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Форум на Кинопоиске


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Информация о Helen

  • День рождения 27.09.1991


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  1. После некоторых серий этого сезона была надежда, что он окажется лучше предыдущего, но увы. Впечатления, конечно, получше, но куча треша + плевок в душу всего канона в финале сделали своё дело. Даже последние сезоны классики, где Шестой и Седьмой Доктор занимались уже околотрешем, смотрелись легче. В целом по сезону скажу так: К Джоди нет и не было никаких претензий, она крутая актриса, но, к сожалению, в рамках ДК, у меня как нет претензий, так и нет восторгов - тупо ни-че-го. И я уже не понимаю дело тут в том, что это просто Смитотеннант в женском обличии, или в том, что сериал для меня уже два сезона как в яме (хотя арка Капальди мне тоже плохо заходила, но она не мешала ему быть крутым и оригинальным Доктором). Хз, короче. Намастер - норм! Очень даже норм. Понравился прямо сразу же, и хочу увидеть его снова, только, плиз, в более отстранённой от шизы манере, а не это вот всё безумие, будто под наркотой, кое было сегодня. Спутники по-прежнему как будто топчутся на месте, а если хоть и как-то сдвигаются, то тут же приходят в угол и бьются башкой о стену. И это ещё Грэму повезло с актёром, mate. Вот серьёзно, если их всех внезапно ex-ter-mi-nate!!! - я ни разу не расстроюсь. Рут - это вообще что, зачем, почему, за что и зачем столько агриться. Я это вообще не могу воспринимать, ибо даже Джон Хёрт не был так крут, как Майкл Джейстон (ну тут имхо, конечно)... Вот бы Ривер успокоила эту гансмитшу венерианским айкидо (но по логике тут уже Чибнелла надо успокаивать). Капитан - янипонел, извинити. Если это была подводка на будущее - ну ок... а так какой-то Биг Финиш. -- В общем и к сожалению, чибнелловский ДК так и остаётся для меня каким-то фанфиковым спин-оффом с деревянными спутникам, неинтересной музыкой и отвратительными крупными планами. И причём лучшие, как по мне, серии пишет не Чибнелл, но это не значит, что проблема в шоураннере - она более глобальна... Кстати, я не любитель всех этих "хватит делать из ДК толерантный сериал" и прочего, но ведь можно подавать это всё аккуратно и вовремя, кормить с ложечки, так сказать, но в финале ДК меня уже будто кормили с лопаты, чтобы вытекало из всех щелей, вот это реально бесит. Хотя, опять-таки, можно запихать в сериал хоть 150 индусов, негров и пакистанцев, снять его НОРМАЛЬНО (я эти крупные планы под углом до конца жизни буду помнить?), сделать интересные сюжеты, интересных второстепенных героев, и у людей тупо не будет времени всматриваться в цвет кожи (это я про первые сезоны). P.S. Горан Вишнич - это лучшее, что было в эту эру ДК. Эту серию, да в любую бы редыдущую эпоху сериала (лучше Теннанта, наверное) - и было бы просто вау.
  2. Хороший Оскар. Несмотря на мой пролёт по многим номинациям, в т.ч ЛФ, Паразиты - кул. Речь Пона - самое лучшее и трогательное за сегодня.
  3. Хорошая заруба под конец второго периода. Надеюсь, мишки дожмут
  4. Хороший финал. Нет ощущения концовки, но зато без лишних соплей и драмы. 12-й сезон, на удивление, оказался хорошим - прямо глотком свежего воздуха сезона так с 7-8 (как не раньше). Стюарта бы ещё убрать и вообще норм.
  5. Helen


    Интересно, букмекерский прогноз сбудется, и Дункан Маклауд победит?.. Затащил он неплохо, конечно.
  6. Helen


    Либо какая-то лажа со звуком, либо Людвиг сломался - на Мелодифестивалене всё было в разы круче. Хм... Жалко, болею за него с тех пор. Поющие тётушки рулят.
  7. Helen


    Сижу и тупо жду сан-маринское нафталяо
  8. Колман - круто! (хотя я очень люблю Гленн...) Книга - очень круто (и спасибо, что не "Рома") Всё остальное - и так сойдёт. Норм Оскар.
  9. Третья серия неожиданно неплохая, особенно после второй, которую даже комментировать не хотелось. Местами борщ на тему белых злодеев, но в целом нормально. Злодей опять полная туфта, вкупе с отсутствием логики (сразу бы Линкольну палки в колёса вставлял, чоужтам), но, видимо, решили раз хот, то и так сойдёт. Надеюсь, дальше будет если не лучше, то хотя бы в таком же духе... хотя по ощущениям я всё ещё смотрю спин-офф, и, видимо, так теперь оно и будет. Джоди норм. А вот операторы реально с головой не дружат.
  10. оО это, наверное, самый слабый оупенинг со времён последних сезонов классики и точно самый слабый в нью-скуле Оo Серия очень скомканная, с абсолютно ненужной драмой. Режиссура и остальные моменты, по сравнению с предыдущими сезонами, слабее. В целом, уровень спин-оффа - не выше: перед финальными титрами от звука ТАРДИС аж передёрнуло "так это реально был "Доктор Кто"!?". Акинола, как новый композитор, тоже пока непонятен. Он, вроде, сам по себе хороший, и я понимаю - новая эра, все дела, но теперь мурашек от сцен аля "I am the Doctor" (я про фразу, не композицию) нет и в помине, а если сейчас представить какую-нибудь пандорику спич под новое муз.оформление...стремновато. Хотя, бесспорно, сама музыка стала более сай-фай и главную тему Акинола зачётно сделал в стиле, коем и задумывала Дербишир, так что от титров я офигела: меня сначала как будто лишили атмосферы сериала, а потом заполнили эту пустоту с лихвой, да так, что композитора захотелось расцеловать и поверить в лучшее. Буду вслушиваться дальше... На фоне всего этого я даже не поняла, как мне Уиттакер... пока нейтрально, но в целом прикольная. В общем, надеюсь, что дальше будет лучше. з.ы.
  11. Что-то ДК вообще скатывается. Даже обидно за Двенадцатого - такой хороший образ, потрясающий Капальди, а сезоны с ним всё хуже и хуже. Не знаю, поможет ли сериалу то, что Моффат срулит, ибо если судить по опыту классики, то там тоже всё шло на спад. А вот Симм - это круто!
  • Создать...


(write): Connected to the write database

Connected to the write database

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 264,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 356,
    'function' => '_establishConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 487,
    'function' => 'checkConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='06ed6a9c8141562b1573fd3d0637a059'

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='06ed6a9c8141562b1573fd3d0637a059'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`='4706'

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`='4706'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 181,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'loadFromUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 177,
    'function' => 'loadFromUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_content` WHERE member_id=4706

SELECT * FROM `core_pfields_content` WHERE member_id=4706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 146,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT pfd.* FROM `core_pfields_data` AS `pfd`  LEFT JOIN `core_pfields_groups` AS `pfg` ON pfd.pf_group_id=pfg.pf_group_id WHERE pfd.pf_member_hide='all' ORDER BY pfg.pf_group_order, pfd.pf_position

SELECT pfd.* FROM `core_pfields_data` AS `pfd`  LEFT JOIN `core_pfields_groups` AS `pfg` ON pfd.pf_group_id=pfg.pf_group_id WHERE pfd.pf_member_hide='all' ORDER BY pfg.pf_group_order, pfd.pf_position

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 174,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_clubs`  LEFT JOIN `core_clubs_memberships` AS `others_membership` ON others_membership.club_id=core_clubs.id AND others_membership.member_id=4706 WHERE ( approved=1 OR owner IS NULL ) AND type<>'private' AND others_membership.status IN('member','moderator','leader','expired','expired_moderator')

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_clubs`  LEFT JOIN `core_clubs_memberships` AS `others_membership` ON others_membership.club_id=core_clubs.id AND others_membership.member_id=4706 WHERE ( approved=1 OR owner IS NULL ) AND type<>'private' AND others_membership.status IN('member','moderator','leader','expired','expired_moderator')

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 255,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 215,
    'function' => 'clubs',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_albums`  LEFT JOIN `gallery_categories` ON gallery_categories.category_id=gallery_albums.album_category_id  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='gallery' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='category' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=gallery_categories.category_id WHERE album_owner_id=4706 AND ( album_type=1 OR ( album_type IN (2,3) AND album_owner_id IS NULL ) ) AND (( FIND_IN_SET(2,core_permission_index.perm_view) ) OR core_permission_index.perm_view='*' )

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_albums`  LEFT JOIN `gallery_categories` ON gallery_categories.category_id=gallery_albums.album_category_id  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='gallery' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='category' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=gallery_categories.category_id WHERE album_owner_id=4706 AND ( album_type=1 OR ( album_type IN (2,3) AND album_owner_id IS NULL ) ) AND (( FIND_IN_SET(2,core_permission_index.perm_view) ) OR core_permission_index.perm_view='*' )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/gallery/extensions/core/Profile/gallery.php',
    'line' => 66,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 234,
    'function' => 'showTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\gallery\\extensions\\core\\Profile\\_gallery',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE (( FIND_IN_SET(3,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_member_id=4706 ) AND blog_disabled=0 AND blog_social_group IS NULL

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `blog_blogs` WHERE (( FIND_IN_SET(3,blog_groupblog_ids) ) OR blog_member_id=4706 ) AND blog_disabled=0 AND blog_social_group IS NULL

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/blog/extensions/core/Profile/blog.php',
    'line' => 63,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 234,
    'function' => 'showTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\blog\\extensions\\core\\Profile\\_Blog',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks_items` WHERE member_id=4706 AND visible=1 OR ( visible=2 and member_id IS NULL)

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks_items` WHERE member_id=4706 AND visible=1 OR ( visible=2 and member_id IS NULL)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/bookmarks/extensions/core/Profile/Bookmarks.php',
    'line' => 53,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 234,
    'function' => 'showTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\bookmarks\\extensions\\core\\Profile\\_Bookmarks',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT cms_pages.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `cms_pages`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='cms' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='pages' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=cms_pages.page_id WHERE cms_pages.page_id=3

SELECT cms_pages.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `cms_pages`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='cms' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='pages' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=cms_pages.page_id WHERE cms_pages.page_id=3

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Databases.php',
    'line' => 826,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/extensions/core/ContentRouter/Records.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\_Databases',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Application/Application.php',
    'line' => 814,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\extensions\\core\\ContentRouter\\_Records',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/Application.php',
    'line' => 387,
    'function' => 'extensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Application',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Application/Application.php',
    'line' => 308,
    'function' => 'extensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\_Application',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 2879,
    'function' => 'allExtensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Application',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 93,
    'function' => 'routedClasses',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 256,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT id FROM `forums_forums` WHERE min_posts_view > 0

SELECT id FROM `forums_forums` WHERE min_posts_view > 0

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 1857,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php',
    'line' => 136,
    'function' => 'unsearchableNodeIds',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 99,
    'function' => 'filterByContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\Mysql\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 256,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_search_index` WHERE index_class='IPS\core\Statuses\Status' AND index_container_id=4706

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_search_index` WHERE index_class='IPS\core\Statuses\Status' AND index_container_id=4706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php',
    'line' => 298,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 256,
    'function' => 'filterForProfile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\Mysql\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review3') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\ideas\\Idea','IPS\\ideas\\Idea\\Comment') ) ) AND ( index_author=4706 OR ( index_class='IPS\core\Statuses\Status' AND index_container_id=4706 ) ) AND ( index_container_class IS NULL OR index_container_class NOT IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album') OR index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(2,index_permissions) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 ORDER BY index_date_created DESC LIMIT 0,15

SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review3') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\ideas\\Idea','IPS\\ideas\\Idea\\Comment') ) ) AND ( index_author=4706 OR ( index_class='IPS\core\Statuses\Status' AND index_container_id=4706 ) ) AND ( index_container_class IS NULL OR index_container_class NOT IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album') OR index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(2,index_permissions) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 ORDER BY index_date_created DESC LIMIT 0,15

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php',
    'line' => 1360,
    'function' => 'iterator_to_array',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 256,
    'function' => 'search',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\Mysql\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `tid`, `title`, `starter_id`, `posts` FROM `forums_topics` WHERE ( tid IN(5321,116795,309,9419,100934,8302,112346,97444) )

SELECT `tid`, `title`, `starter_id`, `posts` FROM `forums_topics` WHERE ( tid IN(5321,116795,309,9419,100934,8302,112346,97444) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 178,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index`  STRAIGHT_JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND !(( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_2) ) OR perm_2='*' )

SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index`  STRAIGHT_JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND !(( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_2) ) OR perm_2='*' )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 3367,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 317,
    'function' => 'getItemsWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 172,
    'function' => 'getItemsWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id WHERE tid IN(309,5321,8302,9419,97444,100934,112346,116795) AND forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.is_future_entry=0 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id NOT IN (3,4,13,18,19,33,48,49,55,56,58,59,63,67,71,73,75,85,92,97,103,104,106,112,116,119,130,133,136,137,138,140,144,148,150,152,153,156,165,169,171,173,176,177,181,195,198,200,207,210,211,215,219,221,223,225,226,227,238,245,246,248,250,251,253,259,260,261,264,265,270,273,275,276,277,279,282,286,288,289,290,294,295,297,298,313,316,324,334,341,343,363,369,372,376,378,382,384,387,404,406,409,413,420,421,422,426,438,440,445,446,447,450,455,464,467,471,475,479,480,496,518,523,530,533,541,548,550,551,553,558,570,571,573,576,592,595,599,604,617,620,623,628,637,647,652,656,657,658,664,668,688,694,702,705,710,721,727,744,747,750,752,753,754,757,758,759,760,761,762,764,765,766,771,772,774,775,783,784,785,786,787,790,802,803,804,805,806,807,810,811,813,814,816,818,820,824) ORDER BY forums_topics.start_date DESC

SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id WHERE tid IN(309,5321,8302,9419,97444,100934,112346,116795) AND forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.is_future_entry=0 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id NOT IN (3,4,13,18,19,33,48,49,55,56,58,59,63,67,71,73,75,85,92,97,103,104,106,112,116,119,130,133,136,137,138,140,144,148,150,152,153,156,165,169,171,173,176,177,181,195,198,200,207,210,211,215,219,221,223,225,226,227,238,245,246,248,250,251,253,259,260,261,264,265,270,273,275,276,277,279,282,286,288,289,290,294,295,297,298,313,316,324,334,341,343,363,369,372,376,378,382,384,387,404,406,409,413,420,421,422,426,438,440,445,446,447,450,455,464,467,471,475,479,480,496,518,523,530,533,541,548,550,551,553,558,570,571,573,576,592,595,599,604,617,620,623,628,637,647,652,656,657,658,664,668,688,694,702,705,710,721,727,744,747,750,752,753,754,757,758,759,760,761,762,764,765,766,771,772,774,775,783,784,785,786,787,790,802,803,804,805,806,807,810,811,813,814,816,818,820,824) ORDER BY forums_topics.start_date DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 172,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=41

SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=41

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 1538,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1345,
    'function' => 'container',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1355,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 190,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsMemberSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 174,
    'function' => 'isSolved',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=15

SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=15

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 1538,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1345,
    'function' => 'container',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1355,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 190,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsMemberSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 174,
    'function' => 'isSolved',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=8

SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=8

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 1538,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1345,
    'function' => 'container',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1355,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 190,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsMemberSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 174,
    'function' => 'isSolved',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=39

SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=39

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 1538,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1345,
    'function' => 'container',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 1355,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 190,
    'function' => 'containerAllowsMemberSolvable',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 174,
    'function' => 'isSolved',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo` FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(4706,46,13143,1536,17155,39333,58561) )

SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo` FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(4706,46,13143,1536,17155,39333,58561) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `id`, `name_seo`, `feature_color`, `forums_bitoptions`, `password`, `password_override`, `min_posts_view`, `club_id` FROM `forums_forums` WHERE ( id IN(15,41,39,8) )

SELECT `id`, `name_seo`, `feature_color`, `forums_bitoptions`, `password`, `password_override`, `min_posts_view`, `club_id` FROM `forums_forums` WHERE ( id IN(15,41,39,8) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 207,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `app`, `type`, `type_id`, `member_id`, `rep_rating`, `reaction` FROM `core_reputation_index`  LEFT JOIN `core_reactions` ON reaction=reaction_id WHERE ( reaction_enabled=1 AND app='forums' AND type='pid' AND ( type_id IN(6160020,6144046,6143709,5959117,5947124,5946105,5946092,5943523,5943477,5941666,5878370,5778348,5766478,5279261,4873825) ) )

SELECT `app`, `type`, `type_id`, `member_id`, `rep_rating`, `reaction` FROM `core_reputation_index`  LEFT JOIN `core_reactions` ON reaction=reaction_id WHERE ( reaction_enabled=1 AND app='forums' AND type='pid' AND ( type_id IN(6160020,6144046,6143709,5959117,5947124,5946105,5946092,5943523,5943477,5941666,5878370,5778348,5766478,5279261,4873825) ) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 225,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT index_id, GROUP_CONCAT(index_tag) as index_tags FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(10462071,4328982,4328982,1054,10224668,9239381,9239381,10294274,10294274,10294274,4594249,10462071,10462071,10462071,5606326) ) AND index_is_prefix = 0 GROUP BY `index_id`

SELECT index_id, GROUP_CONCAT(index_tag) as index_tags FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(10462071,4328982,4328982,1054,10224668,9239381,9239381,10294274,10294274,10294274,4594249,10462071,10462071,10462071,5606326) ) AND index_is_prefix = 0 GROUP BY `index_id`

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 259,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT index_id, index_tag as index_prefix FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(10462071,4328982,4328982,1054,10224668,9239381,9239381,10294274,10294274,10294274,4594249,10462071,10462071,10462071,5606326) ) AND index_is_prefix = 1

SELECT index_id, index_tag as index_prefix FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(10462071,4328982,4328982,1054,10224668,9239381,9239381,10294274,10294274,10294274,4594249,10462071,10462071,10462071,5606326) ) AND index_is_prefix = 1

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 260,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT attachment_id FROM `core_attachments_map` WHERE ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=6160020) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5778348) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5766478) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5279261) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=116795 AND id2=6144046) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=116795 AND id2=6143709) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=309 AND id2=5959117) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=9419 AND id2=5947124) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=100934 AND id2=5946105) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=100934 AND id2=5946092) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5943523) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5943477) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5941666) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=112346 AND id2=5878370) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=97444 AND id2=4873825)

SELECT attachment_id FROM `core_attachments_map` WHERE ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=6160020) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5778348) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5766478) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=5321 AND id2=5279261) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=116795 AND id2=6144046) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=116795 AND id2=6143709) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=309 AND id2=5959117) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=9419 AND id2=5947124) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=100934 AND id2=5946105) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=100934 AND id2=5946092) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5943523) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5943477) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=8302 AND id2=5941666) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=112346 AND id2=5878370) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=97444 AND id2=4873825)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 287,
    'function' => 'iterator_to_array',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_attachments`  LEFT JOIN `core_attachments_map` ON core_attachments_map.attachment_id=core_attachments.attach_id WHERE 1=0 AND attach_is_image=1 ORDER BY attach_id ASC

SELECT * FROM `core_attachments`  LEFT JOIN `core_attachments_map` ON core_attachments_map.attachment_id=core_attachments.attach_id WHERE 1=0 AND attach_is_image=1 ORDER BY attach_id ASC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 289,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 257,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT core_members.member_id, core_members.name, core_members.members_seo_name, core_members.member_group_id, core_members.mgroup_others, core_members.pp_photo_type, core_members.pp_main_photo, core_members.pp_thumb_photo, core_members.joined, core_validating.new_reg FROM `core_members`  LEFT JOIN `core_validating` ON core_validating.member_id=core_members.member_id WHERE joined>1456714767 AND completed=true AND temp_ban!='-1' AND core_members.member_id=4706 ORDER BY joined DESC LIMIT 10

SELECT core_members.member_id, core_members.name, core_members.members_seo_name, core_members.member_group_id, core_members.mgroup_others, core_members.pp_photo_type, core_members.pp_main_photo, core_members.pp_thumb_photo, core_members.joined, core_validating.new_reg FROM `core_members`  LEFT JOIN `core_validating` ON core_validating.member_id=core_members.member_id WHERE joined>1456714767 AND completed=true AND temp_ban!='-1' AND core_members.member_id=4706 ORDER BY joined DESC LIMIT 10

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 512,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo`, `photo_last_update` FROM `core_members` WHERE photo_last_update>1456714767 AND photo_last_update>(joined+300) AND completed=true AND member_id=4706 ORDER BY photo_last_update DESC LIMIT 10

SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo`, `photo_last_update` FROM `core_members` WHERE photo_last_update>1456714767 AND photo_last_update>(joined+300) AND completed=true AND member_id=4706 ORDER BY photo_last_update DESC LIMIT 10

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 537,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `follow_app`, `follow_area`, `follow_rel_id`, `follow_member_id`, `follow_added` FROM `core_follow` WHERE follow_is_anon=0 AND follow_added>1456714767 AND ( follow_id IN (SELECT follow_id FROM `core_follow` WHERE ( follow_member_id=4706 OR ( follow_app='core' AND follow_area='member' AND follow_rel_id=4706 ) )) ) AND follow_app IN('core','forums','gallery','calendar','cms','convert','blog','bookmarks','ideas','lastposts','quicksearch','recordshovercard','postsandtopicsstatisticoftheday','yandexoauth','socialprofiles','raterecords','ratinghistory','telegramshare','vkcom','neappwhatsapp','reationsforumrestrics','topicposters','activeuserswidget','todaytopics','bulkpm','randompost') ORDER BY follow_added DESC LIMIT 10

SELECT `follow_app`, `follow_area`, `follow_rel_id`, `follow_member_id`, `follow_added` FROM `core_follow` WHERE follow_is_anon=0 AND follow_added>1456714767 AND ( follow_id IN (SELECT follow_id FROM `core_follow` WHERE ( follow_member_id=4706 OR ( follow_app='core' AND follow_area='member' AND follow_rel_id=4706 ) )) ) AND follow_app IN('core','forums','gallery','calendar','cms','convert','blog','bookmarks','ideas','lastposts','quicksearch','recordshovercard','postsandtopicsstatisticoftheday','yandexoauth','socialprofiles','raterecords','ratinghistory','telegramshare','vkcom','neappwhatsapp','reationsforumrestrics','topicposters','activeuserswidget','todaytopics','bulkpm','randompost') ORDER BY follow_added DESC LIMIT 10

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 588,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=324504

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=324504

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=47757

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=47757

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=32401

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=32401

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=22712

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=22712

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=16056

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=16056

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=15316

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=15316

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=13697

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=13697

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=12743

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=12743

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=11087

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=11087

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `calendar_event_rsvp` WHERE rsvp_date>1456714767 and calendar_event_rsvp.rsvp_response=1 AND calendar_event_rsvp.rsvp_member_id=4706 ORDER BY rsvp_date DESC LIMIT 10

SELECT * FROM `calendar_event_rsvp` WHERE rsvp_date>1456714767 and calendar_event_rsvp.rsvp_response=1 AND calendar_event_rsvp.rsvp_member_id=4706 ORDER BY rsvp_date DESC LIMIT 10

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/calendar/extensions/core/StreamItems/StreamItems.php',
    'line' => 48,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 728,
    'function' => 'extraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\calendar\\extensions\\core\\StreamItems\\_StreamItems',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 270,
    'function' => 'addExtraItems',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(write): UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `core_members` `core_members`  SET `members_profile_views`=`members_profile_views`+1 WHERE member_id=4706 

UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY `core_members` `core_members`  SET `members_profile_views`=`members_profile_views`+1 WHERE member_id=4706 

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 1159,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 381,
    'function' => 'update',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE 1=0

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE 1=0

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 5749,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 335,
    'function' => 'get_profileVisitors',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 412,
    'function' => '__get',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_solved_index` WHERE member_id=4706

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_solved_index` WHERE member_id=4706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 418,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\core\Member' and id=4706

SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\core\Member' and id=4706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 609,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 761,
    'function' => '_followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1606,
    'function' => '_followersCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3592,
    'function' => 'followersCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profileHeader',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1439,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=4706 ORDER BY running_time DESC

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE member_id=4706 ORDER BY running_time DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 126,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 1960,
    'function' => 'getLatestMemberSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 3967,
    'function' => 'isOnline',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profileHeader',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1439,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_reputation_leaderboard_history` WHERE leader_position=1 AND leader_member_id=4706

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_reputation_leaderboard_history` WHERE leader_position=1 AND leader_member_id=4706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 2677,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 4039,
    'function' => 'getReputationDaysWonCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profileHeader',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 1439,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT core_follow.* FROM `core_follow` WHERE follow_app='core' AND follow_area='member' AND follow_rel_id=4706 AND follow_is_anon=0 LIMIT 0,12

SELECT core_follow.* FROM `core_follow` WHERE follow_app='core' AND follow_area='member' AND follow_rel_id=4706 AND follow_is_anon=0 LIMIT 0,12

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 582,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2424,
    'function' => 'count',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=2340

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=2340

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1706

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1706

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=2254

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=2254

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=11763

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=11763

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=4957

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=4957

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=3837

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=3837

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1566

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=1566

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=8562

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=8562

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 318,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2435,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'profile',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 471,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php',
    'line' => 84,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\members\\_profile',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='core' AND module='members' AND controller='profile'

SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='core' AND module='members' AND controller='profile'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 432,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871094 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871094 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871094 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871094 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Alerts/Alert.php',
    'line' => 365,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 826,
    'function' => 'getNextAlertForMember',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Alerts\\_Alert',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 555,
    'function' => 'checkAlerts',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871094 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871094)

SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871094 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871094)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Advertisement/Advertisement.php',
    'line' => 106,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7379,
    'function' => 'loadByLocation',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Advertisement',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 227,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'nodesWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 468,
    'function' => 'roots',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

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