 'IPS\\vkcom\\_VKpromotion',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Promote/Promote.php',
    'line' => 922,
    'function' => 'promoters',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\vkcom_hook_sendVKToPromoters',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 1674,
    'function' => 'canPromote',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Promote',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1223,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5586,
    'function' => 'canPromoteToSocialMedia',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'topic',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_forums_front_topics',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 643,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Controller.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php',
    'line' => 39,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\modules\\front\\forums\\_topic',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='forums' AND module='forums' AND controller='topic'

SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='forums' AND module='forums' AND controller='topic'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 432,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871065 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871065 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871065 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871065 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Alerts/Alert.php',
    'line' => 365,
    'function' => 'rewind',
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(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_sessions` WHERE core_sessions.login_type=2 AND core_sessions.current_appcomponent='forums' AND core_sessions.current_module='forums' AND core_sessions.current_controller='topic' AND core_sessions.running_time>1713869265 AND core_sessions.location_url IS NOT NULL AND location_url LIKE 'https://forumkinopoisk.ru/topic/900-chuchelo/%' AND core_sessions.member_id IS NULL AND core_sessions.current_id = '900'

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_sessions` WHERE core_sessions.login_type=2 AND core_sessions.current_appcomponent='forums' AND core_sessions.current_module='forums' AND core_sessions.current_controller='topic' AND core_sessions.running_time>1713869265 AND core_sessions.location_url IS NOT NULL AND location_url LIKE 'https://forumkinopoisk.ru/topic/900-chuchelo/%' AND core_sessions.member_id IS NULL AND core_sessions.current_id = '900'

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  3 => 
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  4 => 
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  5 => 
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_widgets` WHERE `key`='activeUsers' AND app='core'

SELECT * FROM `core_widgets` WHERE `key`='activeUsers' AND app='core'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Widget/Widget.php',
    'line' => 662,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Widget/Widget.php',
    'line' => 893,
    'function' => 'getCaches',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Widget',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 18915,
    'function' => '__toString',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Widget',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'widgetContainer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7418,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(write): UPDATE `core_widgets` `core_widgets`  SET 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(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

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  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT word_key, word_default, word_custom FROM `core_sys_lang_words` WHERE lang_id=2 AND word_key IN('widget_blank_or_no_context','contact','cookies_about','copyright_line_value','add','select_forum') and word_js=0

SELECT word_key, word_default, word_custom FROM `core_sys_lang_words` WHERE lang_id=2 AND word_key IN('widget_blank_or_no_context','contact','cookies_about','copyright_line_value','add','select_forum') and word_js=0

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Lang/Lang.php',
    'line' => 1684,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Output/Output.php',
    'line' => 850,
    'function' => 'parseOutputForDisplay',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Lang',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => 'sendOutput',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Output',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',