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Форум на Кинопоиске

Об этом клубе

Всё то, что запрещено в теме на форуме - можно высказать тут. Недовольства, благодарности, просто обсудить чей-то топ или прокомментировать свой... П.С. О правилах приличия забывать не стоит. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Тема на форуме - http://www.kinopoisk.ru/board/showthread.php?t=3342
  1. Что нового в этом клубе
  2. Не знаю зачем вступила в эту группу, была такая тема на форуме... Там было либо попо-лизалово, либо гнобления неадекватных оригиналов... Одну довели, что она сама себя предлагала на вечный бан!!! Могу сказать есть пара-тройка пользователей, кот. пишут по существу, имеется внушительный словарный запас, адекватность апиори - ценное качество.
  3. Блин, жаль что не разрешают комментировать номинейшны в самой теме, но ладно... Тяпа, спасибки, ты меня удивила чесслово))) Мы по-моему всегда общались.. даже когда спорили в пост-ит на "революционные" темы и выносили мозги в ГиП))) И ты очень проницательная барышня, я давно это поняла
  4. Сколько можно друг друга благодарить???)))))))))))))))))) Нужно уже придумать целую церимонию награждения с кучей забавных новых номинаций. Это было вы интересно и весело. Так что может с каждого по предложению да и что нибудь придумали бы)))))))))))))))
  5. Рыжая кошка, большое спасибо за упоминание моей скромной персоны... очень и очень приятно, правда!
  6. Лет 100 не была в теме.... Спасибо Владу и VCHA за номинацию "яркая личность". Не ожидала От этого вдвойне приятно. ))) Что ж, буду продолжать в том же духе. Софии спасибо за "с которыми просто хочется общаться, а про кино мы как-то забываем" ))))) Надо наверное и кино как-нибудь обсудить
  7. Большое пасибо всем за упоминания, от некоторых интересных людей даже не ожидала. Приятно.)
  8. Что-то я торможу неподецки, простите друзья!!! Влад, lana81, VCHA, siner, спасибо большое за упоминание
  9. конечно всем-) это такая же тема, только благодарности писать нельзя и все
  10. А всем можно выставлять свой вариант списка на форуме? Я могу прям сейчас там отпостить?
  11. Я не часто в эту тему захожу, поэтому приношу извинения, что реагирую с таким запозданием.. lana81, Светлана, так приятно было увидеть свой ник в твоем посте, написанном аж еще в мае месяце.. да еще столько номинаций.. )))) Спасибо! VCHA, Вика, это я сегодня удачно зашла.. и столько сразу приятностей на меня свалилось... Спасибочки! Ух.. прямо крылушки режутся! Девочки, спасибо вам огромное за доставленные минуты окрыленности..
  12. Влад, только сегодня в Самые-самые заглянула... Спасибо, дорогой! Столько хорошего о себе узнала... )) так приятно..
  • Создать...


(write): Connected to the write database

Connected to the write database

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 264,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 356,
    'function' => '_establishConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 487,
    'function' => 'checkConnection',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='44d086f2356e6e762ebe99fd294326eb'

SELECT * FROM `core_sessions` WHERE id='44d086f2356e6e762ebe99fd294326eb'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Store/Database.php',
    'line' => 60,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Front.php',
    'line' => 95,
    'function' => 'loadSession',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\Store\\_Database',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'read',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Session\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Session/Session.php',
    'line' => 94,
    'function' => 'session_start',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Session',
    'type' => '::',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 340,
    'function' => 'loggedIn',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 54,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 25,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 759,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\quicksearch_hook_code_DispatcherStandard',
    'type' => '::',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 76,
    'function' => 'baseCss',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_clubs` WHERE `id`='73'

SELECT * FROM `core_clubs` WHERE `id`='73'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 181,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Internal.php',
    'line' => 177,
    'function' => 'loadFromUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Http/Url/Friendly.php',
    'line' => 218,
    'function' => 'correctUrlFromVerifyClass',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Internal',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 305,
    'function' => 'correctFriendlyUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Http\\Url\\_Friendly',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/init.php(934) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 21,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 87,
    'function' => 'checkUrl',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\convert_hook_FrontDispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 110,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'i',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '::',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_node_map` WHERE club_id=73

SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_node_map` WHERE club_id=73

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1396,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1959,
    'function' => 'nodes',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 2099,
    'function' => 'tabs',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 139,
    'function' => 'firstTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=118

SELECT forums_forums.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `forums_forums`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE forums_forums.id=118

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1408,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1959,
    'function' => 'nodes',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 2099,
    'function' => 'tabs',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 139,
    'function' => 'firstTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_club_pages` WHERE page_club=73

SELECT * FROM `core_club_pages` WHERE page_club=73

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1373,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1967,
    'function' => 'pages',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 2099,
    'function' => 'tabs',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 139,
    'function' => 'firstTab',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT cms_pages.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `cms_pages`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='cms' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='pages' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=cms_pages.page_id WHERE cms_pages.page_id=3

SELECT cms_pages.*, core_permission_index.perm_id, core_permission_index.perm_view, core_permission_index.perm_2, core_permission_index.perm_3, core_permission_index.perm_4, core_permission_index.perm_5, core_permission_index.perm_6, core_permission_index.perm_7 FROM `cms_pages`  LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app='cms' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='pages' AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=cms_pages.page_id WHERE cms_pages.page_id=3

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Databases.php',
    'line' => 826,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/extensions/core/ContentRouter/Records.php',
    'line' => 50,
    'function' => 'can',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\_Databases',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Application/Application.php',
    'line' => 814,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\extensions\\core\\ContentRouter\\_Records',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/cms/Application.php',
    'line' => 387,
    'function' => 'extensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Application',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Application/Application.php',
    'line' => 308,
    'function' => 'extensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\cms\\_Application',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Content.php',
    'line' => 2879,
    'function' => 'allExtensions',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Application',
    'type' => '::',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 93,
    'function' => 'routedClasses',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Content',
    'type' => '::',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 166,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '::',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  18 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT id FROM `forums_forums` WHERE min_posts_view > 0

SELECT id FROM `forums_forums` WHERE min_posts_view > 0

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Forum/Forum.php',
    'line' => 1857,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php',
    'line' => 136,
    'function' => 'unsearchableNodeIds',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Forum',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 99,
    'function' => 'filterByContent',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\Mysql\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Query.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => '__construct',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 166,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Query',
    'type' => '::',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review3') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\ideas\\Idea','IPS\\ideas\\Idea\\Comment') ) ) AND index_club_id=73 AND ( index_container_class IS NULL OR index_container_class NOT IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album') OR index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(2,index_permissions) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 ORDER BY index_date_created DESC LIMIT 0,25

SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review3') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\ideas\\Idea','IPS\\ideas\\Idea\\Comment') ) ) AND index_club_id=73 AND ( index_container_class IS NULL OR index_container_class NOT IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album') OR index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(2,index_permissions) ) ) AND index_hidden=0 ORDER BY index_date_created DESC LIMIT 0,25

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php',
    'line' => 1360,
    'function' => 'iterator_to_array',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 166,
    'function' => 'search',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\Mysql\\_Query',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_fieldvalues` WHERE club_id=73

SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_fieldvalues` WHERE club_id=73

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 835,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => 'fieldValues',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=702

SELECT * FROM `core_members` WHERE `member_id`=702

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 138,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Member.php',
    'line' => 240,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 301,
    'function' => 'load',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Member',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 335,
    'function' => 'get_owner',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 2080,
    'function' => '__get',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'header',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5385,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  16 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  17 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\core\Club' and id=73

SELECT count FROM `core_follow_count_cache` WHERE class='IPS\core\Club' and id=73

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 370,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 609,
    'function' => 'first',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php',
    'line' => 761,
    'function' => '_followers',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Member/Club/Club.php',
    'line' => 1729,
    'function' => '_followersCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Patterns\\_ActiveRecord',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5545,
    'function' => 'followersCount',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Member\\_Club',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_fields` ORDER BY f_position

SELECT * FROM `core_clubs_fields` ORDER BY f_position

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 227,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'nodesWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5630,
    'function' => 'roots',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `tid`, `title`, `starter_id`, `posts` FROM `forums_topics` WHERE ( tid IN(131781) )

SELECT `tid`, `title`, `starter_id`, `posts` FROM `forums_topics` WHERE ( tid IN(131781) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 178,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index`  STRAIGHT_JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND !(( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_2) ) OR perm_2='*' )

SELECT perm_type_id FROM `core_permission_index`  STRAIGHT_JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id WHERE core_permission_index.app='forums' AND core_permission_index.perm_type='forum' AND !(( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_2) ) OR perm_2='*' )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Item.php',
    'line' => 3367,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php',
    'line' => 317,
    'function' => 'getItemsWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\_Item',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 172,
    'function' => 'getItemsWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  15 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id WHERE tid IN(131781) AND forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.is_future_entry=0 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id NOT IN (3,4,13,18,19,33,48,49,55,56,58,59,63,67,71,73,75,85,92,97,103,104,106,112,116,119,130,133,136,137,138,140,144,148,150,152,153,156,165,169,171,173,176,177,181,195,198,200,207,210,211,215,219,221,223,225,226,227,238,245,246,248,250,251,253,259,260,261,264,265,270,273,275,276,277,279,282,286,288,289,290,294,295,297,298,313,316,324,334,341,343,363,369,372,376,378,382,384,387,404,406,409,413,420,421,422,426,438,440,445,446,447,450,455,464,467,471,475,479,480,496,518,523,530,533,541,548,550,551,553,558,570,571,573,576,592,595,599,604,617,620,623,628,637,647,652,656,657,658,664,668,688,694,702,705,710,721,727,744,747,750,752,753,754,757,758,759,760,761,762,764,765,766,771,772,774,775,783,784,785,786,787,790,802,803,804,805,806,807,810,811,813,814,816,818,820,824) ORDER BY forums_topics.start_date DESC

SELECT forums_topics.*, author.*, last_commenter.*, core_tags_cache.tag_cache_text FROM `forums_topics`  LEFT JOIN `forums_forums` ON forums_topics.forum_id=forums_forums.id  LEFT JOIN `core_tags_cache` ON tag_cache_key=MD5(CONCAT('forums;forums;',forums_topics.tid))  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `author` ON author.member_id = forums_topics.starter_id  LEFT JOIN `core_members` AS `last_commenter` ON last_commenter.member_id = forums_topics.last_poster_id WHERE tid IN(131781) AND forums_forums.can_view_others=1 AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=0 AND forums_topics.approved=1 AND forums_topics.is_future_entry=0 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id NOT IN (3,4,13,18,19,33,48,49,55,56,58,59,63,67,71,73,75,85,92,97,103,104,106,112,116,119,130,133,136,137,138,140,144,148,150,152,153,156,165,169,171,173,176,177,181,195,198,200,207,210,211,215,219,221,223,225,226,227,238,245,246,248,250,251,253,259,260,261,264,265,270,273,275,276,277,279,282,286,288,289,290,294,295,297,298,313,316,324,334,341,343,363,369,372,376,378,382,384,387,404,406,409,413,420,421,422,426,438,440,445,446,447,450,455,464,467,471,475,479,480,496,518,523,530,533,541,548,550,551,553,558,570,571,573,576,592,595,599,604,617,620,623,628,637,647,652,656,657,658,664,668,688,694,702,705,710,721,727,744,747,750,752,753,754,757,758,759,760,761,762,764,765,766,771,772,774,775,783,784,785,786,787,790,802,803,804,805,806,807,810,811,813,814,816,818,820,824) ORDER BY forums_topics.start_date DESC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Solvable.php',
    'line' => 172,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IteratorIterator',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 191,
    'function' => 'searchResultExtraData',
    'class' => 'IPS\\forums\\_Topic',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo` FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(21059,17155,5131,18522,27367,51612,27260,22994,3844,10582,19436,90758,17360,16977,26702,16748,22025,24728) )

SELECT `member_id`, `name`, `members_seo_name`, `member_group_id`, `mgroup_others`, `pp_photo_type`, `pp_main_photo`, `pp_thumb_photo` FROM `core_members` WHERE ( member_id IN(21059,17155,5131,18522,27367,51612,27260,22994,3844,10582,19436,90758,17360,16977,26702,16748,22025,24728) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 201,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `id`, `name_seo`, `feature_color`, `forums_bitoptions`, `password`, `password_override`, `min_posts_view`, `club_id` FROM `forums_forums` WHERE ( id IN(118) )

SELECT `id`, `name_seo`, `feature_color`, `forums_bitoptions`, `password`, `password_override`, `min_posts_view`, `club_id` FROM `forums_forums` WHERE ( id IN(118) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 207,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `core_clubs` WHERE ( id IN(73) )

SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `core_clubs` WHERE ( id IN(73) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 207,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT `app`, `type`, `type_id`, `member_id`, `rep_rating`, `reaction` FROM `core_reputation_index`  LEFT JOIN `core_reactions` ON reaction=reaction_id WHERE ( reaction_enabled=1 AND app='forums' AND type='pid' AND ( type_id IN(7397866,7376994,7376120,7357934,7337986,7337483,7336565,7335910,7335879,7335868,7335656,7248532,7246740,7246735,7246686,7246106,7246084,7245312,7245294,7240339,7239111,7239059,7197934,7197915,7197898) ) )

SELECT `app`, `type`, `type_id`, `member_id`, `rep_rating`, `reaction` FROM `core_reputation_index`  LEFT JOIN `core_reactions` ON reaction=reaction_id WHERE ( reaction_enabled=1 AND app='forums' AND type='pid' AND ( type_id IN(7397866,7376994,7376120,7357934,7337986,7337483,7336565,7335910,7335879,7335868,7335656,7248532,7246740,7246735,7246686,7246106,7246084,7245312,7245294,7240339,7239111,7239059,7197934,7197915,7197898) ) )

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 225,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT index_id, GROUP_CONCAT(index_tag) as index_tags FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084) ) AND index_is_prefix = 0 GROUP BY `index_id`

SELECT index_id, GROUP_CONCAT(index_tag) as index_tags FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084) ) AND index_is_prefix = 0 GROUP BY `index_id`

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 259,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT index_id, index_tag as index_prefix FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084) ) AND index_is_prefix = 1

SELECT index_id, index_tag as index_prefix FROM `core_search_index_tags` WHERE ( index_id IN(3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084,3463084) ) AND index_is_prefix = 1

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 260,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT attachment_id FROM `core_attachments_map` WHERE ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7397866) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7376994) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7376120) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7357934) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7337986) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7337483) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7336565) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335910) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335879) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335868) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335656) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7248532) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246740) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246735) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246686) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246106) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246084) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7245312) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7245294) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7240339) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7239111) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7239059) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197934) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197915) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197898)

SELECT attachment_id FROM `core_attachments_map` WHERE ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7397866) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7376994) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7376120) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7357934) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7337986) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7337483) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7336565) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335910) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335879) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335868) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7335656) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7248532) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246740) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246735) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246686) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246106) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7246084) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7245312) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7245294) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7240339) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7239111) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7239059) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197934) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197915) OR ( location_key='forums_Forums' AND id1=131781 AND id2=7197898)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 287,
    'function' => 'iterator_to_array',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_attachments`  LEFT JOIN `core_attachments_map` ON core_attachments_map.attachment_id=core_attachments.attach_id WHERE 1=0 AND attach_is_image=1 ORDER BY attach_id ASC

SELECT * FROM `core_attachments`  LEFT JOIN `core_attachments_map` ON core_attachments_map.attachment_id=core_attachments.attach_id WHERE 1=0 AND attach_is_image=1 ORDER BY attach_id ASC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 289,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Content/Search/Results.php',
    'line' => 406,
    'function' => 'init',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 5752,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Content\\Search\\_Results',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'view',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_clubs',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 231,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'overview',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php',
    'line' => 118,
    'function' => 'manage',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php',
    'line' => 129,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Controller',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 153,
    'function' => 'execute',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\modules\\front\\clubs\\_view',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='core' AND module='clubs' AND controller='view'

SELECT * FROM `core_widget_areas` WHERE app='core' AND module='clubs' AND controller='view'

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 432,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871067 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871067 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

SELECT * FROM `core_alerts` WHERE alert_enabled=1 AND alert_start < 1713871067 AND ( alert_end = 0 or alert_end > 1713871067 ) AND ( alert_recipient_type='group' OR ( alert_recipient_type='user' AND alert_recipient_user IS NULL ) ) AND alert_id NOT IN (SELECT seen_alert_id FROM `core_alerts_seen` WHERE seen_member_id IS NULL) ORDER BY alert_start ASC

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Alerts/Alert.php',
    'line' => 365,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 826,
    'function' => 'getNextAlertForMember',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\Alerts\\_Alert',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 555,
    'function' => 'checkAlerts',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871067 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871067)

SELECT * FROM `core_advertisements` WHERE ad_type!=3 AND ad_active=1 AND ad_start<1713871067 AND (ad_end=0 OR ad_end>1713871067)

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/applications/core/sources/Advertisement/Advertisement.php',
    'line' => 106,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7379,
    'function' => 'loadByLocation',
    'class' => 'IPS\\core\\_Advertisement',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=0 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 286,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 227,
    'function' => 'setKeyField',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 183,
    'function' => 'nodesWithPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 468,
    'function' => 'roots',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=1 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=2 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

SELECT * FROM `core_themes` WHERE set_parent_id=3 ORDER BY set_order

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
    'function' => 'log',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 388,
    'function' => 'preparedQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
    'line' => 446,
    'function' => 'runQuery',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  3 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Node/Model.php',
    'line' => 1258,
    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 490,
    'function' => 'children',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Node\\_Model',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php',
    'line' => 475,
    'function' => 'getChildrenWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 6462,
    'function' => 'getThemesWithAccessPermission',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Theme',
    'type' => '::',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'footer',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/Theme.php(885) : eval()\'d code',
    'line' => 7487,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php',
    'line' => 61,
    'function' => 'globalTemplate',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\class_core_front_global',
    'type' => '->',
  10 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => '__call',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Theme\\_SandboxedTemplate',
    'type' => '->',
  11 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  12 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  13 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  14 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',

(read): SELECT word_key, word_default, word_custom FROM `core_sys_lang_words` WHERE lang_id=2 AND word_key IN('__indefart_content_record_comments_title','__indefart_content_record_reviews_title','content_db_lang_ia_2','__defart_content_record_comments_title','__defart_content_record_reviews_title','content_db_lang_sl_2','content_db_lang_su_2','content_record_comment_title','content_record_review_title','content_record_comments_title','content_record_comments_title_lc','content_record_reviews_title','content_record_reviews_title_lc','content_db_lang_pu_2','content_db_lang_pl_2','content_field_3','content_field_4','content_field_7','content_field_8','content_field_9','content_field_10','content_field_11','content_field_12','content_field_13','content_field_14','content_db_lang_ia_3','content_db_lang_sl_3','content_db_lang_su_3','content_record_comment_title','content_record_review_title','content_record_comments_title','content_record_comments_title_lc','content_record_reviews_title','content_record_reviews_title_lc','content_db_lang_pu_3','content_db_lang_pl_3','content_field_5','content_field_6','module__core_clubs','search_contextual_item_club','club_home','content_db_3','club_public','save','follow_sign_in','followers','club_about_this_club','club_whats_new','__indefart_post','__defart_post','__defart_post','__indefart_topic','__defart_topic','__defart_topic','forums_forum_118','club_container_title','post','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','f_years_short','_date_last_year_long','num_replies','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','f_years_short','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','view_user_profile','user_other_activity_reply','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','_date_last_year_long','jump_to_content_desc','jump_to_content','search_placeholder','search','frontnavigation_forums','frontnavigation_gallery','frontnavigation_blogs','more','sign_in','login','username_or_email','password','remember_me','remember_me_desc','forgotten_password','login_yandex','sign_up','all_activity','home','contact','cookies_about','copyright_line_value','add','select_forum') and word_js=0

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  0 => 
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Db.php',
    'line' => 594,
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    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  1 => 
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
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    'class' => 'IPS\\_Db',
    'type' => '->',
  2 => 
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Db/Select.php',
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    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
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    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Lang/Lang.php',
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    'function' => 'rewind',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Db\\_Select',
    'type' => '->',
  4 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Output/Output.php',
    'line' => 850,
    'function' => 'parseOutputForDisplay',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Lang',
    'type' => '->',
  5 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 173,
    'function' => 'sendOutput',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Output',
    'type' => '->',
  6 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php',
    'line' => 113,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',
  7 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Front.php',
    'line' => 558,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Standard',
    'type' => '->',
  8 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php',
    'line' => 155,
    'function' => 'finish',
    'class' => 'IPS\\Dispatcher\\_Front',
    'type' => '->',
  9 => 
  array (
    'file' => '/var/www/fkp/data/www/forumkinopoisk.ru/index.php',
    'line' => 13,
    'function' => 'run',
    'class' => 'IPS\\_Dispatcher',
    'type' => '->',